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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 She gripped his chin firmly in her suddenly powerful fingers and leaned close to his face。 ‘You have hung the Stone of Tears; the Stone that it be told was hung by the Creator Himself around the Keeper’s neck to lock him in the underworld 。。。 you hung that around a little girl’s neck? And let her wander off!’
 Zedd scowled defensively。 ‘Well; I had to do something with it。 I couldn’t just leave it lying about。’
 Adie smacked the palm of her hand to her forehead。 ‘Just as he makes me think him wise; he shows me he be a fool indeed。 Dear spirits; save me from the hands you have placed me in。’
 Zedd shot to his feet。 ‘And just what would you have done with it!’
 ‘Well; I would have certainly given it more thought than you seem to have done。 And I wouldn’t have touched it! It be a thing from another world!’ She turned her back to him; shaking her head and whispering things in her foreign tongue。
 Zedd shifted his robes; straightening them with a firm tug。 ‘I didn’t have the luxury of time to give it any thought。 We were attacked by a screeling。 If I had left it there 。。。’
 Adie spun around。 ‘A screeling! You be full of good news; old man。’ She jabbed a finger against his chest。 ‘That still be no good excuse。 You still should not have 。。。’
 ‘Not have what? Not have picked it up? I should have let the screeling pick it up; instead?’
 ‘Screelings be assassins。 They not be there to take the Stone。’
 Zedd jabbed a finger right back at her。 ‘You know that? Are you so sure? Would you have been willing to have risked everything on it? And if you were wrong; let the Keeper have the Stone to do with as he would? Are you so sure; Adie?’
 Her hand dropped to her side as she stared at his frown。 ‘No。 I guess not。 It could be as you say。 There be a chance the screeling may have taken it。 Perhaps you did the only thing you could do。’ She shook the finger at him。 ‘But to hang it around the neck of a little girl 。。。!’
 ‘And where would you have had me keep it? In my pocket? In the pocket of a wizard? In the pocket of one with the gift; where the Keeper is sure to look first? Or perhaps you would have had me hide it; in a place only I knew; where; if a baneling gets his hands on me and somehow makes me talk; I could tell him it would be; so he could go and collect it?’
 Adie folded her arms with a muttered curse。 At last her expression relaxed。 ‘Well。。。 perhaps 。。。’
 ‘Perhaps nothing。 I had no choice。 It was an act of desperation。 I did the only thing I could do; given the circumstances。’
 She let out a tired sigh; then nodded。 ‘You be right; wizard。 You did the best you could have done。’ She patted the top of his shoulder。 ‘Foolish as it be;’ she added under her breath。 Her hand gave a gentle push。 ‘Sit。 Let me show you something。’
 Zedd sat as he watched her limp across the room toward the shelves。 ‘I would rather have done anything else; Adie;’ he said sorrowfully; ‘than what I had to do。’
 She nodded as she walked。 ‘I know。。。。’ She stopped and turned。 A screeling; you say?’ Zedd nodded。 ‘You be sure it be a screeling?’ He arched an eyebrow。 ‘Yes; of course you be sure。’ Her brow creased in thought。 ‘Screelings be the Keeper’s assassins。 They be singleminded; and extremely dangerous; but they not be very smart。 They must have something to show them the one they be after; a way to find them。 They not be good at searching in this world。 How could the Keeper know where you be? How could the screeling know to find you? Know it be you he be after?’
 Zedd shrugged。 ‘I don’t know。 I was where the boxes had been opened。 But it had been some time since it had happened。 There would be no way to know I was still there。’
 ‘And did you destroy the screeling?’
 That be good。 The Keeper will not waste the effort to send another; not after you have proven you be able to defeat it。’
 Zedd threw his hands up。 ‘Oh yes; just wonderful。 Screelings are sent to eliminate a threat to the Keeper。 It was probably sent to rid the Keeper of my meddling; just as the Keeper sent a baneling to rid himself of your interference。 You’re right: he will not send another screeling; now that I’ve proven that I can defeat one。 He will send something worse。’
 ‘If indeed it be sent for you。’ She touched a finger to her lower lip as she mumbled to herself。 ‘Where be the Stone when you found it?’
 ‘Next to the box that had been opened。’
 ‘And where came the screeling?’
 ‘In the same room as the boxes; as the Stone。’
 She shook her head in puzzlement。 ‘Perhaps it could be as you say; that it came to get the Stone; but it makes no sense for a screeling to e for the Stone。 I wonder how he found you。’ She limped on toward the shelves。 ‘Something had to guide him。’
 Balancing on her toes; she peered to the back of a shelf; carefully pushing aside various objects; at last retrieving what she sought。 Holding it in one hand; she limped back and placed it carefully on the table。 It was a little bigger than a hen’s egg; round; and age…darkened with a deep patina that was a brownish black in the recesses。 It was masterfully carved into the shape of a vicious beast; all balled up; but glaring with eyes that seemed to watch you no matter which way it was held。 It looked to be bone; and very old。
 Zedd picked it up; testing its weight。 It was much heavier than he thought it should have been。 ‘What’s this?’
 A woman; a sorceress; gave this to me when I went to her; to learn。 She be on her deathbed。 She asked if I knew of the skrin。 I told her what I knew。 She sighed with relief; and then said something that made my skin prickle。 She said she had been waiting for me; as the prophecies had told her to do。 She placed this in my hand; saying it be carved from the bone of a skrin。’
 Adie flicked her hand toward the walls; and then toward the bone pile。 ‘I have a whole skrin here; among the bones。 I did battle with one once; in the pass。 His bones be here。 His skull be on the shelf。 It be the one that fell on the floor。’
 She put a thin finger on the carved bone sphere in Zedd’s hand as she leaned toward him and lowered her raspy voice。 ‘This; the old one said; must be guarded; by one who understands。 She told me it be of ancient magic; made by wizards of old; possibly with their hand guided by the Creator Himself。 Made because of prophecies。
 ‘She said it may be the most important thing of magic I would ever touch。 That it be invested with more power than she or I would ever understand。 She said that it be of skrin bone; and of skrin force; that it be a talisman that be of importance if the veil ever be in danger。
 ‘I asked how it was to be used; how the magic worked; and how it had e into her hands。 She be very exhausted from the excitement of my ing to her; and said she must rest。 She told me to e back to her in the morning and she would tell me everything she knew。 When I returned; she had died。’ Adie gave him a meaningful look。 ‘Her death be a little too timely to suit me。’
 Zedd had had the same t
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