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tg.stone of tears-第章

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s。’ She glanced over her shoulder at the approaching women in black。 ‘The beliefs of these people are obscene。’
 She sighed in resignation and turned to face him again。 Richard folded his arms and glared at her。
 ‘I know you don’t like this; Richard; but it has kept peace for three thousand years between us and the Majendie。 Though it sounds a paradox; it saves lives; more lives than it costs。 The savages who are their enemy make war not only on them; but also on us。 The palace; and the civilized people of the Old World; are sporadically subjected to their raids and fierce attacks。’
 Small wonder; Richard thought; but he said nothing。
 Sister Verna stepped aside to stand at his shoulder as the women in black formed into a dark knot before the two of them。 All were older; perhaps the age of grandmothers。 They were all portly; and their black outfits covered their hair and everything else except their wrinkled hands and faces。
 With gnarled fingers; one drew the coarse black fabric tight at her chin。 She bowed her head to Sister Verna。 ‘Wele; wisewoman。 Our sentries have told us of your approach for nearly a day now。 We are pleased to have you among us; for it is the time of the planting sacrifice。 Though we had not expected your presence; it will be a great homage to the spirits to have the blessing in the sacrifice。’
 The old woman; who only came up to the height of his breastbone; looked Richard up and down; then she spoke again to Sister Verna。
 ‘This is a magic man? He is not a boy。’
 ‘We have never before brought one so old to the palace of the wisewomen;’ Sister Verna said。 ‘But he is a magic man; the same as the others。’
 The old woman in black looked into Richard’s eyes as he watched her without expression。 ‘He is too old to give the blessing。’
 Sister Verna tensed。 ‘He is still a magic man。’
 The woman nodded to the Sister。 ‘But he is too old to have others perform the sacrifice for him。 He must do it himself。 He must give our sacrifice to the spirits by his own hand。’ She gestured for a woman behind to e forward。 ‘Lead him to where the offering waits。’
 With a bob of her head; the woman came forward and indicated he was to follow。 Sister Verna tugged on his shirtsleeve。 Richard could feel the heat of magic radiating from her fingers; up his arms; terminating in an unfortable tingling sensation at his neck under the Rada’Han。
 ‘Richard;’ she whispered; ‘don’t you dare swing the axe this time。 You know not what you will bring to ruin。’
 Richard met her eyes before turning away without a word。
 The round old woman led him off down a muddy street; past old men sitting in doorways; watching; and then turned them down a narrow alley。 At the end she stooped through a low doorway。 Richard had to bend nearly in half to follow。
 Inside; carpets of intricate designs but dull colors covered the floor。 There was no furniture except several low; leather…covered chests holding oil lamps。 Four men with shaved heads squatted; rather than sat; on the rugs; two to each side of a passageway hung with a heavy tapestry instead of a door。 Short spears with sharp; leaf…shaped iron heads rested across their knees。 The unexpectedly high ceiling held a cloud of pipe smoke。
 The men stood and bowed to the old woman。 She bobbed her head to them and; as she did so; drew Richard forward。
 ‘This is the magic man。 Since he is the age of a man; the Queen Mother directs that the spirits take the sacrifice through his hands。’
 They all nodded and gave grim agreement that it was a wise decision; and prayed she would tell the Queen Mother that it would be done as directed。 The woman in black bid them fair fortune in the task。 She closed the rough spruce door behind herself after stooping through the low opening。 ; When she was gone; the men broke into grins。 They all slapped Richard on the back; as if taking him into their confidence。 The back of one man’s shaved neck wrinkled in rows of furrows as he turned to glance at the tapestry…covered passageway。 He put an arm around Richard’s shoulder; giving it a squeeze with powerful fingers。
 ‘You are fortunate indeed; lad。 You’ll like what we have for you。’ His sly smile revealed a missing; bottom tooth。 ‘e with us。 You’ll like this; lad。 We can promise you; you will。’ He gave a hardy chuckle。 Today you’ll be a man; if you’re not one yet。’ The other three laughed with him。
 The three pushed the tapestry aside; taking one of the lamps with them。 The last man patted Richard’s back; ushering him through。 They all chuckled with anticipation。
 The next room was much the same as the first; minus the pipe smoke。 They led on through a sequence of rooms; each bare of decoration except for a few carpets scattered about。 The men finally squatted beside a last covered passageway; planted the butts of their spears; and with a hand on them for support leaned toward him。 They all shared the same cunning smiles。
 ‘Careful now; lad。 Don’t be too anxious。 Keep your head about yourself; and you’ll have yourself a time with this savage。’
 They chuckled again with the private joke as they pushed the hanging aside and went through。 Inside; the small; square room had a bare dirt floor。 The ceiling was at least three stories high。 A window near the top of one wall cast the small room in dim light。 The place smelled of the chamber pot off to the side。
 Crouched to the far left was a naked woman。 She tried to push herself farther into the corner when she saw the men。 Arms around her knees; she pulled them tight to herself。
 She was covered with dirty marks and smears; cuts and bruises。 Her mass of long; tangled; black hair frizzed out; framing her filthy face。 Her dark eyes narrowed with loathing as she watched the four men。 By their leering smiles; she had cause to know them。
 Around her neck was a thick iron collar connected by heavy chain to a massive pin in the wall。
 The men spread out around the room; squatted; and leaned their backs against the walls。 Their fists held their spears upright between their knees。 Richard imitated them; squatting and leaning against the wall to the woman’s right。
 ‘I wish to speak with the spirits;’ Richard said。 The four men blinked at him。 ‘I must ask them how they wish it done。’
 There is only one way to do it;’ the man with the missing tooth said。 ‘You must cut off her head。 Now that the iron collar is around her neck; it’s the only way to get her out。 Her head must be separated from her body。’
 ‘Even so; it must be done in the manner the spirits wish。 I must talk with them。 I must know exactly how to do this 。。。 to please them。’
 They all considered this。 The man with the missing tooth pushed his cheek out with his tongue as he pondered。 Finally he brightened。 The Queen Mother and her women drink juka to speak with the spirits。 I could bring you some juka; and then you; too; could speak with the spirits。’
 Then bring me this juka; so I may speak with the spirits and do as they mand。 I would not want to make a mistake; and ruin your planting sacrif
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