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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Pausing only a moment; she wiped her brow with a finger before moving on。 ‘I was young; perhaps younger than you; when I left the Palace of the Prophets。 Left to find you。 We didn’t know if you had been born yet。 We knew that if you had not been; you would be; but we didn’t know when; so three Sisters were sent。
 ‘But that was many years ago。 I’ve spent better than half my life away from the palace。 From Jedidiah。’ She stopped again; peering first right; then left; before starting ahead once more。 ‘He will have long ago forgotten me; and found another。’
 ‘If he really loved you; Sister; he won’t have forgotten you and found another。 You haven’t forgotten him。’
 She tugged on her horse’s line; pulling him away from something he wanted to investigate。 ‘Too many years have passed。 We’ve grown older apart。 I have grown old。 We are not the same people we were。 He is one with the gift; and has his own life。 It would not include me。’
 ‘You’re not old; Sister。 If you really love each other; time shouldn’t matter。’ He wondered if he was talking about her; or himself。
 Sister Verna gave a soft; private laugh。 ‘Youth。 Youth holds much hope; but not much wisdom。 I know the ways of people。 Of men。 He has been too long from my skirts。 He will long ago have sought another。’
 Richard felt himself blushing in the heat。 ‘Love has more to it than that。’
 ‘Ah; so you know so much of love; yes? You; too; will soon be searching the charms of a new pair of pretty legs。’
 Richard was about to vent a rush of sudden anger when Sister Verna stopped。 She looked up。 The dark cloud swirled in; closing in on them。
 From somewhere; Richard heard the faint sound of someone screaming his name。
 ‘Something is wrong;’ Sister Verna whispered to herself。
 ‘What is it?’
 She ignored him; pulling Jessup to the left。 ‘This way。’
 Lightning lit the air about them。 A blinding bolt struck the ground ahead; sending a shower of the chalky earth skyward。 The ground shook with the impact。 Every muscle flinched from the nearness of the strike。
 When the lightning tore the dark wall open for an instant; Richard saw Kahlan。 She was standing; watching him。 And then she was gone。
 Sister Verna reversed course。 ‘This way。 Now! Richard; I told you; it is not real。 Whatever you saw; you must ignore it。’
 He knew it was an illusion; but the sight ran a sharp pang of longing through him。 He groaned inwardly。 Why did the magic have to attract him with visions of her? His own mind; Sister Verna had said; would bring forth the things he feared; or those for which he longed。 Which was this; he wondered; fear or longing?
 ‘Is the lightning real?’
 ‘Real enough to kill us。 But it’s not lightning in the sense of what you know。 This is a storm of spells that are battling each other。 The lightning is a discharge of their power as they fight each other。 At the same time; it also seeks to destroy any intruder。 Our way is among the gaps in their battle。’
 Again; he heard the distant scream of his name; but it wasn’t Kahlan’s voice。 It was a man’s voice。
 Another lightning bolt struck directly in front of them。 He and the Sister both protectively threw an arm up before their faces。 The horses didn’t start。 It must be as the Sister said; horses would have panicked had it been real lightning。
 As the dirt thrown up by the lightning rained down around them; Sister Verna turned and snatched him by his shirtsleeve。
 ‘Richard; listen to me。 Something is wrong。 The way is shifting too fast。 I’m not able to feel it as I should be able to。’
 ‘Why would that be? You’ve been through here before。 You were able to do it before。’
 ‘I don’t know。 We don’t know a great deal about this place。 It’s tainted with magic we don’t entirely understand。 It could be that the magic has learned to recognize me; from when I was here before。 Going through more than twice is not possible。 Going through the second time is said to be more difficult than the first。 It could just be that。 But it might be something else。’
 ‘What something else? You mean me?’
 Her eyes glanced past him to things she was seeing; but he knew weren’t there。 She refocused her gaze on him。 ‘No; not you。 If it were you; I would still be able to feel the pass as I did before; but I can’t。 I can only feel it some of the time。 I think it’s because of what happened with Sisters Elizabeth and Grace。’
 ‘What do they have to do with it?’
 The dark storm was all about them now; swirling and howling。 Their clothes flapped in the gusts。 He had to squint against the dust。
 ‘In their death; they passed on their gift。 That is the reason they gave their lives when you refused the offer; to pass their gift to the next; to make her stronger so she might succeed at the next try。’
 That was why he had felt the pull to accept the collar more strongly each time the offer had been made。 Kahlan had said that that might have been the reason they killed themselves when he refused … to add to their power; make them stronger。
 ‘You mean you have the power; the Han; of the other Sisters?’
 She nodded as her eyes darted about。 ‘It gives me the power of all three。’ Her eyes came back to his。 ‘It could be that I have too much power to make it through。’ She clutched his shirt tighter and pulled him closer to her face。 ‘If I don’t make it; you must go on alone; try to make it on your own。’
 ‘What! I don’t know how to make it through。 I don’t feel anything of the spells about us。’
 ‘Don’t argue with me! You felt the lightning。 You felt that much of it。 One without the gift would not feel it until it was too late。 You must try。’
 ‘Sister; you will be all right。 You will sense the way。’
 ‘But if I don’t; you must try。 Ignore anything you see that tempts you。 Richard; if I die; you must try to make it through; to the Palace of the Prophets。’
 ‘If anything happens to you; I’ll try to make it back to the Midlands。 It’s closer。’
 She gave a sharp tug on his shirt。 ‘No! Must you always challenge what I tell you?’ She scowled at him a moment before letting her expression cool。 ‘Richard; if you don’t have a Sister to teach you to control the gift; you will die。 The collar alone will not save you。 You must have a sister for the Rada’Han to be of use。 Without a Sister; it would be like having lungs; but no air to fill them。 We are the air。 Some of us have already given our lives to help you。 Don’t let them die in vain。’
 He took her hand from his shirt and gave it a gentle squeeze。 ‘You’re going to make it。 I promise you; you’ll make it。 If there is anything I can do to help; I’ll try。 Don’t be afraid。 Ignore what you’re seeing。 Isn’t that what you said?’
 She released an exasperated breath and then took her hand back; turning away。 ‘You don’t know the things I see。’ She looked over her shoulder; squinting at him。 ‘Don’t test me; Richard; I’m not in the mood。 You do as you’re told。’
 Richard heard the thunder of horse’s hoo
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