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tg.stone of tears-第章

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de。 It has a lock on it; and you must have a key; the right key; to open it; so they cannot get out。’
 Chandalen checked the side street beyond a silversmith’s shop as they continued up the main road。 ‘I would rather be put to death than be locked in a room。’
 ‘If the thief stole from the wrong person; or is unlucky; that is what happens to him。’
 Chandalen grunted。 She didn’t think she was doing a very good job of explaining things to him。 He seemed to think the whole scheme unworkable。
 ‘Our way is better。 We make what we want。 Everyone makes what they need。 This specializing way is not our way。 We trade only for a few things。 Our way is better。’
 ‘You do the same as these people; Chandalen。 You may not realize it; but you do。’
 ‘No。 Each person knows many things。 We teach all our children to know how to do everything they need。’
 ‘You specialize。 You’re a hunter; and more than that; you’re a protector to your people。’ She nodded once again to the dead around her。 Some stared back with flat eyes。 ‘These men were soldiers。 They specialized at protecting their people。 They gave their lives trying to protect their people。 You’re the same as they: a soldier。 You’re strong; you are good with a bow and a spear; and you are good at discovering and preparing to thwart the various ways others would try to harm your people。’
 Chandalen thought this over a moment as he stopped briefly to knock a heavy clump of snow from the binding of his snowshoe。 ‘But that is only me。 Because I am so strong; and wise。 Others of my people do not specialize。’
 ‘Everyone specializes; Chandalen。 Nissel; the healer; she specializes at helping sick or injured people。 She spends most of her time helping others。 How does she feed herself?’
 Those she helps give her what she needs; and if there is no one to help so she can be offered food by them; then others who have enough offer some of theirs so Nissel will be well fed and ready to help us。’
 … ‘You see? Those she helps pay her with tava bread; but it’s the same thing almost as they do here with money。 Because she specializes in a service to the village; everyone helps a little so she will be there for the village when there is need of her。 Here; that’s called a tax; when everyone pays a little toward the good of the group; to help support those who work for all the people。’
 ‘Is this how you get your food? The people all give for you; like we do when you e to make trouble for us?’
 She was relieved that for the first time he didn’t say it with enmity。 ‘Yes。’
 Chandalen eyed empty second…floor windows as they walked on among buildings that were being larger and more ornate。 The double; iron…strap…hinged doors to an inn on their left were broken in; and tables; chairs; pots; dishes; and linen embroidered with red roses … apparently to echo the inn’s name; the Red Rose … had been thrown into the street; where they were half covered over with the snow。 Through the empty doorway she could see the body of an apron…clad kitchen boy sprawled on the floor; his eyes staring up at the ceiling; frozen with the terror of his last vision。 He couldn’t have been over twelve。
 ‘But that is just the hunters; and Nissel;’ Chandalen added; after some thought。 ‘Others of us do not do this specializing。’
 ‘Everyone does; to some degree。 The women bake the tava bread; the men make the weapons。 Nature is that way; too。 Some plants grow where it is wet; some where it is dry。 Some animals eat grass; some leaves; some bugs; and some other animals。 Every thing plays its part。 Women have the babies; and men 。。。’
 She halted; fists at her sides; staring at the countless bodies fallen all around her。 She swept her arm out。
 ‘And men; it would seem; are here to kill everything。 You see; Chandalen? Women’s specialty is to bring forth life; and men’s specialty is to take it away。’
 Kahlan clenched her fist against her stomach。 She was dangerously close to losing her posure。 Nausea swept through her。 Her head spun。
 Chandalen stole a glimpse at her from the corner of his eye。 ‘The Bird Man would say not to judge all by what some do。 And women do not make life alone。 Men are part of that; too。’
 Kahlan gulped cold air。 With a struggle; she started off again; shuffling her snowshoes ahead。 Chandalen let her set a quicker pace as he walked beside her。 She turned them up a street lined with fine shops。 As she moved up and then down a snowdrift; he pointed with his bow; seeming to look for an excuse to change the subject。
 ‘Why do they have wooden people here?’
 A headless mannequin rested at an angle against a window…sill; tipped halfway out of a shop。 The elaborate blue dress the mannequin wore was trimmed with white beads draped in layers about the waist。 Glad to have a diversion from the thoughts swirling in her head; Kahlan changed direction a little; toward the mannequin in the blue dress。
 This is a tailor’s shop。 The people who owned this shop specialized in making clothes。 This wooden person is simply a form to display what they make; so others may know the fine work they do。 It’s a demonstration of pride in their work。’
 She stopped before the large window。 All the panes of glass were broken out。 A few of the yellow…painted mullions hung crookedly from the top of the frame。 The shade of blue of the gorgeous gown reminded Kahlan of her wedding dress。 She could feel the blood pounding in the veins of her neck as she swallowed back a cry。 Chandalen watched both directions up and down the street as her hand slowly reached out to touch the frozen; blue fabric。
 Her vision focused past the mannequin; into the shop; where a square of sunlight fell across the snow…dusted floor and up and over a low work counter。 Her hand faltered。 A dead man with a balding head was pinned to the wall by a spear through his chest。 A woman lay sprawled facedown over the counter; her dress and underskirts bunched up around her waist; exposing blue flesh。 A pair of tailor’s scissors jutted from her back。
 In the gloom at the far end of the room stood another mannequin; in a fine man’s coat。 The front of the dark coat was shredded with hundreds of small cuts。 The soldiers had evidently used the mannequin as a target for knife throwing while they waited their turn on the woman。 Apparently; when they were finished with her; they stabbed her to death with her scissors。
 Kahlan twisted away from the shop to find herself face…to…face with Chandalen。 His was red。 There was menace in his eyes。
 ‘Not all men are the same。 I would cut the throat of any man of mine if he did such a thing。’
 Kahlan had no answer for him; and suddenly wasn’t in the mood to talk。 As she started off again; she loosened the mantle at her neck; needing the feel of cold air。
 In silence; but for the low; baleful moan of the breeze between the buildings; they slogged past stables of horses; their throats all cut; and past inns and grand houses; their cornices high overhead shading them from the bright; slanting sunlight。 Fluted; wooden columns to each side of on
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