1Gabriel Oak falls in loveGabriel Oak was a sensible man of good character, who had been brought up by his father as a shepherd, and then managed to save enough money to rent his own farm on Norcombe Hill,in Dorset. He was twenty-eight,a tall,well-built man,who did not seem,however,to think his appear-ance was very important.One winter morning he was in one of his fields on the side of Norcombe Hill . Looking over his gate,Gabriel could see a yellow cart,loaded with furniture and plants,coming up the road. Right on top of the pile sat a handsome young woman As Gabriel was watching,the cart stopped at the top of the hill,and the driver climbed down to go back and fetch some-thing that had fallen off.The girl sat quietly in the sunshine for a few minutes. Then she picked up a parcel lying next to her,and looked round to see if the driver w