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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Zedd had had the same thought。 ‘But you have no idea what it is; or how it is to be used?’
 Already; Zedd was using magic to lift it on a cushion of air; floating it in space; watching it slowly spin。 The whole time the finely carved eyes of the beast peered back as the ball revolved before him。 ‘Have you tried using any magic on it?’
 ‘I be afraid to try。’
 Zedd held his bony hands to each side of the floating carving; probing gently with different kinds of force; different sorts of magic; letting them shift and slide over the round bone; testing; searching gingerly for a crack; a shield; a trigger。
 It had the oddest feel to it。 The magic reflected back as if it had touched nothing; as if the thing weren’t there at all。 Perhaps it could be a shield he had never seen before。 He increased the force。 It slipped against the carving like new shoe leather on ice。
 Adie wrung her hands。 ‘I do not think you should be 。。。’
 The flame of the lamp puffed out。 A thin thread of greasy smoke curled from the abruptly dead wick。 The room was left to the flickering shadows cast from the fire in the hearth。 Zedd frowned at the dark lamp。
 A sudden crash brought both their heads jerking around。 The skull rolled across the floor toward where they sat。 Halfway there; it wobbled and rocked to a stop; right side up。 Empty eye sockets stared up at the two of them。 Long fangs rested on the wood floor。
 The carved bone ball thumped to the table; bouncing twice; as Zedd and Adie came to their feet。
 ‘What foolish thing did you do; old man?’
 Zedd stared at the skull。 ‘I didn’t do anything。’
 More bones tumbled from the shelves。 Bones hanging on the wall clattered to the floor; some bouncing and flipping back into the air as they struck。
 Zedd and Adie both turned to a racket behind them。 The bone pile rattled apart; bones toppling and spilling over one another as the pile pulled itself apart。 Some of the bones; as if alive; slid or rolled across the floor; toward the skull。 Sliding along the floor; a rib bone caught the leg of a chair and spun around; but continued on。
 Zedd twisted to Adie; but she was hurrying to the shelf above the counter behind the table; the one covered with the blue…and…white…striped cloth。
 ‘Adie; what are you doing? What’s going on?’
 Bones collected in increasing number around the skull。
 She yanked the cloth away; ripping it from its hooks。 ‘Leave! Before it be too late!’
 ‘What’s going on!’
 Jars and tins clanged together as she shoved them aside。 She pushed her hand farther along the shelf; fingers searching blindly。 Canisters thudded to the floor。 A jar tumbled out; shattering on the edge of the counter; throwing sparkling shards of glass over the table and chairs。 A thick; dark mass from the jar oozed over the edge of the counter; carrying splinters of glass with it; making it look like nothing more than a melting porcupine。
 ‘Do as I say; wizard! Leave! Now!’
 Zedd rushed toward her; glass crunching under his feet。 He jerked to a halt when he glanced over his shoulder toward the skull。
 It was level with his eyes; bones collecting and assembling under it as it rose into the air。 A few rib bones ranked themselves; vertebrae slipped into line; talons tipped claws; leg bones erected to the side of each flank。 The jaw snapped into place as the skull rose toward the ceiling。
 Zedd spun toward Adie; snatched her by the arm; yanking her toward him。 She came away from the counter clutching a small tin in her other hand。
 ‘Adie; what’s happening!’
 Her head tilted up toward the skull brushing the ceiling。 ‘What do you see?’
 ‘What do I see! Bags; woman! I see a bunch of bones e to life!’
 The shoulders of the skrin hunched as the thing grew with the addition of more bones。 More yet were sliding across the floor toward it。
 Adie gaped at him。 ‘I don’t see bones。 I see flesh。’
 ‘Flesh! Bags! I thought you said you killed that thing。’
 ‘I said I battled it。 I do not know that a skrin can be killed。 I do not think they be alive。 You be right about one thing; wizard: since you be able to defeat a screeling; the Keeper sent worse。’
 ‘How did he know where we were? How does the skrin know where we are? All these bones are supposed to hide us!’
 ‘I do not know。 I cannot understand how 。。。’
 A skeletal arm swept toward them。 Zedd lurched back; pulling her with him。 Yet more bones assembled。 Adie was frantically unscrewing the tin as he dragged her around the back of the table。 The lid came off; dropping to the floor; spinning like a top。 The skrin lunged; bringing an arm down。 With a loud crack; the table shattered into splinters。
 The round; carved ball bounced across the floor。 Zedd tried to snatch it with a magic; but it was like trying to pinch a pumpkin seed with greased fingers。 He tried to scoop it up with air pressed around it; but it slipped away and rolled into the corner。
 The skrin skeleton leapt at them。 They both went down in a heap as he yanked her back。 Zedd hauled her to her feet as she thrust her hand into the little tin。 The skrin was having trouble moving quickly; it had grown too large to fit beneath the ceiling。
 The jaws of the beast opened wide; as if to roar。 No sound came forth; but Zedd could feel a blast of air。 It made their robes flap and fly as if in a wind。
 Adie’s hand came out of the tin; flinging sparkling white sand at the beast。
 Sorcerer’s sand。 The fool woman had sorcerer’s sand。
 The skrin staggered back a step; shaking its head。 It recovered in an instant; lurching forward again。 Zedd unleashed a ball of fire。 It passed among the bones to splatter liquid flame against the far wall。 The tongues of flame sputtered out; leaving behind a sooty splotch。 Zedd tried air; since fire didn’t work。 It had no effect。
 The two of them sidestepped across the room as the beast whirled to attack again。 Zedd tried different elements of magic while he pulled Adie along with him。 She ignored the danger as she poured the rest of the sorcerer’s sand into her hand。 When the skrin made another silent roar; she flung the sand with a foreign incantation。 The blast of air from the roar died as she spoke the words。 The skrin seemed to inhale; taking in the sparkling white sand。 The jaws snapped closed as the head drew back。
 That be all I have;’ she said。 ‘I hope it be enough。’
 The skrin shook its head; then spat out the sand in a cloud of sparkles。 It came for them again; but when he tugged on her sleeve she yanked her arm away。 Zedd tried sending logs and chairs flying into the bone beast; trying to distract it while she scurried around behind it。 They simply bounced off。
 Stabbing a hand into a pocket; he brought out a handful of sparkling dust of his own。 With a quick flick; he sent it into the center of the bone collection standing before him。 It had no more effect than had Adie’s sorcerer’s sand。 Nothing he could do seemed to be much of a distraction; and it soon turned its attention to Adie。 She was
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