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tg.stone of tears-第章

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s throwing curses bold enough to make a battle…hardened Sandarian lancer blush。
 And he had seen one of those curse his own queen into a dead faint。 That; of course; had only earned the man the rope。 The fellow had had a few things to say to the hangman; too; which in turn didn’t bring him a clean drop; but did offer him the opportunity to get off one last eloquent; if vulgar; oath。 The other lancers seemed to think the trade worth the price。
 For her part; the queen never seemed to fully recover her delicate air; and thereafter always flushed a fabulous red at the mere sight of one of her lancers; needing to be fanned furiously by her attendants in order to remain conscious。 She would probably have had them all hanged had they not saved her throne; to say nothing of her dainty neck; on more than one occasion。 But that was a long time ago; in another war。
 Clasping his hands together behind himself; Zedd inhaled deeply; relishing the clean; crisp air。 Bending over; he plucked a dry; wilted wild rose; and with a wisp of magic brought it to fresh bloom。 The yellow petals spread and swelled with new vitality。 Closing his eyes; he took a deep whiff of the flower and then idly stuck it in his robes; over his breast。 He was in no hurry。
 It was not wise to interrupt a sorceress in a snit。
 Through the open door came a more serious curse as the object of the sorceress’s ire was at last brought to account。 With a whack from the blunt end of an axe; the thing was sent flying through the doorway。 The small; armored beast landed on its back at Zedd’s feet。 Wobbling; it clicked and growled as it raked the air with its claws; trying to right itself。 It appeared no worse for the axe; or for its brief flight and rough landing。
 Filthy gripper。 It was a gripper that had attached itself to Adie’s ankle before。 Once a gripper had you; there was virtually no way to get it off。 It held on with those claws and rasped its teeth into you; down to bone; sucking your blood with its puckered; fang…ringed mouth。 They never let go as long as there was blood to feed on; and that armor shed any counterattack。
 Adie had used an axe to chop off her foot where the gripper had been attached; chopped off her own foot to save her life。 Thinking about it turned his stomach。 He watched the beast at his feet for a moment; then gave it a casual kick; sending it a goodly distance。 Landing right side up; it waddled off into the woods in search of easier prey。
 Zedd looked up at the figure standing in the doorway; scowling at him with her pletely white eyes; her breast still heaving。 She wore robes the same light burlap color as his; but unlike his; hers were decorated at the neck with yellow and red beads sewn in the ancient symbols of her profession。 She put her fists on her hips。 The scowl held a firm grip on her features; not that it diminished in the least how handsome they were。
 She still held the axe in。 one hand; though; a worrisome sign。 Best not to trouble her too quickly with what he wanted。
 Zedd smiled。 ‘You really shouldn’t play with grippers; Adie。 That’s how you lost your foot the last time; you know。’ He plucked the yellow rose from its place at his chest。 His thin lips pushed his wrinkled cheeks back farther as his smile widened。 ‘Got anything to eat? I’m starving。’
 She watched him silently for a moment without moving; then slipped the axe head to the floor and leaned the handle against the wall just inside the door。 ‘What do you be doing here; wizard?’
 Zedd stepped onto the tiny porch and gave a dramatic bow。 When he came up; he offered her the flower as if it were a priceless jewel。 ‘I just couldn’t stay away from your tender embrace; dear lady。’ He flashed his most irresistible smile。
 Adie studied him a moment with those white eyes。 That be a lie。’
 Zedd cleared his throat and pressed the flower closer。 He thought maybe he needed to practice his smile。 ‘Is that stew I smell?’
 Without taking her gaze from him; she accepted the flower; sticking it in her straight; jaw…length black and gray hair。 She truly was handsome。 ‘It be stew。’
 Her soft; thin hands took his。 A small smile stole onto her finely wrinkled face; and she gave a slight nod。 ‘It be good to see you again; Zedd。 For a time; I feared I never would。 I spent many a night in a sweat; knowing what would happen had you failed。 When winter came and the Magic of Orden didn’t sweep the land; I knew you had succeeded。’
 Zedd was encouraged that his best smile hadn’t been wasted after all; but he was careful with his answer。 ‘Darken Rahl has been defeated。’
 ‘What of Richard and Kahlan? Do they be safe?’
 Zedd puffed up with pride。 ‘Yes。 In fact; Richard was the one who defeated Darken Rahl。’
 She nodded again。 ‘I think there be more to the story。’
 He shrugged; trying to make it seem less important than it was。 ‘A bit of a tale。’
 Though the small smile still rested easily on her face; her white eyes seemed to be weighing his soul。 ‘And there be a reason you be here。 A reason I fear I won’t like。’
 He pulled his hands out of hers and pushed some of his unruly; wavy white hair back while frowning。 ‘Bags; woman; are you going to feed me any of that stew or not?’
 Adie finally withdrew her white eyes from him and turned back into her home。 ‘I think there be enough stew; even for you。 e in and shut the door。 I do not wish to see another gripper tonight。’
 Invited in。 Well; things were going smoothly。 He wondered how much he was going to have to tell her。 Not all; he hoped。 Wizard’s work: using people。 The worst of it was using people he liked。 Especially people he liked deeply。
 As Zedd helped her right the chairs and table; and pick up the pots and tin plates strewn about the floor; he began telling her of the things that had happened since he had been with her last。 He started with the harrowing tale of going through the pass; protected; somewhat; by the bone she had given him to hide him from the beasts。 He still had the bone on a thin leather thong around his neck; seeing no need to be rid of it after he had gotten safely through。
 She listened without ment as he wove the tale; and when he told of Richard’s capture by the Mord…Sith; she didn’t turn to show her face; but he saw the muscles in her shoulders tense for the briefest of moments。 With no small amount of emphasis to make his point; he related how Darken Rahl had taken the night stone from Richard; the night stone she had given him to see him safely through the pass。
 He scowled at her back as she picked a plate off the floor。 ‘I was nearly killed by that stone。 Darken Rahl used it to trap me in the underworld。 I escaped by the thinnest of hairs。 You almost got me killed; giving that thing to Richard。’
 ‘Do not be a thickheaded fool;’ she scoffed。 ‘You be smart enough to save yourself。 Had I not given the night stone to Richard; he would have died in the pass; and then Darken Rahl would have won; and right now would no doubt be torturing you。 You would soon be dead。 By giving the stone to Richard; I saved your life。’
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