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tg.stone of tears-第章

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eing forced to go on this journey; he had done his duty; watching over her constantly; as had the two brothers; they with smiles and concern; he with a scowl and suspicion。 All three made her feel like a precious; fragile cargo that must be tended at all times。 The brothers; she knew; were sincere。 Chandalen; she was sure; saw his mission only as a task that must be performed; no matter how onerous。
 ‘We should go quickly from here;’ he pressed; again。
 Kahlan withdrew a hand from under the fur mantle and pulled a stray strand of her long hair back from her face。 ‘It is my duty to know what has happened here。’
 ‘You said your duty was to go to Aydindril; as Richard With The Temper asked。’
 Kahlan turned away without answering; moving deeper into the snow…crusted trees。 She missed Richard more than she could bear。 Every time she closed her eyes; she saw his face as it had looked when he thought she had betrayed him。 She wanted to drop to her knees and let out the scream that seemed to be always there; trapped just below the surface; trying to find a way past her restraint; a scream born of her horror at what she had done。
 But what else could she have done? If what she had learned was true; and the veil to the underworld was torn and Richard was in fact the only one who could close it; and if the collar was the only thing that could save his life and give him the chance to close the veil; then she had had no choice。 How could she have made any other decision? How could Richard ever respect her if she didn’t face her responsibilities to the greater good? The Richard she loved would eventually realize that。 He had to。
 But if any of it was not true; then she had delivered the man she loved into his worst nightmare; for nothing。
 She wondered again if Richard often looked at the lock of her hair she had given him; and thought of her。 She hoped that he could find it in himself to understand and forgive her。 She wanted so much to tell him how much she loved him。 She yearned to hold him to her。 She wanted only to get to Aydindril; to Zedd; for help。
 But she had to know what had happened here。 She stiffened her back with resolve。 She was the Mother Confessor。
 She had intended to skirt Ebinissia; but for the last two days they had been ing across the frozen corpses of women。 Never any men; only women; from young to old; children to grandmothers。 Most were half naked; some without clothes at all。 And in the dead of winter。 While most had been alone; a few were together; huddled in frozen death; too exhausted; or too frightened; or too disoriented to have sought shelter。 They had run from Ebinissia not in disorderly haste; but in panic; choosing to freeze to death rather than remain。
 Most; too; had been badly abused before they had scattered in every direction into the mountainous countryside。 Kahlan knew what had been done to them; what had made them make the choice they did。 The three men knew; too; but none would voice it aloud。
 She pulled her warm mantle tighter around herself。 This atrocity couldn’t have been at the hands of the armies from D’Hara; it was far too recent。 The troops from D’Hara had been called home。 Surely; they wouldn’t have done this after they had been told the war was ended。
 Unable to stand for another moment not knowing what fate had befallen Ebinissia; she pushed her bow farther up on her shoulder and started down the hillside。 Her leg muscles were at long last used to the wide…footed gait needed to walk on the snowshoes the men had made from willow and sinew。 Chandalen charged after her。
 ‘You must not go down there。 There could be dangerous。’
 ‘Danger;’ she corrected as she hitched her pack up higher。 ‘If there was danger; Prindin and Tossidin would not be out in the open。 You may e; or you may wait here; but I’m going down there。’
 Knowing argument was useless; he followed in a rare fit of silence。 The bright afternoon sun brought no warmth to the bitterly cold day。 There was usually wind at the fringe of the Rang’Shada Mountains; but thankfully there was little this day; for a change。 It hadn’t snowed for several days; and they had been able to make better time in the clear weather。 Still; with every breath she took; the air felt as if it were turning the inside of her nose to ice。
 She intercepted Prindin and Tossidin halfway down the slope。 They brought themselves to a halt before her; leaning on their spears; breathing heavily; which was unusual for them as nothing seemed to tire them; but they were unaccustomed to the altitude。 Their faces were pale; and their handsome twin smiles long gone。
 ‘Please; Mother Confessor;’ Prindin said; pausing to catch his breath from the strenuous climb; ‘you must not go to that place。 The ancestor spirits of those people have abandoned them。’
 Kahlan untied a waterskin from her waist and pulled it from under her mantle; where her body’s heat kept the water from freezing。 She held it up to Prindin; urging him to take a drink before questioning him。
 ‘What did you see? You didn’t go into the city; did you? I told you not to go inside the walls。’
 Prindin handed the waterskin to his panting brother。 ‘No。
 We stay hidden; as you told us。 We do not go inside; but we do not need to。’ He licked a drop of water from his lower lip。 ‘We see enough from outside。’
 She took back the waterskin when Tossidin finished; and replaced the stopper。 ‘Did you see any people?’
 Tossidin stole a quick glance over his shoulder; down the hill。 ‘We see many people。’
 Prindin wiped his nose on the back of his hand as he looked from his brother to her。 ‘Dead people。’
 ‘How many? Dead from what?’
 Tossidin tugged loose the thong holding his fur mantle tight at his neck。 ‘Dead from fighting。 Most are men with weapons: swords and spears and bows。 There are more than I know the words to count。 I have never seen that many men。 In my whole life; I have not seen that many men。 There has been war here。 War; and killing of those defeated。’
 Kahlan stared at them for a moment as horror threatened to choke off her breath。 She had hoped that somehow the people of Ebinissia had escaped; that they had fled。
 A war。 Had the D’Haran forces done this after the war was ended? Or was it something else?
 Her muscles at last unlocked and she started down the hill; the mantle billowing open; letting in the icy air。 Her heart pounded with dread at what had befallen the people of Ebinissia。 ‘I must go down there to see what has happened。’
 ‘Please; Mother Confessor; do not go;’ Prindin called after her。 ‘It is bad to see。’
 The three men jumped to follow as she marched down the hill; the slope speeding her effort。 ‘I have seen dead people before。’
 They began encountering the sprawled corpses … apparently the sites of skirmishes … a good distance from the city walls。 Snow had drifted against them; partially covering them。 In one place; a hand reached up from the snow; as if the man below were drowning; and reaching for air。 Most had not been touched by animals or birds; there being
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