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tg.stone of tears-第章

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ose who don’t join us are against us; and will be crushed。 We fight to bring order。
 ‘Under the Imperial Order; all who join us will find protection; and in turn they will help protect all。 All the lands will join with us; or they will be swept aside。 It is a new order for which we struggle。 The Imperial Order。 They mand all the lands; and I mand them。’
 Kahlan frowned; trying to make sense of what she was hearing。 ‘I am the Mother Confessor; and I mand the Midlands; not you。’
 ‘Mother Confessor!’ He clapped the wizard on the back。 ‘You didn’t tell me she was the Mother Confessor! Well; you don’t look like any mother I’ve seen。 But after tonight; you’ll be a mother sure enough。 You have my word on that!’ He roared with laughter。
 ‘Darken Rahl is dead。’ That brought the laughter to an end。 ‘The new Lord Rahl has declared the war ended and called all the D’Haran troops home。’
 General Riggs rose to his feet。 ‘Darken Rahl was a man of limited foresight; a man too much concerned with his ancient magic and too little concerned with order。 He was too preoccupied with his own quests; his old religions。 Magic; until it is eradicated; is a tool of men; not a master of them。
 ‘Darken Rahl failed to use the opportunity he had。 We will not fail。 Darken Rahl himself; in the underworld; knows this; and repents。 He is allied to our struggle; now。 The good spirits have declared it! We no longer bow to the house of Rahl; but they; as all houses; districts; and kingdoms; to us。 The new Lord Rahl will join us; too; or we’ll crush him and any heathen dogs who follow him。 We will crush all the heathen dogs!’
 ‘In other words; General; you fight for no one other than yourself。 Your purpose is simply to murder people。’
 ‘I do not fight for myself! This is a larger purpose than one man。 We offer all the opportunity to join with us。 If they don’t join with us; it’s because they’re aligned with our enemies; and we must kill them!’ He threw his hands up。 ‘It’s useless trying to explain such matters of state and canon to a woman。 Women have no intellect for rule。’
 ‘Men have no exclusive talent to rule; General。’
 ‘It’s profanity for men to bow down to a woman for protection! Right men concern themselves only with getting under a woman’s skirts; not with hiding behind them! Women rule from their nipples; offering only their sympathetic pap。 Men rule from their fist。 They make and enforce the law。 They provide and protect。
 ‘Every king and patrician will be offered the chance to join with us; to bring his land and his people under our protection。 All queens will be offered the chance to ply their wares in a brothel; or perhaps to be the humble wives of an indentured farmer; but either way make a proper use of themselves。’
 He swept his mug up from the table and took a few gulps。 ‘Can’t you see; woman? Are you that stupid; even for a woman? What has your Midland’s alliance acplished under the rule of women?’
 Acplished? The alliance is to acplish nothing but to let all the lands live in peace; to leave their neighbors’ lands to their neighbors; and know that their own is safe from covetous hands; and that all will stand to protect each; even the weak and defenseless; so none will stand alone and naked。’
 He smiled in triumph as he looked to his rades。 ‘Truly spoken from the teat!’
 He gestured with disgust。 ‘You provide no leadership; no law; each land proscribes and pronounces as they see fit。 What in one place is a crime; in another is virtue。 Your alliance shies from bringing order to all。 You’re nothing but fragmented tribes; each jealously guarding what’s his; with no thought to the union other than fits their own greed; and in so doing lets all be vincible。’
 ‘You are wrong; that is exactly what the Central Council in Aydindril is for; to bring all lands together for the mon defense。 The mon defense against murderers like you。 It is not a feeble union; as you seem to think; but one with teeth。’
 A noble ideal。 One; in fact; which I share; but one you only give pap to。 You bring them together only timidly; not under mon canon。’ He held his hand out to her; closing it into a fist as he sneered at her。 ‘In so doing; you leave all lands ripe for the squeezing。 You are lost souls in search of true leadership and in desperate need of protection。
 As soon as the boundaries fell; you were ravaged by Darken Rahl; and he was only halfhearted about it; seeking only his magic! Had he let the generals run as they would; there wouldn’t be even a shell of this play alliance of yours left。’
 And who is it we all need protection from?’
 He stared off; whispering; almost to himself。 ‘From the horde who will e。’
 ‘What horde?’
 He looked up; as if he had just awakened。 The horde spoken of in the prophecies。’ He frowned at her as if she were hopelessly thick; and then held his hand out to the wizard。 ‘The good wizard here has counseled us on the prophecies。 You are one who spent your life with wizards; and you never sought their knowledge?’
 ‘Your eloquent claim to want to join people in peace and law are high…minded words; General Riggs。 But your atrocities in Ebinissia put the lie to them。 For all time; Ebinissia will bear mute but irrefutable testimony to your true cause。 You; and your Imperial Order; are the horde。’ Kahlan glowered to the wizard。 ‘What’s your part in this; Wizard Slagle?’
 He shrugged。 ‘Why; to assist and facilitate the joining of all people under the rule of mon law。’
 ‘Whose law?’
 ‘The law of the victors。’ He smiled。 ‘That would be us。 The Imperial Order。’
 ‘You have responsibilities as a wizard。 Those responsibilities are to serve; not to rule。 You will report at once to Aydindril; to take your place in that service; or you will answer to me。’
 ‘You?’ he said with a derisive sneer。 ‘You demand that good and decent men whimper and snivel before you; and at the same time you blindly let banelings have a free run of the land。’
 ‘Banelings?’ She glowered at Riggs。 ‘I suppose you would be foolish enough to seek council from the Blood of the Fold。’
 ‘They’ve already joined with us;’ General Riggs said; offhandedly。 ‘Our cause is theirs; and theirs ours。 They know how to expunge those who would serve the Keeper and thus our enemies。 We will cleanse the land of all who serve the Keeper。 Goodness must triumph。’
 ‘You mean your cause。 It is you who would rule。’
 ‘Are you blind; Confessor? I rule here; now; but this is not about me; it’s about the future。 I simply fill the post for now; furrow the field so it may produce。 It’s not I who is the focus。
 ‘We offer everyone the chance to serve with us; and every man with me has taken that offer。 Others have joined our troops in our battle。 We are no longer D’Haran troops。 They are no longer troops of their homeland。 We are all the Imperial Order。 Any of right mind can lead us。 If I fall in our noble struggle; another will rise up to take my place; until all the lands are joined under united rule; and the Imperial Order ca
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