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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Tired。 She was so very tired。
 She tried to close her eyes; but they wouldn’t close。 How could a person die; if they couldn’t close their eyes?
 There were a lot of stars。 Pretty stars。 There seemed to be fewer than she remembered。 Hardly any at all。 She thought her mother had told her once how many there were。 But she couldn’t remember。
 Well; she would just have to count them。
 One 。。。 two 。。。
 ‘How long?’ Chase asked。
 The seven fierce…looking men that were squatted down in a half circle before her and Chase just stared at him and blinked。 None of the seven had any weapons except belt knives; and one didn’t even have that。 But there were a lot of other men standing behind them; and they all had bows or spears; or both。
 Rachel tugged her thick; brown; woolen cloak tighter around herself and shifted her weight as she squatted; wiggling her toes; wishing her feet weren’t so cold。 They were starting to tingle。 She stroked her fingers over the big; amber stone hanging on the chain from her neck。 Its smooth teardrop shape felt warm against her fingers。
 Chase mumbled something Rachel couldn’t understand as he pushed his heavy black cloak back over his shoulders and then pointed with a stick at the two people drawn in the dirt。 All the leather belts for his weapons creaked as he leaned forward on boots big enough for any of the other men to fit both of their feet into just one。 He tapped his stick on the ground again; then turned and pushed his hand out toward the grassland。
 ‘How long?’ He pointed at the drawing and pushed his hand out a few more times。 ‘How long since they left?’
 They chattered something Chase and she couldn’t understand; and then the man with long silver hair falling down around his sun brown face; the one who didn’t have a coyote hide around his shoulders but wore only simple buckskin clothes; drew another picture in the dirt。 She could tell what it was easy this time。 It was the sun。 He made marks under it。 Chase watched as the man drew three rows of marks under the picture of the sun。 He stopped。
 Chase stared at the picture。 Three weeks。’ He looked up at the man with the long hair。 Three weeks?’ He pointed at the sun on the ground and held up most of his fingers three times。 They’ve been gone three weeks?’
 The man nodded and made some more of those funny words。
 Siddin handed her another piece of flat bread with honey。 It tasted wonderful。 She tried to eat it slowly; but it was gone before she knew it。 She had tasted honey only once before; back at the castle when she lived there as the Princess’s playmate。 The Princess never let her have honey; said it wasn’t for the likes of her; but one of the cooks had given her some once。
 Her stomach fluttered at the memory of how mean the Princess had been to her。 She never wanted to live in a castle again。 Now that she was Chase’s daughter; she would never have to。 Every night she lay in her blankets; before she went to sleep; and wondered what the rest of her new family was like。
 Chase said she would have sisters and brothers。 And a real mother。 He said she would have to mind her new mother。 She could do that。 It was easy to mind when someone loved you。
 Chase loved her。 He never really said it; but it was easy to tell。 He put his huge arm around her; and stroked her hair; when she was afraid of sounds in the dark。
 Siddin smiled at her as he licked the honey off his fingers。 It was nice to see him again。 When they had first e here she thought there was going to be trouble。 Scary men; all painted with mud; and with grass stuck all over themselves; came up to them when they were still out on the grassland。 She didn’t even see where they came from。 They were just there all of a sudden。
 Rachel was afraid at first; because the men pointed arrows at them; and their voices sounded scary and she couldn’t understand what they said; but Chase just got off the horse and held her in his arms while he watched them。 He didn’t even draw his sword or anything。 She didn’t think anything scared him。 He was the bravest man she ever saw。 The men had looked at her as she stared at them; and Chase stroked her hair and told her not to be afraid。 The men stopped pointing the arrows at them; and led them to the village。
 When they got here; she saw Siddin。 Siddin knew her and Chase; from before when Kahlan had saved him from Queen Milena back in the castle。 Zedd; Kahlan; Chase; Siddin; and she had all been together when they were running with the box。 She couldn’t speak Siddin’s language; but he knew them; and told his father who they were。 After that; everyone was real nice to them。
 Chase pointed with one finger to one of the pictures of a person; the finger of his other hand to the other picture; and then held the fingers together and pointed away; moving his hands like they were going over hills。 ‘Richard and Kahlan left three weeks ago; and they went north? To Aydindril?’
 The men all shook their heads and started jabbering again。 Siddin’s father held up his hand for quiet。 He pointed at himself and the other men and held up three fingers; then he pointed at the picture on the ground that had a dress and said Kahlan’s name; and then he pointed north。
 Chase pointed at the picture of the sun; then the picture of Kahlan; then at the men; holding up three fingers; then north。 ‘Three weeks ago; Kahlan and three of your men went north; to Aydindril?’
 The men all nodded and said ‘Kahlan’ and ‘Aydindril。’
 Chase put a knee to the ground as he leaned forward; tapping the picture of the other person。 ‘But Richard went; too。’ He pointed north again。 ‘Richard went to Aydindril too。 With Kahlan。’
 The men all turned to the man with the long silver hair。 He looked at Chase and then shook his head。 The carved piece of bone hanging from a leather thong around his neck swung back and forth。 He pointed down at the picture of the man with a sword; and then pointed in a different direction。
 Chase stared at the man for a long minute; then he frowned; as if he didn’t understand。 The man leaned over with the stick and drew three more people; each with a dress。 He looked up from under his eyebrows as if he wanted to make sure Chase was watching; and then he drew an X across two of the figures。 His eyes returned to Chase again as he folded his arms over his knees; waiting。
 ‘What does that mean? Dead? Is that what you mean; they are dead?’ The men stared; not moving。 Chase pulled a single finger; like a knife; across his throat。 ‘Dead?’
 The man with the silver hair gave one nod and said ‘dead;’ but it sounded a little funny; the way he made the word seem longer than it should。 He pointed with his stick to the picture of the sun; then the picture of Kahlan; and then he pointed over his shoulder to the way they went。 He pointed to the sun again; then at the picture of Richard; then at the picture of the woman without the X; then he pointed in a different direction。
 Chase stood。 His chest rose and then fell as he let out the deep breath。 He was awfully tall。 H
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