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荣耀电子书 返回本书目录 我的书架 我的书签 TXT全本下载 进入书吧 加入书签

tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Kahlan swung the half lance at a man lunging for her; catching him across the head。 The impact tore the lance from her grip。 She wheeled the horse and leaned forward over his withers as she galloped at full speed back through the confusion around the mand tents。 Her heart pounded as fast as the horse’s hooves。
 One of the D’Haran officers from the table was up and screaming for a horse。 Men leapt onto horses bareback。 As she began putting distance between them; she could hear him yell that if they failed to catch her they would be drawn and quartered to a man。 A quick glance showed a good three dozen riders joining the chase。
 Away from the mand tents; back the way she had e; men didn’t know what was happening; and saw a galloping rider as simply part of the drunken festivities。 None moved to stop her。 Men; tents; fires; polearms and lances stuck upright in the snow; stacks of pikes; horses; and wagons all flashed by in a blur。
 Nick jumped anything he couldn’t dodge。 The threat of him not jumping or dodging had men diving for cover。 Men at games tumbled out of the way; coin and dice flying into the air。 Tents pulled up when Nick’s legs caught their lines; flew up and billowed in a tangle behind; snaring her pursuers。 Horses and riders crashed to the ground。 Others ran over their own men in their frenzied attempt to keep her in sight。
 Kahlan spotted a sword hanging in a scabbard that was fastened to the side of a wagon; and as she ran past; she pulled it free。 Galloping past picket lines; she swung the sword; cutting the lead lines。 She hacked the rump of one horse as she charged past。 He kicked and screamed in fright and pain; panicking the rest of the horses。 They bolted headlong in every direction。 Lanterns on poles toppled onto tents; setting them afire。
 The horses in pursuit balked at the fires; rearing and bucking; throwing their riders to the ground。 A man lunged suddenly into her path; avoiding Nick’s flying hooves and grabbing for her。 Kahlan drove the sword home through his chest as she flew by。 The hilt tore from her hand。 She leaned forward and held on as Nick raced through the endless camp。 The men chasing weren’t as close; but they were still ing。
 Suddenly; she was free of the camp; galloping through the open snow。 Kahlan followed her own tracks across the flat by the waning light of the moon。 The muscular horse plowed through the snow almost as if it weren’t there。
 She reached the trees at last; and before plunging in and ascending the steep slopes; she checked over her shoulder。
 A good fifty men were not three minutes behind。 She would be able to open the lead as she went up along the forest trail; but they would still catch her。
 She would see to that。
 Easy now;’ she cautioned。 One hesitant hoof slipped。 ‘Back; back; back。 e on boy; back。’
 From down the slope behind; she could hear the sounds of the chase; a man; probably one of the D’Haran officers; yelling angrily at the top of his lungs not to let her get away; and others urging their horses up the steep trail。 When they reached the flat where she was; they would be in a full gallop again。
 Kahlan tugged gently on the reins。 Nick lifted his hoof from the ice and backed up; into the tight gap between the snow…crusted pines; back along his trail。
 She found the long branch; with the forked end she had whittled to a pushing pole; stuck upright in the snow where she had left it beside the twin trunked spruce。 She hefted it up; and started pushing the heavy; snow…laden branches。 Her shoulder ached from having the lance shattered as she held it under her arm。
 As she backed Nick between the trees; off her trail; she held the long push…stick out over his head; jostling the limbs。 Relieved of their loads; they sprang up; partly screening the gap between the trees。 More importantly; the snow tumbled to the ground; piling over her tracks。 She pushed at a branch here; another there; sprinkling their snow over Nick’s backing trail; covering it in; making it look natural; as if wind had simply freed the branches of their load。
 She said a silent thank…you to Richard; for teaching her about tracks。 He had said he would make a woods woman of her。 She ached for Richard。 She was sure he wouldn’t approve of the desperate risk she was undertaking with the aid of what he had taught her。
 But she couldn’t allow these men to track her back to the Galean boys。 There was a chance that some would carry word of what they had seen back; and then the Galeans would be slaughtered。 If none of these men returned; it would be a long while before any more were sent; if ever。
 Even if they were; by then it would be too late; she would have long been up and over the passes from which she had e; where the wind howled and drifted the snow constantly; and her tracks would be lost to them。 They would not know where she had gone。 From there; the mountains and forests went on in endless tracts; and her trail would have been last seen leading steadily away from her true destination。 Those back at camp would have confidence that these soldiers would have her sooner or later; and with the prospect of plunder only days away; they would turn their attention to it instead。
 The snow…muffled thundering of hooves brought her mind back to what she was doing。 The men had reached the flat; and were charging at full speed again。 Steadily; she worked her way back into the trees; shaking branches; covering her trail; backing toward the way she had e on her way to the army of the Imperial Order。 The sounds of chase were almost upon her。
 Kahlan leaned almost all the way over; stroking an arm along her horse’s neck。 She whispered toward his ears; and they swiveled back to the sound of her voice。
 ‘Quiet now; Nick。 Please don’t move or make a sound。’ She stroked his sweaty neck again。 ‘Good boy。 Quiet now。’
 It sounded; to her; as if anyone would be able to plainly hear her heart beating in her chest。
 The pursuers had reached her。 As they charged along her trail; right in front of her; they broke through the screen of trees to her left; not ten yards away; at full speed。 Kahlan held her breath。
 She heard the clop of hooves as they hit the sloping ice hiding in the moon shadows beyond those trees; beyond her false trail。 She had led her tracks between those trees; to the edge of a steep; rocky stream; where its water would tumble; were it not frozen; over a cliff。
 It was a small stream; but as it froze; more water had bubbled and frothed over that which was already frozen; growing the area into an ice palace。 Snow had been washed away as it fell; leaving the rounded; downward…sloping humps of ice bare and slick。
 As the men broke through the trees; they had not twenty feet to halt their headlong rush before the cliff’s edge; before the rock and ice halted; and only thin air lay beyond。 And they had to do it on cascading mounds of ice。 Were it flat ice; like a lake; the horses could have dug their iron shoes in; and tried to skid to a halt。 But this was not flat; it was water slicked tumble…down ice; and as
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