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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 ‘Vengeance without mercy before our lives are returned to us!’ The roar of their words drifted away on the morning air。
 Kahlan watched William Mosle cast a glance over his shoulder at her before following his men away; back up the pass。
 She returned her attention to those before her。 ‘You are all sworn in oath; then。 Tonight; we begin the killing of the men of the Order。 Let it be without quarter。 We take no prisoners。’
 No cheer went up this time。 The men listened in grim attention。
 ‘We must no longer travel as you have been; with wagons to carry your needs and supplies。 We must take only what we can carry。 We need to be able to travel the woods; the small passes; so we can outmaneuver the men we hunt。 I intend to sweep in at them from all directions and at will; like wolves at hunt。 And like wolves; who hunt with coordination; we will control and direct them; as wolves control and direct their prey。
 ‘You are men of this land。 You know the woods and mountains around us。 You have hunted them since you were children。 We will use your knowledge。 The enemy is in strange territory; and keeps to the wide passes with their wagons and great numbers。 We will no longer be impeded as they。 We will move through the country around them as do the wolves。
 ‘You must divide up what you have in the wagons; and place what you can carry in your packs。 Leave the heavy armor; it takes too much effort to carry; and we are not going to fight that way。 Take only light armor you can wear at a forced march。 Take what food you can。
 ‘You are to take no liquor or ale。 When you have avenged the people of Ebinissia; you may drink all you want。 Until then; you will not。 I want everyone alert at all times。 We do not ever relax until our enemy is dead to a man。
 ‘Some of the food that’s left is to be packed into a few of the smaller wagons; without any arms or armor。 We will need volunteers to give it to the enemy。’
 The men mumbled in surprise and confusion。
 ‘The road divides ahead。 When they are past the fork; and on their way to Cellion; the wagons with the food and all the ale are to take the other road; and then the smaller routes; to get ahead of them。 You will lie in wait with these wagons until their advance guard nears; and then cross their path so they can see you。 When their forward column spots you and gives chase; you are to abandon the wagons and escape。 Let them have the food and drink。
 ‘The Imperial Order is nearly out of ale; and tonight they will celebrate their luck。 I expect they will get drunk。 I want them to be drunk when we attack them。’
 The men cheered with that news。
 ‘Know this: we’re as a wolf pack; trying to bring down a bull。 Though we are not strong enough to do it with one dispatching strike; we will harry him to exhaustion; drag him to the ground; and kill him。 This will not be a single battle; but a constant nipping at his hide; taking small chunks of him at a time; wounding; weakening; and bleeding him all the while; until finally we have the advantage and can kill the beast。
 ‘Tonight; under cover of darkness; we will slip into their camp and make a quick strike。 This is to be a disciplined action; not random killing。 We will have a list of objectives。 Our aim is to weaken the bull。 I have already partially blinded him by eliminating the wizard。
 The sentries and lookouts will be taken first。 We will dress as many men as we can in their clothes。 Those men will go into their camp and locate our targets。
 ‘Our first need is to slow their ability to counterattack。 I don’t want us run down by cavalry。 We need to bring ruin to their horses。 There’s no need to waste time killing them; breaking their legs is sufficient。 We need to destroy their food。 We’re an army small enough to be able to get food by hunting; foraging; and buying from surrounding farms and villages; but one that size requires much。 If we destroy their food; they will be weakened。
 ‘We need to kill their arrow makers and fletchers; bowyers and blacksmiths; all the craftsmen who can make and repair bows; arrows; and other weapons。 They will have sacks of goose wings for fletching arrows。 They must be stolen or burned。 Every arrow not made is one that can’t kill us。 Bow staves need to be destroyed。 Wreck their bugles; if you find them; and the buglers。 This will help take away their voice and coordination。
 ‘Their lances; pikes; and argons will be stacked upright; together。 Five seconds and a few swings with an axe or sword will destroy a great many lances and pikes。 Heavy axes or hammers will at least bend the argons and render them useless。 Every lance or spear broken is one that can’t kill you。 Burn their tents; to expose them to the cold; burn their wagons so they will lose supplies。
 ‘Of most importance are their officers。 I would rather kill one officer tonight than a thousand men。 If we can kill their officers; it will make them dull and slow; and it will be easier to take this bull to the ground。
 ‘If any of you can think of anything else that will weaken them; bring the ideas to me or Captain Ryan; or the other officers。 The object tonight is not primarily to kill soldiers; there are too many。 Our object is to disable them; make them weak; slow; to make them less sure of themselves。
 ‘Most of all; our object is to put fear into their minds。 These men aren’t used to being afraid。 When men are afraid; they make mistakes。 Those mistakes allow us to kill them。 I intend to terrify them。 Later; I will tell you how。
 ‘You have a few hours to get everything ready; and then we start moving。 I want the sentries at double distance。 Beyond them; I want lookouts and I want scouts to keep in contact with the Order。 I want to know where they are at all times。 I want constant reports。 I don’t want to be surprised by anything。 I want to know of anything that you see or encounter; no matter how innocent it seems。 If a rabbit jumps too high; I want to know about it。 Just as we intend to trick them; I don’t want them tricking us。 Take nothing for granted。
 ‘May the good spirits be with you。 Now get started。’
 The men all began moving; the air ing to life with the sound of feet and talking。 One of the two lieutenants stood near; unbuttoning his coat; giving orders to some men around him。
 ‘Lieutenant Sloan。’ He looked up as the men he had instructed went to their tasks。 ‘See to the sentries and lookouts at once。 I want any of your men who know how to make white paint or whitewash to assemble the supplies they need。 We will need large tubs of some sort。 I want rocks heated; to warm the insides of tents。’
 He didn’t question her strange instructions。 ‘Yes; Mother Confessor。’
 ‘See that the small wagons with the ale and food are prepared; but hold them until I give the order to let them go。’
 He put his fist to his heart without ment and marched off to see to it。
 Kahlan’s legs felt as if they would give out at any second。 She was so tired from having had no sleep; and from riding the better part of the night; to say nothing of the work she had done and the
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