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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Richard was gentler about it than Gratch。 The gar would put its mouth around Richard’s arm; though; thankfully; at least it never bit。 Its needle…sharp fangs were long enough to easily go all the way through his arm; and he had seen the gar splinter bone with those teeth。
 Richard brought the wrestling match to an end by sitting up on the stump。 Gratch sat straddling him; arms; legs; and wings wrapped around him。 It nuzzled against Richard’s shoulder。 Gratch knew that at dawn Richard left。
 Richard spied a rabbit in the underbrush; some distance off; and thought that perhaps Sister Verna would appreciate some meat for breakfast。 ‘Gratch; I need a rabbit。’
 Gratch climbed off his lap as Richard took up his bow。 After the arrow was off; he told the gar to bring him the rabbit; but not to eat it。 Gratch had learned to retrieve; and was happy to do it; he always got what was left of the skinning and gutting。
 After Richard was done and had bid Gratch good…bye; he hiked back to camp。 His mind wandered back to the vision of Kahlan he had had in the tower; and the things she had told him。 The sight of her being beheaded haunted him。 He recalled her words:
 ‘Speak if you must these words; but not of this vision。 ‘Of all there were; but a single one born of the magic to bring forth truth will remain alive when the shadow’s threat is lifted。 Therefore es the greater darkness of the dead。 For there to be a chance at life’s bond; this one in white must be offered to her people; to bring their joy and good cheer。’’
 He knew who the ‘this one in white’ was。 He knew what ‘bring their joy and good cheer’ meant。
 He thought; too; about the prophecy that Sister Verna had told him of; the one that said; ‘He is the bringer of death; and he shall so name himself。’ She claimed the prophecy said that the holder of the sword is able to call the dead forth; call the past into the present。 He wondered; and worried; what that could mean。
 At the camp; he found Sister Verna squatted at the fire; cooking bannock。 The aroma made his stomach grumble。 The sparsely wooded country was ing to life with sounds of animals and bugs heralding the dawn。 Clusters of small; dark birds sang from the tall; thinly foliated trees; and gray squirrels chased each other up and down their branches。 Richard hung the the skewer with the rabbit over the fire as Sister Verna continued to mind the bannock。
 ‘I brought you some breakfast。 I thought you might like some meat。’
 She gave only a grunt of acknowledgment。
 ‘You still angry with me for saving your life yesterday?’
 She carefully laid another small stick on the fire。 ‘I am not angry with you for saving my life; Richard。’
 ‘I thought you said your Creator hated lies。 Do you think he believes you? I don’t。’
 Her face turned so red Richard thought her curly hair might catch fire。 ‘You will not speak blasphemy。’
 ‘And lying is not?’
 ‘You do not understand; Richard; why I’m angry。’
 Richard sat on the ground and; grasping his ankles; folded his legs in。 ‘Maybe I do。 You’re supposed to be my protector。 Not the other way around。 Maybe you feel that you have failed。 But I don’t feel that you failed。 We both just did what we had to; to survive。’
 ‘Did what we must?’ Fine wrinkles radiated around her eyes as they narrowed。 ‘As I recall from the book; when Bonnie; Geraldine; and Jessup led the people across the poison river; some of those people died。’
 Richard smiled to himself。 ‘So you really did read it。’
 ‘I told you I did! That was foolhardy。 We could have been killed taking that risk。’
 ‘We didn’t have any choice。’
 ‘You always have a choice; Richard。 That is what I am trying to teach you。’ She sat back on her heels。 ‘The wizards who created that place thought they had no choice; but they made things worse。 You were using your Han back there; and you were doing it without understanding the consequences。’
 ‘What choice did we have?’
 Hands on her knees; she leaned forward。 ‘We always have a choice; Richard。 You were lucky; this time; that your use of magic didn’t get you killed。’
 ‘What are you talking about?’
 Sister Verna drew a saddlebag close and started rummaging through it; finally pulling out a green cloth bag。 ‘You got some blood from that beast on your arm。 Did any of the bugs bite you?’
 ‘On my legs。’
 ‘Show me。’
 Richard pulled up his pant legs and showed her the swollen; red bites。 She shook her head and; whispering to herself; pulled first one and then a second bottle from the bag。
 With a stick found on the ground nearby; she dipped a white paste from one bottle and wiped it onto the flat of a knife blade。 She threw the stick in the fire。 Taking up another stick; she dipped a dark paste from the other bottle and mixed it with the light on the flat of the blade; then spread it along the edge。 She threw the second stick; with some of the mixed paste on it; into the fire。 Richard flinched when it exploded in a white…hot ball of fire that lifted skyward; dissipating as it rose; turning to a boiling cloud of black smoke。
 She held up the knife to reveal a gray paste spread on the blade。 ‘Light and dark; earth and sky。 Magic; to heal what would otherwise kill you by tonight。 You have a way of getting yourself out onto thin limbs; Richard。 Each step you take only makes your predicament worse。 Now; e over here; closer。’
 Richard dug his heels in and scooted around the fire。 ‘Were you trying to decide whether or not you were going to help me?’
 ‘Of course not。 This is made from powerful magic; constructed magic; to smother the venom injected into you by the conjured creatures。 Too soon; and the cure would kill you。 Too late; the bites would kill you。 It must be the right kind of magic; at the right time。 I was simply waiting for the proper time。’
 Richard wanted to argue with her; but instead said; ‘Thank you for helping me。’ She frowned at him before leaning over his bites。 ‘Sister; how was I making things worse?’
 ‘You were being reckless。 Using magic is dangerous; not only to others; but to the one who calls it forth as well。’
 Richard winced as she drew the edge across one of the bites; first one way; then the other; cutting an X on it。 The sting made his eyes water。
 ‘How can it be dangerous to me?’
 She concentrated as she leaned over his leg; whispering an incantation while stroking the knife across his swollen flesh。 He tried not to jump when she cut the next bite。 She was only making light cuts; but they stung fiercely。
 ‘It is like starting a fire in the center of a tinder dry wood。 You find yourself in the center of the fire; in the center of what you have started。 What you did was foolish and dangerous。’
 ‘Sister Verna; I was trying to stay alive。’
 She jabbed a finger at one of the painful bites。 ‘And look what happened! If I don’t heal you; you’ll die。’ She finished with his legs and turned her attention to his arm。 ‘When we were being attacked by those beasts; you thought to save
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