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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 The proprietor; Master Hillman; a rotund man with his white shirtsleeves rolled up above his dimpled elbows and wearing a sparkling white apron; spied him as he reached the bottom of the steps and immediately rushed across the room; shoving men out of his way。 The man’s round; pink cheeks plumped out farther as his small mouth spread with a familiar grin。
 ‘Master Rybnik! So good to see you again!’
 Zedd almost turned to see to whom the man was speaking before he remembered that was the name he had given。 He had told the innkeeper that his name was Ruben Rybnik; and had given Adie’s name as Elda; saying she was his wife。 Zedd had always favored the name Ruben。 Ruben。 He rolled the sound pleasantly through his mind。 Ruben。
 ‘Please; Master Hillman; call me Ruben。’
 The man’s head bobbed。 ‘Of course; Master Rybnik。 Of course。’
 Zedd held out the cane。 ‘I find I have need of a cane; of late。 Could I convince you to part with this one?’
 The man opened his arms in a wide gesture。 ‘For you; Master Rybnik; anything。 My nephew makes them; and I let him display them here for my discriminating guests。 But this one is special; and costly。’ He came forward at Zedd’s skeptical expression; lifting the cane。 He leaned close to speak confidentially。 ‘Let me demonstrate; Master Rybnik。 I don’t show this to anyone。 Might give them the wrong impression of my establishment; you know。 Here。 You see? You twist; and here at the silver band; it es open。’
 He separated the two parts a few inches to reveal a gleaming blade。 ‘Nearly two feet of Keltish steel。 Discreet protection for a gentleman。 But I’m not sure that for your simple purposes you would want such a costly 。。。’
 Zedd pushed the thin blade away and gave a twist; the finely worked mechanism emitting a soft click as the parts locked together。 ‘It will do nicely。 I like its looks。 Not too flashy。 Add the cost to my tally for the room。’ Wealthy gentlemen weren’t supposed to ask the price。
 Master Hillman bowed his head up and down。 ‘Of course; Master Rybnik。 Of course。 And a fine choice; I might add。 Quite dashing。’ He wiped his clean; meaty hands on the apron’s corner and then held an arm out to the room。 ‘May I offer you a table; Master Rybnik? Let me clear a table for you。 I will have someone move。 Let me see to it。。。。’
 ‘No; no。’ Zedd gestured with his new cane。 ‘That empty one in the corner; near the kitchen; will do splendidly。’
 The man looked with worry to where Zedd had pointed。 There? Oh no; sir; please; let me get you a better table。 Perhaps near the bard。 You would like to hear a lively tune; I’m sure。 He knows any tune you could name。 Let me know your favorite and I will have him play it for you。’
 Zedd leaned close and gave the man a wink。 ‘I much prefer the wonderful aromas ing from your kitchen to the singing。’
 Master Hillman beamed with pride and then swept his arm in the direction of the empty table; ushering Zedd toward it。 ‘You do me such honor; Master Rybnik。 I have never had anyone swoon over my cooking as do you。 Let me get you a plate。’
 ‘Ruben; please。 Remember? And I would be delighted to sample a slice of that roast I smell。’
 ‘Yes; Master Rybnik; of course。’ Wringing the corner of his apron; he leaned over the table as Zedd sat against the wall。 ‘How is Mistress Rybnik? I hope she is feeling better。 I pray for her every day。’
 Zedd sighed。 ‘Much the same; I’m afraid。’
 ‘Oh dear; oh dear。 I’m so sorry。 I’ll continue to pray for her。’ He started through the kitchen door。 ‘Let me get you that plate of roast。’
 Zedd leaned his new cane against the wall and removed his hat after the man had left; tossing it on the table。 The balding bard sat on a stool on a small platform; hunched over his lute as if permanently deformed around it; strumming with vigor and singing a spirited song about the adventures of a wagon driver; his journey along bad roads from one bad town to another with bad food and worse women; and how he loved the challenge of steep hills and twisting passes; driving rain and blinding snow。
 Zedd watched one man; alone in a booth against the wall across the room; roll his eyes and shake his head as he listened to one improbable adventure after another。 A whip lay in a neat coil on the table before him。 Other men; at tables; thought the song a proper tale; and thumped their mugs as they sang along。 Some of the drunker men tried to pinch the smiling serving girls that swept past; but caught only air。
 At other tables sat nattily dressed men and women; probably merchants and their wives; talking among themselves and ignoring the singing。 Fashionable nobility; wearing gleaming swords; sat at a few tables off to the quieter side of the room。 In an empty area between the bard and the lone man in the booth; couples danced; some were serving girls and men who had paid them for the turn。 Zedd noted with pique that while there were many men with hats; all the hats looked to be functional; and none were embellished with a feather。
 Zedd reached into a pocket to count the gold coins。 Two。 He sighed。 It was expensive playing the part of the wealthy。 He didn’t know how even the wealthy could afford it。 Well; he would just have to do something about that if he was to get transportation all the way to Nicobarese。 He couldn’t have Adie riding that horse anymore; she was too weak。
 Springing on light feet; Master Hillman swooped through the kitchen door。 He set a gold…rimmed white plate heaped with roasted lamb in front of Zedd; pausing before he straightened to return a finger to each edge of the plate and turn it just so。 Quickly producing a clean towel; he buffed a spot off the tabletop。 Zedd decided that although he was hungry; he had better eat carefully; lest Master Hillman whisk out to wipe his chin for him。
 ‘May I bring you a mug of ale; Master Rybnik? On the house?’
 ‘Please call me Ruben; that’s my name。 A pot of tea would be splendid。’
 ‘Of course; Master Rybnik; of course。 Anything else I could do? Besides the pot of tea?’
 Zedd leaned a little toward the center of the table。 Master Hillman did the same。 ‘What’s the current gold to silver exchange ratio?’
 ‘Forty point five five to one;’ he answered; ticking the numbers off without hesitation。 He cleared his throat。 ‘I believe。 At least; that’s what I seem to remember。’ He smiled apologetically。 ‘I don’t keep track。 But that’s what I believe it is。 Forty point five five to one。 Yes; I think that’s right。’
 Zedd made a show of considering this。 At last he pulled out one of his two gold coins and slid it with one finger across the table toward the proprietor。
 ‘I seem to be short of smaller coinage。 If you would be so kind; could you exchange this for me? And I would like it divided into two purses。 From one take one silver and exchange it for copper; and put that in a third purse。 And please keep the odd bits for the house?’
 Master Hillman gave two quick; deep bows。 ‘Of course; Master Rybnik; of course。 And thank you。’
 He swept the coin off the table
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