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荣耀电子书 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘We are not just sitting here。 You are practicing reaching your Han; and I’m tending to my business。’
 ‘Why haven’t you said anything? You told me this land is dangerous。’
 Sister Verna sighed and began tucking her book back behind her wide belt。 ‘Because they were still some distance off。 There was nothing else for us to do but to continue。 You need the practice。 You must keep trying until you are able to touch your Han。’ She shook her head with resignation。 ‘But I suppose you are too agitated now to continue。 They are still ten or fifteen minutes away; we may as well begin packing our things。’
 ‘Why now? Why didn’t we leave as soon as you sensed them?’
 ‘Because we had been spotted。 Once we have been discovered; there is no way to escape these people。 This is their land; we would not be able to outrun them。 It’s probably a sentinel who has found us。’
 ‘Then why do you want to pack to leave now?’
 She regarded him as if he were hopelessly thick。 ‘Because we can’t spend the night here after we kill them。’
 Richard leapt to his feet。 ‘Kill them! You don’t even know who is ing; and already you plan to kill them?’
 Sister Verna stood; drawing herself up straight; and peered into his eyes。 ‘Richard; I have done my best to prevent this。 Have we seen anyone else before now? No。 Even though these people cover this land like a swarm of angry ants; we have seen no one。 I have led us between anyone I could sense with my Han; in an effort to avoid contact。 I have done my best to avoid trouble。 Sometimes; even when you do your best; trouble cannot be avoided。 I do not want to kill these people; but they are intent on killing us。’
 That certainly explained why they had been traveling such a peculiar route。 Although they had been heading steadily southeast for weeks; they had done so in an odd fashion。 Without ever explaining; she had directed them first one way; then another; occasionally backtracking; but always; relentlessly; southeast。
 The barren land had bee progressively rockier and more desolate。 He had not bothered asking about their route because he didn’t think she would tell him; and because he didn’t care。 Wherever they went; he was still a prisoner。
 Richard scratched his new beard as he started kicking dirt over the fire。 It was a warm night; as most had been lately。 He wondered what had happened to winter。 ‘We don’t even know who they are yet。 You can’t just go killing anyone that shows up。’
 ‘Richard。’ She clasped her hands together。 ‘Not all the Sisters who try to return are successful。 Many are killed trying to cross these lands。 In every case; there were three Sisters。 I am but one。 Not good odds。’
 The horses nickered and began moving about; tossing their heads and pawing their hooves。 Richard strapped the baldric over his shoulder。 He checked that the sword was clear in its scabbard。
 ‘You were wrong; Sister; not to try to get away as soon as you knew。 If you have to fight; it should be because there is no other way。 You didn’t even try。’
 Hands still clasped together; she watched him。 Her voice was soft but firm。 These people are intent upon killing us; Richard。 Both of us。 If we had tried to run; this one would have alerted the others; and brought hundreds; thousands; to bring us down。 I have not run so as to embolden this one into trying to take us himself; so we can end the threat。’
 ‘I’m not killing people for you; Sister Verna。’
 As they glared at each other; he heard a scream: a woman’s scream。 He stared out into the night; trying to see into the shadows of the rocky spires; trying to see where the scream came from。 He couldn’t see anyone; but the screams and cries were ing closer。
 Richard kicked dirt over the last of the flames and sprinted to the horses; calming them with reassuring words and gentle strokes。 He didn’t care what she said; he wasn’t killing people on her word。 The woman was crazy not to want to try to escape。
 She probably wanted a fight; just to see what he would do。 She was always watching him as if he were a bug in a box。 She questioned him every time he practiced trying to touch his Han。 Whatever the Han was; he hadn’t been able to sense it; much less touch it or call it forth。 Just as well; as far as he was concerned。
 Richard was starting toward the saddlebags; to gather the rest of their things; when a woman came running out of the night。 Cloak flying behind; and crying in terror; she ran headlong into their camp。 She let out a wail and dashed desperately for him。
 ‘Please!’ she cried out。 ‘Please help me! Please don’t let them get me!’
 Her loose hair streamed behind as she ran。 The naked fear on her face ran a shiver up Richard’s spine。 She stumbled as she reached him。 Richard caught her frail form in his arms。 Her dirty face was streaked with sweat and tears。
 ‘Please; sir;’ she sobbed; looking up at him with dark eyes; ‘please don’t let them get me。 You don’t know what those men will do to me。’
 Richard’s mind filled with the fright of remembering Kahlan being pursued by the quads。 He remembered how terrified she had been of those men; and how she had spoken almost the same words: You don’t know what those men will do to me。
 ‘No one is going to get you。 You are safe now。’
 The woman’s arms came out from under her cloak; slipping around him。 Her dark eyes stayed on his as he held her weight。
 She opened her mouth as if to speak; but instead gave a little grunt and jerked。 Light seemed to flash from within her eyes。 She went slack and heavy in his arms。
 Richard looked up into Sister Verna’s unwavering gaze as she yanked the silver knife from the woman’s back。 Richard felt himself letting the dead weight slip to the ground。 The woman slumped fluidly and rolled onto her back。
 The night air rang with the sound of steel as Richard drew the sword。
 ‘What’s the matter with you?’ he hissed。 ‘You have just murdered this woman。’
 Sister Verna returned his glare in kind。 ‘I thought you said you held no foolish prohibitions against killing women。’
 The wrath of the sword’s magic pounded through him; raging to be set free。 ‘You are mad。’ He was rushing toward a lethal precipice。 The sword’s point rose in anger。
 ‘Before you would think to kill me;’ Sister Verna said in a measured tone; ‘you had better make sure you are not making a mistake。’ Richard didn’t answer。 He was incapable of speaking through the fury。 ‘Look in her hand; Richard。’
 He looked down at the lifeless body。 Her hands were covered by her heavy woolen cloak。 Using the sword; he flicked the cloak back off her arm to reveal a knife still gripped in her dead fist。 The point had a dark stain on it。
 ‘Did she scratch you with the knife?’
 Richard’s chest still heaved with anger。 ‘No。 Why?’
 ‘Her knife is coated with poison。 All it would take is a scratch。’
 ‘What makes you think it was meant for me! She was probably hoping to defend herself from the men who are chasing her!’
 ‘There are no men chasing her。 S
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