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走进我的交易室 中英对照版-第章

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How long will it take you to bee a petent trader and how much will it cost? What rules do you set; what methods do you use; and how do you split your trading capital? What should you study first; second; and third? What markets should you trade; and how much money can you expect to make? If these questions interest you; you picked the right book。
You can succeed in trading。 It has been done before; and it’s being done right now; today; by people who started from scratch; learned to trade and are making a good living at it。 The best ones make fortunes。 Others fail; out of ignorance or lack of discipline。 If you work through this book; ignorance will not be a problem; and you will hear me yell at you again and again; pointing you towards disciplined; responsible; professional trading。
Trading is a journey of self…discovery。 If you enjoy learning; if you are not scared of risk; if the rewards appeal to you; if you are prepared to put in the work; you have a great project ahead of you。 You will work hard and enjoy the discoveries you’ll make along the way。
I wish you success。 Now let us begin。
Books written from the heart acquire their own direction。 They develop and change in the process of being written。 You start with a plan; but the book takes over; and before you know it; you’re going much farther than planned。
I began writing this book three years ago on a flight to New York; returning from a Traders’ Camp in Mexico。 We had more beginners than usual; many of them women。 They kept asking for a book that they jokingly called Trading for Dummies。 There were no dummies in our group。 Those campers were smart; sharp; and motivated … but they needed to learn the rules and the tools。 I figured I would write a brief practical introduction; call it Financial Trading for Babes in the Woods; and be done by Christmas。
Three Christmases passed before I pleted my project。 The beginner part was easy; but I kept tunneling into the depths of trading; sharing what I learned in the nine years since Trading for a Living was published。 I developed new indicators and systems。 My money management became crisper; and I designed a new approach to record keeping。 My work with hundreds of traders showed me how to teach people to turn their trading lives around and move from haphazard jumping in and out to a calm professional style。 Take a few minutes to read how this book is organized; so that you may get full value out of it。
Part One; Financial Trading for Babes in the Woods; is written primarily for those who are just being interested in trading。 It lays out topics whose mastery is essential for success and puts up danger signs around the main pitfalls。 Even experienced traders would do well to review this chapter; especially the concept of external barriers to success; which has never before been spelled out in trading literature; and the critique of the efficient market theory。
Part Two; The Three M’s of Successful Trading; teaches you the three key aspects of trading … Mind; Method; and Money。 Mind is your trading psychology。 Method is how you go about finding trades and making entry and exit decisions。 Money is how you manage your trading capital for long…term survival and success。 Once we review the psychological rules; I’ll share with you my favorite analytic tools; some of which I have never before revealed。 We will cover system testing; day…trading; and a new method for placing stops。 The step…by…step money management strategy has never before appeared in trading literature。
Part Three; e into My Trading Room; delivers another first … a set of exact instructions for organizing your time and effort; as well as keeping good records。 Proper record keeping is a hallmark of successful trading。 Good records help you learn from your mistakes as well as victories。 You know you should keep records; but now you’ll see exactly how to do it。 By the time you work through this section; nobody can call you “a babe in the woods。”
Take your time as you read this book; mark it up; return to the sections that interest you most。 This volume distills 20 years of trading and teaching experience。 It took three years to write; and it will probably take more than one reading to get its full value。 Open your charting software; pull out your trading records; test all the concepts on your own data。 Only testing will make these ideas your own。
By the time you leave my trading room; you’ll be in a position to take your trading to a higher; more intelligent; and successful level。
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