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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 hearth; he placed a handful of kindling on the grate and stacked on wood from the bucket to the side。 He was about to use magic to start the fire; but thought better of it and instead lit a stick in the lamp。 He squatted; touching the flame to the curls of the kindling。
 ‘Zedd; my friend;’ Adie said in a quiet; gentle voice; ‘I not be a Sister of the Light。 I know that be what you are wondering。 I not be one of them。’
 That was exactly what Zedd had been wondering。
 ‘And if you were;’ he asked without turning; ‘would you tell me?’
 She was silent。 He looked over his shoulder to see her smiling at him。 ‘The Sisters of the Light value honesty above almost anything else。 But to them; lying in the service of their Creator be a virtue。’
 The fire took a good start。 Zedd stood before her; looking down without returning her smile。 ‘That is no fort to me。’
 She took hold of his hand; patting it with her other。
 ‘Zedd; I will tell you the truth。 I be in debt to some of them for the things they did for me; but I give you an oath on the soul of my dead Pell: I not be a Sister of the Light。 I would never let them have one of the gifted from our side; as long as I knew there be a wizard to teach him。 I would never allow a boy to be taken and subjected to their ways; had I a say。’
 Zedd smoothed the fringe of a carpet with his foot。 ‘I know you’re not one of them; dear lady。 It’s just that I hate the thought of those women doing those things to ones with the gift; when I can show them the joy of their talent。 It’s a gift。 They treat it like a curse。’
 With a thumb; she rubbed the back of his hand。 ‘I see you have yourself a dashing new cane。’
 Zedd grunted。 ‘I hate to think what Master Hillman is scheming to charge me for it。’
 ‘And did you find us transportation?’
 Zedd nodded。 ‘A man named Ahern。 We better try to get a bit of sleep。 He’s going to be here with a coach three hours before dawn。’
 He gave her a grim look。 ‘Adie; until we get to Nicobarese and can rid ourselves of this taint; I think we had better consider the consequences very carefully before using magic。’
 ‘Are we safe here?’
 A soft hand extended from the fog of dim light; brushing her cheek; forting her。
 You are safe here; Rachel。 Both of you are safe。 Now; and always。 You are safe。
 Rachel smiled。 She did feel safe。 Safer than she ever felt before。 Not just safe like she felt when she was with Chase; but safe like she had felt in her mother’s arms。 She hadn’t been able to remember her mother before; but she remembered now; remembered the encircling arms holding her to a breast。
 The terrible fright she had shared with Chase while 。they raced to catch Richard was melting away。 The bone…tired worry of whether or not they would catch him in time was melting away。 The terror of the people who had tried to stop them; the fights Chase had had; the horror of the blood she had seen; all the blood she had seen 。。。 it was all melting away。
 As she stood before the sparkling pool; the hands reached to her again。 Reached to her from the gentle smiles of reassurance。 The hands helped her undo the buttons of her dirty; sweaty dress; and pull it off。 She flinched when her dress pulled against the bruise on her shoulder; the bruise she got when a man chasing them had knocked her down。
 The smiles turned to sad looks of concern for her pain。 The soft; gentle voices cooed fort to her。 The glowing hands caressed the shoulder; and when they lifted; the bruise was gone。 The hurt was gone。
 All better?
 Rachel nodded。 ‘Yes! It’s all better。 Thank you。’
 The hands pulled off her shoes and stockings。 She sat on a warm rock and dangled her bare feet in the soothing water。 It would be so wonderful to bathe and be rid of the dirt and sweat。
 The hands reached for the stone hanging on the necklace around her neck。 The hands drew back; as if afraid。
 We cannot remove this thing。 You must do it without our help。
 Through the soothing warmth and security of the beautiful land around her; through the fort of the peace she had found; through her desire to do as the gentle murmurs had asked; a voice rose up in her mind。 It was Zedd’s voice; telling her that she must not give the Stone to anyone; for any reason; telling her how important it was for her to guard it always。
 She looked up; from the circles of ripples her feet made in the water; to the gentle faces。 ‘I don’t want to take it off。 Can’t I leave it on?’
 The smiles returned and widened。
 Of course you can; Rachel; if that is what you wish。 If that is what would make you happy。
 ‘I want it to stay on。 That would make me happy。’
 Then it will stay on。 Now; and forever; if you wish。
 She smiled a smile of peace and security as she slipped into the soothing water。 It felt so good。 She floated and drifted。 She felt all her troubles sloughing away with the dirt。 One moment; it seemed she couldn’t feel any more safe or happy; and then the next moment she did; and the next yet more。
 She drew her arms through the healing; cleansing; golden water; swimming toward the other side of the pool; where she remembered leaving Chase。 She found him almost up to his neck in the water; his head tilted back; resting on a soft mat of grass at the bank。 His eyes were closed and he had a wonderful smile on his face。
 ‘Yes; daughter;’ he whispered without opening his eyes。
 She swam up beside him。 He lifted an arm and she slipped under it。 It felt so good to have his arm around her shoulders; forting her。
 ‘Father; do we ever have to leave this place?’
 ‘No。 They say we can stay forever。’
 She nuzzled against him。 ‘I’m so glad。’
 She slept; really slept; like she couldn’t remember ever sleeping before; so safe and sheltered; though she didn’t know how long。 When she dressed; her clothes were clean; and seemed to sparkle like new。 Chase’s clothes; too; were bright and shiny。 She held hands and danced in circles with other children; glowing children; whose voices and laughter echoed。 It made her laugh; too; laugh with happiness like none she had ever felt before。
 When she was hungry; she and Chase lay in the grass; the warm fog and glowing; smiling faces around them; and ate things that were sweet and delicious。 When she was tired; she slept; never having to worry about where she slept; because she was safe; safe at last。 And when she wanted to play; the other children came to play with her。 They loved her。 Everyone loved her。 She loved everyone。
 Sometimes she walked alone。 Filmy shafts of sunlight streamed through the trees。 Glowing meadows were filled with wildflowers bowing in the gentle breeze; winking with bright specks of color。
 Sometimes she walked with Chase; holding his hand。 She was so happy that he was contented now; too。 He never had to fight anyone anymore。 He was safe; too。 He said he was at peace。
 He sometimes took her for walks; and showed her the woods where; he said; he grew up; where; he said; he had played when he was
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