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tg.stone of tears-第章

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tired right now。 Tomorrow after I have rested; I must be off on important business。 Before I leave; I will e to you and we will talk more of this。 But starting right now; I would ask you not to wear the Stone where it can be seen。 No good can e of declaring your talent to eyes in the shadows。’
 ‘So my new employer shall use me covertly too? Not the most honorable of things。’
 ‘The ones who would recognize you now are not vying for gold。 They serve the Keeper。 They want much more than gold。 If they discover you; you will wish I had not saved you today。’
 She winced before finally nodding。
 Zedd stood with the aid of a hand to his knee。 He helped Jebra up。 As he expected; she was unable to stand without leaning heavily on him。 She apologized for the burden。 He made her smile by telling her he would use any excuse to have his arm around the waist of a pretty maiden。
 People were starting to go back to their business; engaged in hushed conversation as their eyes darted about the suddenly not so safe palace。 Those hurt had been helped away; and the dead carried off。 Maidservants in heavy skirts worked tearfully at the task of cleaning up the blood; sloshing mops in buckets of reddening water。 Soldiers of the First File were spread out everywhere。 Zedd motioned to mander Trimack across the hall。
 ‘Anyway; I shall be glad to be away from this place;’ Jebra said。 ‘I have seen auras here that make me sweat in my sleep。’
 As the officer started toward them; Zedd asked; ‘Do you see anything of this man ing toward us?’
 She studied him a moment as he strode toward them; checking the placement of his men。 ‘A faint aura。 Duty。’ She frowned as she stared。 ‘It has always been a burden for him。 He is daring to hope that maybe he will now find pride in it。 Does that help you any?’
 Zedd smiled a little。 ‘Yes it does。 Any visions?’
 ‘No。 Just the faint aura。’
 The wizard nodded in thought; then brightened。 ‘By the way; why has a woman as lovely as you not found herself a husband?’
 She gave him a sidelong glance。 ‘Three have asked。 As each was on bended knee before me; I saw a vision of them lying with another woman。’
 Zedd grinned。 ‘Did they ask why you said no?’
 ‘I didn’t say no。 I only slapped them so hard it made their heads ring like a bell。’
 Zedd laughed until she was caught up in it。 Trimack came at last to a halt before them。 mander General Trimack; may I introduce the Lady Bevinvier。’ Trimack gave a smart bow。 As are you; as am I; this lady is one who is at the task of keeping harm from getting a glance at Lord Rahl。 I would like her to have a heavy guard at all times while she is in the palace。 Lord Rahl needs her help; and I don’t want her life risked again as it was today。’
 ‘While she is in the palace she will be as safe as a babe in her mother’s arms。 By my honor。’ He turned and gave a coded tap to his shoulder。 A good two dozen men of the First File came at a dead run; freezing to a halt at attention; not even breathing hard。 ‘This is the Lady Bevinvier。 Every one of your lives before hers。’
 With a sharp snap; every fist came to an armored heart as one。 Two of them took Jebra’s weight from Zedd。 She kept one hand tightly closed around the Stone。 The purse of gold bulged in a pocket of her long; green skirt。 It was covered most of the way down with dried blood。
 Zedd addressed the men holding her up。 ‘She will need suitable quarters; and meals brought in。 Please see to it she is not disturbed by anyone but me。’ He looked at her tired blue eyes and gently touched her arm。 ‘Rest well; child。 I will visit you in the morning。’
 She smiled weakly。 ‘Thank you; Zedd。’ As the soldiers helped her away; the wizard turned his attention to Trimack。 ‘There is a woman staying in the palace; a Lady Ordith Condatith de Dackidvich。 Lord Rahl is going to have enough trouble without her kind around。 I want her out of here before the day is finished。 If she refuses to leave; offer her the choice of a carriage or a noose。’
 Trimack grinned wickedly。 ‘I will see to it personally。’
 ‘If there are any others you know of about the palace; who are of her temperament; feel free to make them the same offer。 New rule brings change。’ Zedd couldn’t see auras; but he was sure that if Jebra had been standing there; she would have seen Trimack’s brighten。
 ‘Some are unfortable with change; Wizard Zorander。’ The man had spoken more than his simple words。 Are there any above you in mand in the palace? Other than Lord Rahl?’
 Trimack clasped his hands behind his back as his eyes swept the hall。 There is one named Demmin Nass; mander of the quads; who gave orders to all but Darken Rahl。’
 Zedd let out a heavy breath at that memory。 ‘He is dead。’
 Trimack nodded with what might have been relief。 ‘Below the palace; quartered in the chambers of the plateau; there are perhaps thirty thousand men of the army。 Their generals outrank me in the field; but in the palace the word of the mander general of the First File is law。 Some of them I know will wele the change。 Some will not。’
 ‘Richard is going to have a difficult enough time being the magic against magic … underworld magic … without troubles from steel。 You have a free hand; mander; to do as you see fit to protect him。 Err on the side of duty。’
 Trimack grunted acknowledgment; then went on。 ‘The People’s Palace; one roof though it may be; is a city。 Thousands live here。 Merchants and supplies; trains of wagons to lone peddlers; e and go in an endless stream in all directions except to the east; across the Azrith Plains。 The roads in are the arteries that feed the heart of D’Hara … the People’s Palace。
 The inside of the plateau is chambered with twice the number of rooms of the palace above ground。 As with any city of this size; the motives of the multitudes ing here are beyond our ability to judge with absolute certainty。
 ‘I will have the great inner doors closed and seal off the palace above ground。 It is something that has not been done in a few hundred years; and it will cause worry among the people of D’Hara; but I would risk the worried talk。 The only way to the palace itself; if not through the inside entrances; is up the cliff road on the east side。 I will keep the bridge up。
 That still leaves us with thousands in the palace proper。 Any of them could have designs not to our liking。 Worse; there are thousands of battle…tested soldiers in the belly of the palace; many led by men I would not want getting a glance at Lord Rahl。 I have a feeling the new Lord Rahl is not the kind of Rahl they are used to dealing with; and they are not going to like the change。
 ‘D’Hara is a vast empire; the supply routes long。 Perhaps it is time some of these divisions were sent out to see to the safety of these routes; especially the ones to the far south; near the wilds; where I have heard rumor there is unrest and trouble。 And perhaps from the ranks of the ones I trust; the size of the First File could be increased threefold。’
 Zedd studied Trimack’s f
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