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Division by zero (除数为零)

Do statement must have while (do语句中必须有While关键字)
分析与处理:若源文件中包含了一个无While关键字的 do语句,则出现本错误。

DO while statement missing ( (Do while语句中漏掉了符号 〃(〃)
分析与处理:在do语句中,若 while关键字后无左括号,则出现本错误。

Do while statement missing;(Do while语句中掉了分号)

Duplicate Case (Case情况不唯一)

Enum syntax error (Enum语法错误)

Enumeration constant syntax error (枚举常量语法错误)

Error Directive : xxxx (Error指令:xxxx)

Error Writing output file (写输出文件错误)

Expression syntax error (表达式语法错误)

Extra parameter in call (调用时出现多余参数)

Extra parameter in call to xxxxxx(调用xxxxxxxx函数时出现了多余参数)

File name too long (文件名太长)
分析与处理:#include指令给出的文件名太长,致使编译程序无法处理,则会出现此类错误。通常DOS下的文件名长度不能超过 64个字符。

For statement missing ) (For语名缺少〃)〃)
分析与处理:在 for语句中,如果控制表达式后缺少右括号,则会出现此类错误。

For statement missing( (For语句缺少〃(〃)

For statement missing; (For 语句缺少〃;〃)
分析与处理:在 for语句中,当某个表达式后缺少分号,则会出现此类错误。

Function call missing) (函数调用缺少〃)〃)

Function definition out ofplace (函数定义位置错误)

Function doesn't take a variable number of argument(函数不接受可变的参数个数)

Goto statement missing label (Goto语句缺少标号)

If statement missing( (If语句缺少〃(〃)

If statement missing) (If语句缺少〃)〃)

lllegal initalization (非法初始化)

lllegal octal digit (非法八进制数)

lllegal pointer subtraction (非法指针相减)

lllegal structure operation (非法结构操作)

lllegal use of floating point (浮点运算非法)

lllegal use of pointer (指针使用非法)

Improper use of a typedef symbol (typedef符号使用不当)

Inpatible storage class (不相容的存储类型)

Inpatible type conversion (不相容的类型转换)

Incorrect madn line argument:xxxxxx (不正确的命令行参数:xxxxxxx)

Incorrect madn file argument:xxxxxx (不正确的配置文件参数:xxxxxxx)

Incorrect number format (不正确的数据格式)

Incorrect use of default (deflult不正确使用)

Initializer syntax error (初始化语法错误)

Invaild indrection (无效的间接运算)

Invalid macro argument separator (无效的宏参数分隔符)

Invalid pointer addition (无效的指针相加)

Invalid use of dot (点使用错)

Macro argument syntax error (宏参数语法错误)

Macro expansion too long (宏扩展太长)

Mismatch number of parameters in definition(定义中参数个数不匹配)

Misplaced break (break位置错误)

Misplaced continue (位置错)

Misplaced decimal point (十进制小数点位置错)

Misplaced else (else 位置错)

Misplaced else driective (clse指令位置错)

Misplaced endif directive (endif指令位置错)

Must be addressable (必须是可编址的)

Must take address of memory location (必须是内存一地址)

No file name ending (无文件终止符)

No file names given (未给出文件名)

Non…protable pointer assignment (对不可移植的指针赋值)

Non…protable pointer parison (不可移植的指针比较)

Non…protable return type conversion (不可移植的返回类型转换)

Not an allowed type (不允许的类型)

Out of memory (内存不够)

Pointer required on left side of (操作符左边须是一指针)

Redeclaration of 'xxxxxx' ('xxxxxx'重定义)

Size of structure or array not known (结构或数组大小不定)

Statement missing; (语句缺少“;”)

Structure or union syntax error (结构或联合语法错误)

Structure size too large (结构太大)

Subscription missing ' (下标缺少‘'’)

Switch statement missing ( (switch 语句缺少〃(〃)

Switch statement missing ) (switch 语句缺少〃)〃)

Too few parameters in call (函数调用参数太少)

Too few parameter in call to'xxxxxx'(调用'xxxxxx'时参数太少)

Too many cases (Cases太多)

Too many decimal points (十进制小数点太多)

Too many default cases (defaut太多)

Too many exponents (阶码太多)

Too many initializers (初始化太多)

Too many storage classes in declaration (说明中存储类太多)

Too many types in decleration (说明中类型太多)

Too much auto memory in function (函数中自动存储太多)

Too much global define in file (文件中定义的全局数据太多)

Two consecutive dots (两个连续点)

Type mismatch in parameter # (参数〃#〃类型不匹配)

Type mismatch in parameter # in call to 'XXXXXXX' (调用'XXXXXXX'时参数#类型不匹配)

Type missmatch in parameter 'XXXXXXX' (参数'XXXXXXX'类型不匹配)

Type mismatch in parameter 'YYYYYYYY' in call to 'YYYYYYYY'(调用'YYYYYYY'时参数'XXXXXXXX'数型不匹配)

Type mismatch in redeclaration of 'XXX' (重定义类型不匹配)

Unable to creat output file 'XXXXXXXX。XXX' (不能创建输出文件'XXXXXXXX。XXX')

Unable to create turboc。lnk (不能创建turboc。lnk )

Unable to execute mand 'xxxxxxxx'(不能执行'xxxxxxxx'命令)

Unable to open include file 'xxxxxxx。xxx' (不能打开包含文件'xxxxxxxx。xxx')

Unable to open inputfile 'xxxxxxx。xxx' (不能打开输入文件'xxxxxxxx。xxx')

Undefined label 'xxxxxxx' (标号'xxxxxxx'未定义)

Undefined structure 'xxxxxxxxx' (结构'xxxxxxxxxx'未定义)

Undefined symbol 'xxxxxxx' (符号'xxxxxxxx'未定义)

Unexpected end of file in ment started on line #(源文件在某个注释中意外结束)

Unexpected end of file in conditional stated on line # (源文件在#行开始的条件语句中意外结束)

Unknown preprocessor directive 'xxx' (不认识的预处理指令:'xxx')Untermimated character constant (未终结的字符常量)

Unterminated string (未终结的串)

Unterminated string or character constant(未终结的串或字符常量)

User break (用户中断)

Value required (赋值请求)

While statement missing ( (While语句漏掉 '(')

While statement missing ) (While语句漏掉 ')')

Wrong number of arguments in of 'xxxxxxxx' (调用'xxxxxxxx'时参数个数错误)

附录二:Turbo C(V2。0)使用指南


  在开始看本文以前,我先说明一下C语言的安装和使用中最应该注意的地方:许多网友在下载Turbo C 2。0和Turbo C++ 3。0后,向我问得最多的是在使用过程中碰到如下问题:

1)出现找不到 stdio。h conio。h等include文件;

INCLUDE: 'TC2/3所在目录'/include
LIB: 'TC2/3所在目录'/lib
output输出目录请自己设置一个工作目录,以免混在一起。最后还提醒一点:FILES中的Change dir(
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