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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 against the walls to make room for the three horses。 They made their way to and from the well in indifferent silence as Richard and Sister Verna passed。
 A few older men sat in wide doorways; or leaned against walls。 The men wore brimless; straight…sided; round; dark; flat…topped hats; with strange markings in light colors that looked to have been painted on with fingers。 Many of the men smoked thin…stemmed pipes。 Conversation fell silent as Richard and Sister Verna passed; and all watched the two strangers and three horses moving by。 Some idly tugged on the long; dangling earrings they wore in their left ears。
 Sister Verna led the way through the narrow streets; taking them deeper into the maze of drab buildings。 When they at last reached a wider cobblestone street; she halted; turned to him; and spoke in quiet warning。
 ‘These people are the Majendie。 Their land is a vast; crescent…shaped swath of forests。 We must travel the length of their land; all the way to the point of the horn of their land。 They worship spirits。 Those skulls we saw back there were sacrifices to their spirits。
 ‘Though they hold foolish beliefs which are reprehensible; we do not have the power to change them。 We need to pass through their land。 You will do as they ask; or our skulls will end up with all the others on that pile。’
 Richard refused to give her the satisfaction of an answer or an argument。 He sat with his hands folded over the pommel of his saddle and without emotion watched her until she finally turned away and started out once more。
 After passing under a low bridge building; they entered a slightly dished; open square。 Perhaps a thousand men milled about or clustered in small groups。 Like the other men he had seen; these all wore the one long; dangling earring; though on the right side instead of the left。 They also all wore short swords and black sashes。 Unlike the other men; none of these wore hats on their shaved heads。
 Off in the center; a raised platform held a circle of men sitting cross…legged; facing inward; around a thick pole。 Here was the source of the eerie melody。 A circle of women in black sat in a ring; facing outward; around the men。
 Standing with her back against the pole; a big woman in a billowing black outfit slid the back of her hand up the pole and took hold of a knot in the end of a rope hanging from a bell。 As she watched Richard and the Sister ride into the square; she rang the bell once。 The Sister brought them to an abrupt halt as the piercing peal drifted across the square; hushing the men; and urging the flute players into faster strains。
 That is a warning;’ Sister Verna said。 ‘A warning to the spirits of their enemies。 The bell is also a call to the warriors present。 Those are these men here in the square。 The spirits have been warned; and the warriors called。 If she rings that bell again; we die。’ Sister Verna glanced to his even expression。 This is a sacrifice ritual; to appease spirits。’
 She watched men e and take hold of the reins of their horses。 The circle of women in black stood and began to dance and twirl to the haunting music。 When Sister Verna glanced at him again; Richard; with deliberate care; checked that his sword was loose in its scabbard。 She sighed and then dismounted。 When she cleared her throat in annoyance; he finally dismounted; too。
 Sister Verna drew her light cloak tight around herself as she spoke to him while watching the women in black dance and spin around the pole and the woman in the center。
 The Majendie live in a crescent around a land of swampy forest in which live their enemy。 The people who live in the heart of that forbidding land are a wild; savage lot; and will not allow any of us through their land; much less guide us。 Even if we could avoid them; we would bee lost within an hour; and never find our way out。 The only way for us to reach the Palace of the Prophets; which lies beyond these savages; is to go around them; along the crescent of land belonging to the Majendie。 Our destination lies between the cusps of the crescent belonging to the Majendie; and beyond the savages in the center。’
 She glanced over; to make sure he was at least listening; before she went on。 The Majendie are at constant war with the savages who live in that swampy forest。 In order to be permitted through Majendie land; we must prove we are allied with them and their spirits; and not their enemy。
 Those skulls we saw are the skulls of this enemy; who were sacrificed to the Majendie spirits。 In order for us to be permitted to pass; we must help them in this sacrifice。 The Majendie believe that men with the gift; like all men; carry the seed of life and soul; endowed by the spirits。 More; they believe that one with the gift has a special; direct link with the spirits。 A sacrifice made with the aid of a young man with the gift confers the sanctifying grace of their spirits upon all their people。 They believe it breathes life; divine life; on their people。
 The Majendie require this participation when we bring young boys through for the first time; believing it links their spirits to those of the Majendie。 This ceremony also insures that the people with whom they are at war will hate wizards; because they help the Majendie; and will never cooperate with them。 This; the Majendie believe; denies their enemy a divine channel to the spirit world。’
 The men in the square all drew their short swords。 Laying the swords on the ground with their points toward the woman in the center; they knelt with shiny heads bowed。
 The woman who rang the bell; the one in the center; is the leader of these people。 The Queen Mother。 She is the one who is bound to the female spirits。 She represents the spirits of fertility in this world。 She is the embodiment of the receptacle of the divine seed from the spirit world。’
 The dancing women in black formed into a line and started off the platform in the direction of Richard and the Sister。
 The Queen Mother is sending her representatives to take you to the sacrificial offering。’ Sister Verna glanced up at him; then fussed with the corner of her cloak。 ‘We are fortunate。 This means they have one to be sacrificed。 If we came here and they didn’t; we would have to wait until one of their enemy was captured。 Sometimes that can take weeks; even months。’
 Richard said nothing。
 She turned her back to the approaching women in black and faced him。 ‘You will be taken to a place where the prisoner is held。 There you will be offered the chance to give your blessing。 Not giving your blessing means you wish to precede the prisoner in sacrifice。 If you don’t give your blessing; it will only insure that you die; too。
 ‘You give your blessing by kissing the sacred knife they will offer you。 You don’t have to kill the person with your own hand。 You have only to kiss the knife to give your blessing; to give the spirits’ blessings; and they will do the killing。 But you must watch them do it; so the spirits will see the sacrifice through your eyes。’ She glanced over her shoulder at the approaching women in black。 ‘The beliefs of these people 
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