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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 tasted sweet。
 The wizard who had given his life into this fire had done so to save another; not to save himself torture。 This wizard had been altruistic; the other ignoble。
 If having the gift meant he was a wizard; Richard wondered which kind he was。 He would like to think of himself as high…minded; but he had just killed another to save himself from torture。 But was he not within his rights to kill to protect his life? Must he wrongly die to be honorable?
 Who was he to judge which of these wizards had been wiser; or which had done what was within his rights?
 The sparkling black sand fascinated him。 It seemed to draw light from nowhere and reflect it about the inside of the tower in winking colors。 Richard retrieved an empty spice tin and scooped it full of the black sand。 He tucked the tin back in his pack hanging from Geraldine’s saddle while he whistled for Bonnie … she was off browsing again。
 Her ears swiveled toward him as her head came up。 Dutifully; she trotted over and joined him and the other two horses; pushing her head against his shoulder in hopes of a neck scratch。 As they left the tower behind; he gave her the scratch she wanted。
 His shirt was soaked with sweat as he hiked quickly across the barren ground。 He wanted to be out of this valley and away from the magic; the spells; and the visions。 Sweat rolled from his brow as he walked; trying to ignore familiar voices that called to him。 He ached with desire to see the faces of loved ones who called his name; but he didn’t look。 Other voices hissed with menace and threat; but he kept moving。 At times; the spells tingled against his flesh; burning with pricks of heat or cold or pain; and he rushed away from them even faster。
 As he wiped sweat from his eyes; they focused on the baked earth before him and he saw tracks。 His own。 He realized that in trying to avoid the feelings of danger; the visions; and the voices; he must have been walking in circles; if in fact the footprints were real。
 He began to have the queasy feeling that the magic was trapping him。 Maybe all this time he had been walking; he had not been making any headway out of the Valley of the Lost。 Maybe he; too; was lost。 How was he going to find a way out? He tugged the horses on and kept moving; but with a rising sense of panic。
 Unexpectedly; out of the dark fog before him came a vision that startled him into a dead stop。 It was Sister Verna。 She was wandering aimlessly; her hands clasped prayerfully; her eyes skyward; and a blissful smile upon her lips。
 Richard stalked toward her。 ‘Be gone! I’ve had enough of these specters! Leave me alone!’ She didn’t seem to hear him。 That was impossible; she was easily close enough to hear him。 He stepped closer; the air feeling abruptly thick and sparkling around him as he did so; until he seemed to step beyond it。 ‘Do you hear? Listen to me! I said be gone!’
 Distant brown eyes focused on him。 She held her arm out; her hand held up in forbidding。 ‘Leave me。 I have found what I seek。 Leave me to my peace; my bliss。’
 As she turned away; Richard felt an apprehensive; tingling sensation all the way down to his toes。 She wasn’t trying to entice him; as the other visions had。
 His hair tried to stand on end。
 ‘Sister Verna?’
 Could it be true? Could she be alive? Maybe he hadn’t really killed her。 Maybe it had all been a vision。 ‘Sister Verna; if it really is you; talk to me。’
 She regarded him with a puzzled frown。 ‘Richard?’
 ‘Of course Richard。’
 ‘Go;’ she whispered as her eyes turned up once more。 ‘I am with Him。’
 ‘Him? Him who?’
 ‘Please; Richard; you are tainted。 Go away。’
 ‘If you’re a vision; then you go away。’
 She regarded him with pleading。 ‘Please; Richard。 You’re disturbing Him。 Don’t ruin what I’ve found。’
 ‘What have you found? Is it Jedidiah?’
 ‘The Creator;’ she said in a hallowed tone。
 Richard peered skyward。 ‘I don’t see anyone。’
 She turned her back to him and strolled away。 ‘Leave me to Him。’
 Richard didn’t know if this was the real Sister Verna; or an illusion。 Or maybe the dead Sister’s spirit。 Which was true? How could he tell?
 He had promised the real Sister that she would make it through; that he would help her。 He followed after her before she could disappear into the dark fog。
 ‘What does the Creator look like; Sister Verna? Is he young? Old? Does he have long hair? Short? Does he have all his teeth?’
 She turned in a rage。 ‘Leave me!’
 The menace in her expression froze him in his tracks。
 ‘No。 Listen to me; Sister Verna。 You’re ing with me。 I’m not leaving you trapped in this spell。 That’s all you see: an enchantment spell。’
 He reasoned that if she was a specter; and he took her with him; she would vanish when they left the magic of the valley。 If she was real; well then he would be saving her。 She would be alive。 Though he wished to be free of her; he wished more that she was alive; and that she wouldn’t really do to him what she had done back in the tower。 He didn’t want that to be the true Sister Verna。 He started toward her again。
 Her hand came up; as if to push him; even though he was a good ten paces away。 The force of the impact threw him to the ground。 He rolled over; clutching his chest; clutching at the receding agony。 It felt like what had been done to him in the tower … hard; burning pain … but it faded faster。
 Wincing; he sat up; quickly gathering his wits as he gasped for breath。 He looked up to check where the Sister was in case she was about to hurt him again。 What he saw halted his breath only half out of his lungs。
 As the Sister once again stared skyward; the dark fog around them swirled and coalesced into forms; the forms of wraiths: insubstantial figures; seething; simmering with death。 Their faces churned with steaming; shifting shadows that conjoined into glowing red eyes set in inky faces … hot tongues of flame alive with hate; glowering out from eternal night。
 Bumps rippled and tingled across the backs of his shoulders。 When he had been in the spirit house and felt the screeling on the other side of the door; when he had sensed the man about to kill Chandalen; and when he had first encountered the Sisters; he had felt an overwhelming; inexplicable sense of danger。 He felt that danger now。
 There wasn’t the slightest doubt in his mind that these things were part of the magic of this valley; and that that magic had at last found an intruder。 Him。
 ‘Verna!’ he screamed。
 She scowled down at him。 ‘I told you; Richard; I am to be addressed as Sister Verna。
 ‘Is that what you do to your charges? Hurt them with your power?’
 She looked startled。 ‘But I 。。。’
 ‘Is this your eternal Paradise? Quarreling with people? Hurting them?’ He rushed to his knees; eyeing the drifting forms about them。 ‘Sister; we have to get out of here。’
 ‘I wish to stay with Him。 I have found my bliss。’
 ‘This is your idea of Paradise? Giving pain? Answer me; Sister Verna! Is that what your Creat
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