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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘In the morning; I must leave to get Adie and take her to Aydindril。 I would like you to go to the Mud People。 Ride hard; fast as you can go。 Richard and Kahlan and Siddin will be with the dragon tonight; and tomorrow she will take them there。 It will take you weeks to reach him。 We can’t afford to waste any time。
 Tell Richard and Kahlan to e to me in Aydindril at once。 Tell them of the danger as I have told you。 Then maybe you should take this child to safety。 If there is any such thing。’
 ‘Isn’t there anything else I can do?’
 The most important thing is to get to Richard。 I’ve been a fool for thinking we would have time。 I never should have let him out of my sight。’ Zedd rubbed his chin a moment in thought。 ‘Maybe you could tell him I am his grandfather; and that Darken Rahl was his father。 Maybe that will give his anger time to cool before he reaches me。’
 Zedd lifted an eyebrow and smiled。 ‘Do you know what the Mud People call him? They call him ‘Richard With The Temper。’ Imagine that。 Richard of all people。 He is one of the gentlest people I’ve ever known。 But I fear the Sword of Truth has brought out his other side。’
 Chase flashed a rare; reassuring look。 ‘He won’t be angry to learn you are his grandfather。 He loves you。’
 Zedd sighed。 ‘Maybe so; but I don’t think he will be pleased to know who his father really is。 And that I hid that knowledge from him。 George Cypher raised him and they loved each other deeply。’
 That’s the truth; and this doesn’t change it。’
 Zedd nodded。 He held the necklace up。 ‘Will you trust me?’
 Chase appraised the wizard for a moment; then sat Rachel up straight on his knee。 ‘Let me latch the clasp for you。’
 After Chase hooked it around her neck; Rachel picked up the amber stone in her small hands; bending her face down to see it。 ‘I’ll take good care of it for you; Zedd。’
 The wizard ruffled her hair。 ‘I’m sure you will。’ He put a finger to each side of her forehead; letting the magic flow into her; and gave her the thought of how important the necklace was; that she was not to talk to people about it or where she got it; and that she must protect it as she had the box of Orden。
 He removed his fingers; and she opened her eyes and smiled。 Chase picked her up with a hand on each side of her waist and set her down to stand on the bench next to him。 He searched through the arsenal of knives at his waist and found the strap for the smallest。 He untied the leather thong and pulled the sheathed blade free。 He held it up in front of her face。
 ‘Since you are my daughter now; you will wear a knife; just like me。 But I don’t want you taking it out until I teach you about it。 You could cut yourself badly。 I will teach you how to use it in a safe manner。 I’m going to teach you how to protect yourself so you will be safe。 All right?’
 Rachel beamed。 ‘You’ll teach me to be like you? I would like that ever so much; Chase。’
 Chase grunted as he tied the leather strap at her waist。 ‘I don’t know how good I’ll be at teaching you。 Seems I can’t even teach you to call me Father。’
 She smiled shyly。 ‘Chase and Father mean the same thing to me。’
 Chase shook his head; a resigned grin on his face。 Zedd came to his feet and straightened his robes。 ‘Chase; If you need anything; mander General Trimack will see to it。 Take as many men as you would like。’
 ‘I wouldn’t like any。 I’m in a hurry; I don’t need the extra baggage to tend; and besides; I think a man and his daughter would draw less attention。 Isn’t that the whole idea?’ He glanced pointedly at the stone around Rachel’s neck。
 Zedd smiled; appreciating the boundary warden’s sharp mind。 Those two were going to make quite a pair。 ‘I will travel with you; until I reach the route toward Adie。 I must do some things in the morning; and then we can be on our way。’
 ‘Good。 You look like you could use some rest before we start out。’
 ‘I think you’re right。’
 Zedd suddenly realized why he was so tired。 He had thought it was because he hadn’t slept in days; but that wasn’t it。 It was because they had struggled for months to stop Darken Rahl; and just when he thought it was over; that they had finally won; he now knew it had only begun。 And this wasn’t just a dangerous wizard they were fighting; it was the Keeper of the underworld。
 With Darken Rahl he had known most of the rules; how the boxes of Orden worked; how much time they’d had。 He knew next to nothing now。 The Keeper could win in the next five minutes。 Zedd felt hopelessly ignorant。 He sighed inwardly。 He guessed he knew some things; he would just have to build on that knowledge。
 ‘By the way;’ Chase said as he straightened the knife at Rachel’s waist; ‘one of the other healers … Kelley; she said her name was … she gave me a message for you。’ He leaned back and fished around in his pocket with two big fingers; bringing out a small piece of paper。 He handed it to the wizard。
 ‘What’s this?’ The paper said West Rim; North Highland Way; Third Tier。
 Chase pointed at the paper as Zedd held it out; reading it。 ‘She said that is where you could find her。 She said to tell you that she thought you needed rest; and that if you would e to her; she would make you a stenadine tea; and that she would brew it weak so you would sleep well。 Does that make any sense to you?’
 Zedd smiled just a little to himself as he crumpled the note in his fist。 ‘A bit。’ He tapped his lower lip in thought。 ‘Get yourself some rest。 If you think the pain of the wounds will keep you from sleeping; I could have one of the healers brew you up some 。。。’
 Chase held a hand up。 ‘No! I’ll sleep fine。’
 ‘Very well。’ He patted Rachel’s arm and Chase’s shoulder and started off。 A thought came to him and he turned back。 ‘Have you ever seen Richard wearing a red coat? A red coat with gold buttons and brocade?’
 Chase gave a snort of a laugh。 ‘Richard? Zedd; you half raised him。 You should know better than I that Richard doesn’t have a red coat like that。 He has a feast…day coat that’s brown。 Richard is a woods guide。 He favors earth colors。 I’ve never even seen him wear a red shirt。 Why?’
 Zedd ignored the question。 ‘When you see him; tell him I said not to wear a red coat。’ He shook a finger at Chase。 ‘Ever! It’s very important; don’t forget。 No red coat。’
 Chase nodded。 ‘Done。’ He knew when not to press the old man。
 Zedd gave Rachel a smile and a quick hug before starting off down the hall。 He wondered idly if he could remember where a dining hall was。 It had to be almost past dinnertime。
 A thought occurred to him: he didn’t know where he was going。 He hadn’t done anything about finding himself a place to sleep。 Well; no matter; he thought; the palace had guest rooms。 He had told Chase about them。 He could go there; too。
 He unfolded the crumpled piece of paper in his hand and looked at it。 A distinguished man with a neatly trimmed gray beard and dressed in official gold robes was walking past。 Zedd snagged him gently。
 ‘Excuse me
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