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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 She stared at the table with a bitter expression。 ‘I be an old woman。 I be an old woman who has weled the Keeper into my heart。’
 Zedd watched her; but she didn’t meet his eyes。 He pushed his chair back and stood。 ‘An old woman? No。 A foolish woman; maybe。’ She didn’t reply。 Her gaze stayed pointedly on the table。
 Zedd strolled across the room and inspected the bones hanging on the wall。 He clasped his hands behind his back as he studied the talismans of the dead。
 ‘Maybe I am just an old man then。 Hmm? A foolish old man。 Maybe I should let a young man do this work。’ He glanced over his shoulder。 She was watching him。 ‘But if a young man is good; then even younger would be better。 In fact; why not let a child do it? That would be better yet。 Maybe there is a ten…year…old…boy somewhere who will be willing to do something to stop the dead from swallowing the living。’
 He threw his hands up in the air。 ‘According to you; it would seem; knowledge is of no use; only youth。’
 ‘Now you are being foolish; old man。 You know what I mean。’
 Zedd stepped back to the table and gave a shrug of his bony shoulders。 ‘If you just sit here in this house instead of helping with what you know; then you might as well be the thing you fear most: an agent of the Keeper。’
 He put his knuckles to the table and glowered as he leaned over her。 ‘If you don’t fight him; then you help him。 That is what his plan has been all along。 Not to turn you to him; but to make you fear stopping him。’
 She looked into his eyes; uneasiness stealing into her expression。 ‘What do you mean?’
 ‘He has already done all he needed; Adie。 He made you afraid of yourself。 The Keeper has an eternity of patience。 He doesn’t need you to work for him。 It takes effort to turn one with the gift。 You weren’t worth the trouble。 He needed only for you not to work against him。 He did all that was necessary。 He didn’t waste an effort to do more。
 ‘In some ways he is as blind to this world as we are to his。 He has only so much influence here; he must choose his tasks carefully。 He doesn’t spend what power he has here frivolously。’
 Realization took the place of unease。 ‘Perhaps you not be such an old fool。’
 Zedd smiled as he pulled the chair forward and sat。 That has always been my opinion。’
 Hands nestled in her lap; Adie studied the tabletop as if hoping it would e to her aid。 The house was silent; except for the slow crackle of the fire in the hearth。 ‘All these years; the truth be hiding right under my nose。’ She lifted her head; giving him a puzzled frown。 ‘How did you e to be so wise?’
 Zedd shrugged。 ‘But one of the advantages of having lived so long。 You view yourself as just an old woman。 I see a striking; dear lady; who has learned much in her time in this world; and has gained wisdom from what she has seen。’
 He pulled the yellow rose from her hair and held it before her。 ‘Your loveliness is not a mask; layered over a rotten core。 It blossoms from the beauty inside。’
 She lifted the flower from his fingers and laid it on the table。 ‘Your clever tongue cannot cover the fact that I have wasted my life。 。。。’
 Zedd shook his head; cutting her off。 ‘No。 You have wasted nothing。 You simply have not seen the other side of things yet。 In magic; in all things; there is a balance if we look for it。 The Keeper did as he did; sending a baneling to you; to keep you from interfering in his work; and to plant a seed of doubt in you that would perhaps turn you to him one day。
 ‘But in that too; there was something to balance what he did。 You came here to learn about the world of the dead in order to contact your Pell。 Don’t you see; Adie? You were manipulated to prevent you from interfering with the Keeper’s plans; but in so doing; the balance is that you have learned things that might be of aid in stopping him。 You must not surrender to what he had done to you; you must strike back with what he has inadvertently given you。’
 Her eyes glistened as she cast her gaze about her house; looking to the bone pile; the walls covered with talismans of the dead she had collected over the years; and to the shelves holding more yet。 ‘But my oath 。。。 my Pell。 I must reach him; tell him。 He died thinking I betrayed him。 If I cannot redeem myself in his eyes; then I be lost; my heart be lost。 If I be lost; then the Keeper will find me。’
 ‘Pell is dead; Adie。 Gone。 The boundary; the pass; is gone。 You would know better than I if it would have ever been any use in what you wanted; but in all these years; you have not found a way to make it so。 If you wish to continue the pursuit of your oath; you will find no help here。 Perhaps in Aydindril; you will。
 ‘Helping to stop the Keeper does not mean you must break your oath to yourself。 If my knowledge and help can be of any aid in what you seek; I offer it gladly。 Just as you know things I do not; I know things you don’t。 I am; after all; the First Wizard。 Perhaps what I know will help you。 Pell would not want you to bring him your message that you did not betray him; if it meant you must betray everyone else。’
 Adie picked up the yellow flower; twirling it between her finger and thumb a moment before setting it down again。 Gripping the edge of the table; she pushed herself to her feet。 She stood a moment; and then lifted her head to gaze with her white eyes around the room once more。
 Smoothing her robes at her hips; as if to make herself presentable; she limped around the table to stand behind his chair。 Zedd felt her hands rest on his shoulders。 Unexpectedly; she leaned over and kissed the top of his head and smoothed his unruly hair with gentle fingers。 Zedd was relieved the fingers hadn’t gone around his throat。 He thought they might; after some of the things he had said。
 Thank you; my friend; for hearing my tale; and for helping me to find the meaning in it。 My Pell would have liked you。 You both be men of honor。 I accept your word that you will help me tell my Pell。’
 Zedd twisted around in his chair and raised his face to her soft smile and kind eyes。 ‘I will do whatever I can to help you keep your oath。 You have my oath on that。’
 Her smile widened as she smoothed down a stray lock of his white hair。 ‘Now。 Tell me of the Stone of Tears。 We must decide what is to be done with it。’
 ‘The Stone of Tears? Well; it is hidden。’
 She gave a single; firm nod。 ‘Good。 It not be something to be loose in this world。’ Her brow wrinkled in a little frown。 ‘It be hidden well? It be safe?’
 Zedd winced a little。 He didn’t want to tell her; he knew what she would say; but he had promised。 ‘I put it on a chain。 Put it on a chain and hung it around the neck of a little girl。 I don’t know 。。。 exactly 。。。 where she is right now。’
 ‘You touched it!’ Adie’s eyes widened。 The Stone of Tears? You touched it; and hung it around the neck of a little girl!’
 She gripped his chin firmly in her suddenly powerful fingers and leaned close to his face。 ‘You have hung the Stone of Tears; the Stone that it be tol
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