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tg.stone of tears-第章

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hite on his bow。 Kahlan walked past him; expecting him to follow。 He didn’t。
 ‘Most women would cry;’ he said as he stared at the door。
 She felt a flush of heat in her cheeks。 ‘I am not most women。’
 Chandalen didn’t take his eyes from the door。 ‘No; you are not。’
 His eyes finally left the door to look down at his bow。 The tension left his shoulders as he pulled a deep breath; as if it was the first he had taken in a while。 ‘I wish to tell you a story。’
 Kahlan waited a few paces away。 ‘I do not wish to hear a story right now; Chandalen。 Perhaps later。’
 He turned his fierce brown eyes to her。 ‘I wish to tell you a story;’ he repeated; a little louder this time。
 She sighed。 ‘If it’s important to you; then tell me。’
 Holding her gaze; he closed the distance between them。 He was a scant inch shorter than she; but right then he looked taller to her。 ‘When my grandfather was as young; and strong’ … he tapped his puffed…up chest … ‘as I am now; he already had a wife; and two sons。 Many peoples came to our village to trade。 We let all e。 We kept no one away。 All were wele。 The Jocopo were one of these people who came to trade。’
 ‘Who are the Jocopo?’ Kahlan knew every people in the Midlands; but had never heard of these。
 ‘People who lived to the west; closer to where the boundary was。’
 Kahlan frowned as her mind searched a mental map。 ‘No one lives to the west of the Mud People。 That land is deserted。’
 Chandalen watched her from under his eyebrows。 ‘The Jocopo were big people。’ He held his hand a head higher than he was; before letting it fall to his side。 ‘But they were always peaceful。 Like the Bantak。 Like our people。 Then they made war on us。 We do not know the reason。 But our people were very afraid。 They would shake at night; in the fear that the Jocopo might e again the next day。 They would e to our village; and cut the men’s throats; and take women; and do these things to them。’ He flicked his hand selfconsciously at the door。
 ‘Rape;’ she said in an even tone。 ‘It is called rape。’
 He nodded。 ‘The Jocopo would do this to our women。 They stole many women; and did this rape to them。’ He glanced at the door again。 ‘In the way it was done to these women。 Do you understand?’
 They were raped by many men and tortured and murdered。’
 He nodded; relieved that he didn’t have to elaborate。 ‘The Mud People did not have fighters; like we do now; like me。’ His chest swelled again; and his chin came up。 At last; the wind left his lungs。 ‘We never had to fight with anyone。 None of our people wanted to fight others。 They thought it was wrong。 But the Jocopo made us want to fight。
 They stole my grandmother。 My grandfather’s wife。 The mother to my father。 My grandfather gave an oath to send the Jocopo to the spirit world。 He gathered men together; men who had their wives; or sisters; or mothers taken; and 。。。’ He wiped his forehead as if he were sweating; but in the cold he was not。
 Kahlan put a hand on his arm。 He didn’t flinch this time。 ‘I understand; Chandalen。’
 ‘My grandfather called for a gathering; and was visited by our ancestors’ spirits。 He wept for his wife before the spirits; and asked if the ancestors’ spirits would teach him how to stop the Jocopo。 They told him that first he must stop weeping until after the fighting was done。’
 Kahlan took her hand back and absently stroked the fur at her neck。 ‘My father taught me something very much like that。 He said; ‘Don’t shed tears over those already in the ground; until after you have brought vengeance to those who put them there。 There will be time enough; then。’’
 Chandalen appraised her approvingly。 Then your father was a wise man。’
 Kahlan waited silently until at last he seemed to mentally gather up the memories of the stories; and continued。
 The ancestors’ spirits came to my grandfather every night in a gathering。 They taught him what he must do; how to kill。 He taught these men what he had learned。 He taught them how to put mud on themselves; and tie grass to themselves; so not to be seen。 Our men became like the shadows。 The Jocopo could not see them if they stood as close as we do now。
 ‘My grandfather and his men made war with the Jocopo。 Not war the way the Jocopo made war; but the way the spirits taught。 The Jocopo made war in the day; because they were many; and had no fear of us。 The spirits told grandfather that he must not fight the Jocopo the way they wanted; but must make them fear the night; and the empty grassland; and every call of a bird or frog or bug。
 ‘For every one of the Mud People; there were five Jocopo。 At first; they were not afraid of us; because of their numbers。 We killed Jocopo when they hunted food; when they tended their crops; when they cared for their animals; when they went for water; when they went to squat; when they slept。 Any Jocopo。 Every Jocopo。 We did not try to fight them; we only killed them。 Until there were no more Jocopo in this world; only in the spirit world。’
 She wondered briefly if he meant that they had killed the children; too; but she knew the answer; there were no more Jocopo。 Something else her father had taught her came to mind: If war is brought to you; then it is incumbent upon you to show no mercy。 Surely you will be shown none; and you will be a traitor to your people and as good as their enemy if you let any clemency slip its bounds; for your people will pay for your mistake with their lives。
 ‘I understand; Chandalen。 Your people did the only thing they could。 Your grandfather did what was necessary to protect his people。 My father also taught me; ‘If war is brought to you; then let there be war like your enemy has never imagined in his most frightening nightmares。 Anything less; and you hand victory to your foe。’’
 ‘Your father; too; must know the spirits of his ancestors。 He did well to teach you their lessons。’ His voice lowered sympathetically。 ‘But I know they are harsh lessons to live by; and can make you look hard to others。’
 ‘I know the truth of that。 Your grandfather brought honor to the Mud People; Chandalen。 I’m sure that when it was done; he shed many tears for those of his people who were murdered。’
 Chandalen untied the thong at his neck and shrugged back his mantle; letting it drop to the floor。 He wore a heavy buckskin tunic and pants。 At each shoulder; held with a band made of woven prairie cotton around his upper arm; was a bone knife。 The lower end was sharpened to a point; and the knuckle at the other end was covered with the same woven cotton for a better grip。 Black feathers hung from the top。
 He tapped one of the bones。 This is of my grandfather。’ He touched the other。 This is of my father。 One day; when I have a strong son; he will wear one of me; and of my father; and the one of my grandfather will be put to rest in the ground。’
 When Kahlan had first seen the bone knives; when they had left the Mud People village; she had thought they were ceremonial。 With terrible certainty; she now knew they were not。 They were real w
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