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tg.stone of tears-第章

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elow were drowning; and reaching for air。 Most had not been touched by animals or birds; there being an overabundance for scavengers。 All were soldiers of the Galean army; frozen in death where they had fallen; blood…soaked clothes frozen rock…solid to them; ghastly wounds frozen open。
 At the south wall; where huge oak doors crisscrossed with iron strapping had stood; was a gaping hole through the stone; its edges melted and burned black。 Kahlan stood staring at rock melted like wax from a candle that had guttered。 She knew of only one power that could do that: wizard’s fire。
 Her mind fought to understand what she was seeing。 She knew what the results of wizard’s fire looked like; but there were no more wizards。 Except Zedd and; she guessed; Richard。 But this would not have been Zedd’s deed。
 Outside the walls; off to either side; headless corpses were heaped in huge; frozen mounds。 Heads stared out from less orderly piles of their own。 Swords and shields and spears were discarded to separate heaps; looking like great; dead; steel porcupines。 This had been a mass execution; carried out at a number of stations at once to handle the numbers more efficiently。 All were Galean soldiers。
 As she stared in numb shock at the splayed limbs draped over their fellows under them; Kahlan spoke softly to the three men behind her。 The word you did not know to use to count this many is thousand。 There are perhaps five thousand dead men here。’
 Gently; Prindin planted the butt end of his spear in the snow; giving it an uneasy twist。 ‘I did not know there was a word needed to count this many men。’ His fist twisted the spear again; and his voice lowered to a whisper。 This will be a bad place when the warm weather es。’
 ‘It is a bad place now;’ his brother murmured to himself in his own tongue。
 Kahlan knew this was the least of the dead。 She knew the tactics of defense for Ebinissia。 The walls were not secure fortifications; the way they had been in times long ago。 As the city had grown in the prosperity of the Midlands alliance; the older; stronger; fortified walls had been torn down; and the stone used to build these newer; more enpassing outer walls。 But they had been built less secure than in the past。 They were more a symbol of the size and pride of the Crown city than a strong defensible perimeter。
 Under attack; the gates would have been closed; with the toughest; most experienced troops on the outside to stop the attackers before they had a chance to reach the walls。 The real defense for Ebinissia was the surrounding mountains; whose narrow passes prevented a broad attack。
 Under Darken Rahl’s order; D’Haran forces had laid siege to Ebinissia for two months; but the defenders outside the walls were able to hold them back in the surrounding passes; pin them down; and harry them relentlessly until the attackers finally withdrew; licking their wounds; in search of easier prey。 Though the Ebinissians had prevailed; it had been at a great cost of lives to the defenders。 Had Darken Rahl been less concerned with finding the boxes; he could have sent greater numbers and maybe overrun the defenders in the passes; but he didn’t。 This time; someone had。
 These headless men were a part of that outer defensive ring。 Backs to the wall; they had been defeated and captured; and then executed before the walls were breached … apparently as a demonstration to those still inside; to terrorize them; to panic them into an ineffectual defense。 She knew that what was inside the walls would be worse。 The dead women they had been finding told her that much。
 Out of habit; and without even realizing it; she had put on the calm face that showed nothing: the face of a Confessor; as her mother had taught her。
 ‘Prindin; Tossidin; I want you two to go around the outside of the walls。 I want to know what else is on the outside。 I want to know everything about what has happened here。 I want to know when this was done; where the attackers came from; and where they went when they were finished。 Chan…dalen and I will go inside。 Meet us back here when you are finished。’
 The brothers went quickly at her direction; their heads close together as they whispered to one another while pointing; analyzing tracks and signs they understood with hardly more than a glance。 Chandalen walked silently at her side; his bow; with an arrow nocked and tension to the string; at the ready as she stepped over rubble and moved on through the yawning hole。
 None of the three men had objected to her instructions。 They were; she knew; astonished at the size of the city; but more than that; they were overwhelmed at the enormity of what had happened here; they respected her obligation to the dead。
 Chandalen’s eyes ignored the bodies that lay everywhere and watched instead the shaded openings and alleyways among the small daub…and…wattle houses that were homes to the farmers and sheepherders who worked the land closer to the city。 There were no fresh prints in the snow; nothing alive had been here recently。
 Kahlan chose the proper streets and Chandalen stayed close at her right shoulder; half a step behind。 She didn’t stop to inspect the dead laying everywhere。 All looked to have died the same way: killed in a fierce battle。
 ‘These people were defeated by great numbers;’ Chandalen said in a quiet tone。 ‘Many thousands; as you called it。 They had no chance to win。’
 ‘Why do you say that?’
 ‘They are bunched together between the buildings。 This is a bad place to have to fight; but in a closed…in place like this; that is the only way。 That is the way I would try to defend against a larger number … by blocking the enemy from spreading out behind me to trap me。 Greater numbers would not be as much good in the small passageways。 I would try to keep the enemy from spreading out; and e at them from all sides so they could not attack as they wished; but must be always in fear of where I would be next。 You must not meet the enemy as they wish you to; especially when they greatly outnumber you。
 There are old men; and boys; among the soldiers。 Boys and old men would not e to fight beside Chandalen unless they saw it was a war to the death and I was greatly outnumbered。 For these men to stand and fight against vastly greater numbers; they must have been brave。 Old men and boys would not have e to help such brave men if the enemy were not so great。’
 She knew Chandalen was right。 Everyone had seen or heard the executions outside the walls。 They knew defeat was death。
 The bodies were felled like reeds before a great wind。 As they ascended the rise to where the old city walls had stood; the dead were more numerous。 It looked that they had fallen back; trying to make a stand from higher ground。 It had done them no good; they had been overrun。
 All the dead were defenders; none were the corpses of attackers。 Kahlan knew that some believed leaving the dead where they fell in defeating an enemy augured ill luck in future battles; and further; that it abandoned their spirits to retribution by the spirits of those defeated。 Likewise; they believed that if they 
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