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tg.stone of tears-第章

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man yourself。 Since he seems to have personally offended you so。’ He held his knife out toward her; handle first。
 Kahlan ignored the knife and turned instead to the men holding Mosle。 ‘Release him; and stand away。’
 She felt as if she were still in a sleep; still in a dream。 But she wasn’t。 There was no option。
 As they stepped back; she reached out and snatched Mosle by his arm。 He froze in fright for an instant; and then tried to back away。
 But he had no time to escape。 She was touching him now。 He was hers。 Her sleepiness vanished in a sucking rush as her power ignited。 She gave no thought to what she was about to do; there was no choice。 She was mitted。 She gave herself over to it。
 The sounds of the camp … the jangle of tack; the grating of wooden boxes being skidded across wagon beds; the splintering of other boxes being pried open; the squeak of wheels; the whinnies of horses; the sound of thousands of feet shuffling; men talking; the clop of hooves; the sound of steel being sharpened; the popping of wood in fires; and the sound of her own heart beating … all faded away to silence。
 In the silence of her mind; the power was all。 She could feel Mosle’s muscles tighten under her hand。 But he had no chance。 He was hers。
 In the silence; in the quiet; in the peace of her mind; as she had done countless times before; she released her power; her magic; into the man before her。
 There was a violent jolt to the air as it slammed into him。 Thunder without sound。 The snow around her and Mosle billowed away in a ring; rising and tumbling; until it dissipated and settled again。
 Mosle; no more who he had been; dropped to his knees in the wet snow before her。 His brow wrinkled with panic that; because of the gag; he would not be able to ask her to mand him。 He sucked air through his nose; trying to breathe with the terror that he might displease her。 The camp around her had fallen into stunned silence; with her the heart of all attention。 Kahlan pulled the gag from his mouth。
 Tears of relief flooded from his eyes。 ‘Mistress;’ he whispered hoarsely。 ‘Please; Mistress; mand me。 Please tell me what I can do to serve you。’
 In trepidation; hundreds of stunned faces around her watched。 Kahlan gazed down at the man on his knees before her。 She wore her Confessor’s face。 ‘It would please me; William; if you would tell me the truth of what you planned to do after you left this camp。’
 He beamed with joy; more tears running down his cheeks; and would have clutched at her legs in gratitude had his arms not been bound behind his back。
 ‘Oh yes; Mistress; please let me tell you。’
 Tell me then。’
 It all came babbling out in a rush。 ‘I was going to the camp of those other men; the Imperial Order you called them; and I was going to ask to join them。 I was going to take all my men with me so they could join too。 I was going to tell them of the presence of the Galean recruits; and of your plans; so they would be pleased with us; and would let us join with them。 I thought they had a better chance than you; and I didn’t want to die; so I was going to join with them。 I thought they would be pleased if I brought them men to add to their ranks。 I thought they would be pleased with us if we could help them crush you。’
 He burst suddenly in sobs。 ‘Oh; please; Mistress; I’m so sorry I thought to do you harm。 I wanted them to kill you。 Oh; please; Mistress; I’m so sorry I intended you harm。 Please; Mistress; tell me how I can gain your forgiveness。 I will do anything。 Please mand me and it will be done。 Please; Mistress; what do you wish of me?’
 ‘I wish for you to die;’ she whispered in the icy silence。 ‘Right now。’
 William Mosle crumpled forward; against her boots; and thrashed in racking convulsions。 After a few long; agonizing seconds; he was still; his last breath rattling from his lungs。
 Kahlan’s gaze slid over a wide…eyed Captain Ryan; to Prin…din; standing behind a still ashen Lieutenant Hobson。 Chan…dalen was glaring at him; too。 She spoke in his tongue。
 ‘Prindin; I told you to make sure they were all killed。 Why did you not do as I said?’
 He shrugged self…consciously。 ‘They were of a mind to do this。 Captain Ryan told them to kill the others but to bring this one to you。 I did not know this when we left; or I would have told you。 They had two hundred men on foot; and another one hundred on horses。 As I told you; they were of a mind to do this; and I did not think I would be able to prevent it; except by killing him myself; and then I realized they might kill me for doing it; and then I would not be able to be near you; to protect you。 Besides that; I knew you were right; and I thought it would do them good to learn a lesson。’
 ‘Did any escape?’
 ‘No。 I was a little surprised at how well they did the job。 They are good men。 They did a hard thing; a thing they wept to do; but they did it well。 None escaped them。’
 Kahlan let out a long breath。 ‘I understand; Prindin。 You were right to do as you did。’ She cast a sideways glance at Chandalen。 ‘Chandalen will be satisfied; too。’ It was an order。
 Prindin gave her a tight smile of relief。 Her glare slid to Captain Ryan。
 He stood stiff; pale and wide…eyed。 ‘Yes; Mother Confessor。’
 She swept a glance over the gathered men。 ‘Is everyone satisfied; now?’
 There came from them all an uncoordinated; mumbled chorus of ‘Yes; Mother Confessor。’
 If there had been some before who were not terrified of her; there were none now who were not。 The lot of them looked as if; were a twig to snap unexpectedly; they would bolt for the hills like frightened rabbits。 This was probably the first time most had seen magic; and it wasn’t wonderful; beautiful magic; but daunting; ugly magic。
 ‘Mother Confessor?’ Captain Ryan whispered。 His arm was still held out; frozen; the knife he had offered her still in his hand。 ‘What are you going to do to me for disobeying your orders?’
 She looked to his bloodless face。 ‘Nothing。 This is your first day of being men in the war against the Order。 Most of you didn’t believe in the importance of what I had manded。 You have not fought in war before; and did not understand the need。 I will be satisfied that you have learned something from this; and leave it at that。’
 Captain Ryan swallowed。 ‘Thank you; Mother Confessor。’ With a shaking hand he slid his knife back in its sheath。 ‘I grew up with him。’ He lifted the hand toward the body at her feet。 ‘We lived about a mile apart; on the same road。 We used to go hunting and fishing together all the time。 We helped each other with chores。 We always went to feast day in our best coats of the same color。 We always 。。。’
 ‘I’m sorry; Bradley。 There is nothing to ease the pain of betrayal; or loss; except time。 As I told you; war is not fair。 Were it not for the men of the Order making war; perhaps you would be fishing today; with your friend。 Blame the Order; and avenge him; too; with all the rest。’
 He nodded。 ‘Mother Confessor? What would you have done if you w
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