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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘They do not like to listen。’ Prindin glanced back over his shoulder; at the men he had been trying to teach。 ‘They wish always to argue。 They say ‘This is the way it is done’ and ‘We must do it so。’ They are filled only with the way they were taught; and do not like to be told another way。’
 ‘Yet that’s what we must do;’ Kahlan said。 ‘We must lead them in the way that will work。 That’s why I need you three。 I need you to help me in this; or many people; including; eventually; the Mud People; will die。 I need your help in this。 I must lead them into battle。’
 Chandalen stood mute and unmoving。 The two brothers pushed snow with their feet; considering。 Prindin finally looked up。
 ‘We will help。 My brother and I will do as you ask。’
 ‘Thank you; Prindin; but it’s not you who must decide。 Chandalen must be the one who agrees。 It is for him to decide。’
 The two brothers took sidelong glances at him as he stood glaring at her。 At last he let out an exasperated breath。
 ‘You are a stubborn woman。 You are so stubborn you will get killed if we three are not there to bring some reason to your head。 We go with you to kill these evil men。’
 Kahlan sighed with relief。 ‘Thank you; Chandalen。’ She bent and took up a handful of snow; using it to scrub the dried blood from her face。 ‘Now I must go and tell these boys what they must do。’ She shook the snow from her hands when she had finished with her face。 ‘Did you three get any sleep last night?’
 ‘Some;’ Chandalen said。
 ‘Good。 After I speak with them; I need to get a few hours’ sleep。 You can begin showing them how to travel without their wagons。 We must teach them to be strong; like you。 We will begin the killing tonight?’
 Chandalen gave a grim nod。 ‘Tonight。’
 Kahlan climbed atop a wagon before the assembled men。 They stood in brown wool coats; packed tightly together before her in the gray morning light。 Captain Ryan; with his two lieutenants flanking him; stood at the front of the men。 He leaned an arm on the wagon wheel; waiting。
 Kahlan looked out at all the young faces。 Boys。 She was about to ask boys to die。 But what choice did she have?
 Dear mother; she wondered; is this the reason you chose Wyborn as my father? To teach me what I am about to do?
 ‘I’m afraid I have only one bit of good news for you;’ she began in a quiet voice that carried through the cold air; out over the faces all watching her; ‘and so I will give you that first; to give you courage for the other things I have to tell you。’
 Kahlan took a deep breath。 ‘Your queen was not killed in Ebinissia; nor did the men who attacked the city find or capture her。 Either she was away when the attack came; or she escaped。
 ‘Queen Cyrilla lives。’
 The boys seemed to take a deep breath; as if hoping she wouldn’t add anything more; and then they erupted in wild cheering。 They threw their arms in the air; shaking their fists at the sky。 They yelled and hooted with joy and relief。
 Kahlan stood in her blood…soaked wolf mantle; her hands at her sides; letting them have their time of celebration and hope。 Some of the boys; forgetting for the moment that they were soldiers; hugged each other。 She watched tears of happiness run down many a cheek as men leapt and shouted。
 Kahlan stood feeling small and insignificant as the mob of boys poured out their adoration for her half sister。 She couldn’t bring herself to halt their rejoicing。
 At last Captain Ryan climbed up onto the wagon next to her。 He held his arms up; calling for silence。
 ‘All right! All right! Hold it down! Stop acting like a bunch of children in front of the Mother Confessor! Show her what men you be!’
 The cheering finally died out; to be replaced by grins and bright eyes。 Captain Ryan clasped his hands together and cast her a somewhat sheepish look before taking a couple of steps away atop the wagon; to give her room。
 The people of Ebinissia;’ she went on; in the same quiet tone; ‘were not so fortunate。’
 The winter silence became brittle。 Light breezes rustled icy branches on the trees ascending the slopes to either side of the flat valley pass holding their camp。 The grins withered。
 ‘Every one of you; at the least; had friends who were murdered there。 Many of you had loved ones; family; who died at the hands of the men a few hours up this pass。’ Kahlan cleared her throat and swallowed as her eyes found the ground。 ‘I; too; knew people who died there。’
 Her eyes came up。 ‘Last night; I went to their camp; to discover who they were; and if they could be called upon to return to their homelands。 They have no intention of doing anything but conquering all the lands and putting them under their rule。 They have vowed to kill everyone who refuses to join them。 Ebinissia refused。’
 The boys shouted and shook their fists。 They; themselves; they said; would bring an end to the threat。
 She spoke over their words; bringing them to silence as she did so。 ‘The men who slaughtered your countrymen and countrywomen are called the Imperial Order。 They fight on behalf of no country or land。 They fight to conquer all lands; and to rule all lands。 They answer to no government; to no king; to no lord; to no council。 They believe themselves to be the fountain of law。
 ‘They are made up of mostly D’Haran men; but others have joined them。 I saw among them Keltans。’
 Waves of angry whispers swept back through the crowd。 Kahlan let it go on for a moment。 ‘I saw also; among them; men from other lands。 And I saw Galeans。’
 This time shocked and angry voices called out that it wasn’t true; and said she was wrong。
 ‘I saw them with my own eyes!’ They fell once more to silence。 She quieted her tone。 ‘I wish that it were not true; but I saw them。 Men of many lands have joined with them。 More men will join with them if they believe they can be part of the victory; part of the new law; if they believe they can be in on the plunder and awarded positions of authority and power。
 ‘The city of Cellion lies hardly more than a hand of days ahead。 The Imperial Order will have their surrender and allegiance; or their death。
 ‘Other cities; towns; villages; and farms will suffer these men if they are not stopped。 Eventually; all will e under their sword。 I am going to Aydindril to marshal the forces of the Midlands against the Imperial Order; but that will take time。 In that time; their numbers will swell with those who would think to be on the side of might。 Right now; there is no one able to stop these men from killing everyone in their path who resists them。
 ‘Except you。’
 Kahlan stiffened her back as she let what she had said sink in; and in preparation for what she was going to tell them next。 She let the silence settle once more over the valley。
 ‘As the Mother Confessor of the Midlands; and absent the luxury of conferring with the Central Council; I have had to do that which no Mother Confessor for a thousand years or more has had to do。 On my authority; alone; I have mitted the Midland
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