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荣耀电子书 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘Yes。 We didn’t know when you would be born。 We were only able to narrow it to a range of decades。’
 ‘How are the Sisters who are to be sent chosen?’
 ‘We’re selected by the Prelate。’
 ‘You have no say in the matter?’
 She tensed; as if suspicious she might accidentally be slipping her neck through a noose; yet was unable to keep from voicing her faith。 ‘We work in the service of the Creator。 We would have no reason to object。 The whole purpose of the palace is to help those with the gift。 To be selected to save one with the gift is one of the greatest honors a Sister may receive。’
 ‘So; none of the others sent have ever had to give up so many years of their lives to rescue one with the gift?’
 ‘No。 I’ve never heard of it taking more than a year。 But I knew this assignment could last for decades。’
 Richard smiled to himself in triumph。 He leaned back; stretching his muscles。 He took a deep breath。 ‘Now I understand。’
 Her eyes narrowed。 ‘What do you understand?’
 ‘I understand; Sister Verna; why you treat me the way you do。 I understand why we’re always fighting; why we’re always at each other’s throats。 I understand why you resent me。 Why you hate me。’
 She looked like someone waiting for the trapdoor to fall put from under her。 ‘I don’t hate you; Richard。’
 He nodded; and pulled the catch on that trapdoor。 ‘Yes; you do。 You hate me。 And I don’t blame you。 I understand。 You had to give up Jedidiah because of me。’
 She flinched as if a noose had just tightened around her neck。 ‘Richard! You will not speak to me in 。。。’
 ‘You resent me because of that。 Not because of what happened to the other two Sisters。 It’s because of Jedidiah。 If it weren’t for me; you would be with him。 You would have been with him for the last twenty years。 You had to give up the love of your life to go on this accursed quest to find me。 They sent you。 You had no choice; you had to go。 It’s your duty; and it cost you your love; and the children you might have had。 That’s what I’ve cost you; why you hate me。’
 Sister Verna sat and stared; she neither spoke nor moved。 Finally; she said; The Seeker; indeed。’
 ‘I’m sorry; Sister Verna。’
 ‘No need to be; Richard。 You don’t know what you are talking about。’ She slowly lifted the rabbit from the fire; setting it on the iron plate with the bannock。 For a moment she stared off into nothing。 ‘We had better finish eating。 We must be on our way。’
 ‘Fine。 But I just want you to consider; Sister; that it’s not by my choice。 I didn’t do this to you。 The Prelate did。 You should either be angry with her; or if you’re so devoted to your duty; to your Creator; as you claim; then you should have joy in His service。 Either way; please stop blaming me。’
 She opened her mouth to speak; but then instead fumbled with the stopper on the waterskin; finally getting it off; and took a long drink。 Drawing deep breaths when she finished; she dabbed her sleeve to her wet lips。
 Her unwavering gaze locked on his。 ‘Soon; Richard; we will be to the palace; but first we have to pass through the land of a very dangerous people。 The Sisters have an arrangement with them; to be allowed to pass。 You will have to do a task for them。 You will do it; or there will be great trouble。’
 ‘What will I have to do?’
 ‘You will have to kill someone for them。’
 ‘Sister Verna; I promise you; I’m not going to 。。。’
 Her index finger rose from her fist; manding silence。 ‘Don’t you dare swing the axe this time; Richard;’ she whispered。 ‘You have no idea of the consequences。’
 She rose to her feet。 ‘Get the horses ready。 We must be leaving。’
 Richard stood。 ‘Aren’t you going to have your breakfast?’
 She ignored his question and stepped close to him。
 ‘It takes two to argue; Richard。 You’re always angry with me; with everything I tell you。 You resent me。 You hate me; because you think I made you put on that collar。 But I didn’t; and you know it。 Kahlan made you put it on。 It’s because of her you wear the Rada’Han。 If it weren’t for her; you wouldn’t be with me。 That’s what I’ve cost you; and why you hate me。
 ‘But I think you should consider; Richard; that it’s not by ‘my choice。 I didn’t do this to you。 Kahlan did。 You should either be angry with her; or if you’re so devoted to her; as you claim; then have joy in carrying out her wishes。 Perhaps she has valid reasons for them。 Maybe she has your interests at heart。 Either way; please stop blaming me。’
 Richard tried to swallow; but couldn’t。
 The bloodred light of day’s death oozed through the bones of trees lining the spine of the next ridge。 Her green…eyed gaze left the well…hidden places where outposts of sentries were stationed。 They were too far apart; she noted; or she would not be standing unnoticed where she was。 She tallied the men in rank upon rank of tents marching up the valley floor below。 Five thousand would be generous; she concluded。
 Horses were picketed to her left; near supply wagons all neatly lined up。 To the far side of the valley; latrines had been dug in the snow。 Cook wagons stationed between the men and the supply wagons were packing up for the night。 Colorful battle flags flew over the mand tents。 It was probably the most orderly army she had ever seen afield。 Galeans did have a penchant for order。
 ‘They look very nice;’ Chandalen said in a quiet voice; ‘for men about to be slaughtered。’ The two brothers gave nervous chuckles of agreement。
 Kahlan nodded absently。 That morning; they had seen the army these men were chasing。 They were not neat。 They were not orderly。 They were not pretty。 And their sentries were not stationed too far apart。 Still; Chandalen and the two brothers had managed to get her close enough to see what she had wanted to see; and to take a tally。
 She had guessed their numbers at fifty thousand。 And that was not being generous。
 She let out a long breath; its thin; white cloud drifting away in the cold air。 ‘I have to stop this。’ She hiked her pack and bow up on her back。 ‘Let’s get down there。’
 Chandalen; Prindin; and Tossidin followed behind as she slogged down the hillside of fluffy snow。 It had taken her longer than she had hoped to catch these men。 A blizzard high in Jara Pass had left the four of them holed up in the shelter of a wayward pine for two days。 Wayward pines always reminded Kahlan of Richard; and as she had lain in her fur mantle; listening to the howl of the wind; she had dreamed of him while she slept; and while she was awake。
 She was furious that she had to lose valuable time on the way to Aydindril to stop this army from their suicide pursuit …of the forces that had destroyed Ebinissia; but as the Mother Confessor she couldn’t allow nearly five thousand men to die to no purpose。 She had to stop them before they got close to the army that had plundered Ebinissia。 They were too close now。 They would surely make contact by the next day。
 The army sprang to alert as the four figures in white wolf
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