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tg.stone of tears-第章

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ing you! Take their threat to heart; or they will bring starvation and death to the Majendie!’
 He spoke to the men as they pressed forward。 ‘If any of you makes a move against me or these two women; the Queen Mother dies。’ They all glanced to one another; seeking courage。 ‘You may think to kill me;’ he told them; the target not wavering in the slightest; ‘but you cannot before the Queen Mother dies。 You saw the shot I made。 My hand is guided by magic。 I do not miss。’
 The men backed away。
 ‘Let him be!’ the Queen Mother called out。 ‘Hear what he has to say!’
 ‘I have told you what the spirits have said! You will obey!’
 She was silent a moment。 ‘We will consult the spirits ourselves。’
 ‘You would insult them? You would be admitting you do not heed their words; but your own worldly wishes!’
 ‘But we must 。。。’
 ‘I’m not here to bargain on their behalf! The spirits have ordered I give the sacrificial knife to this woman; so she may carry it back to her people; to show them that the Majendie will no longer hunt them。
 ‘The spirits will warn you of their anger by taking the seed you plant; and only when you send representatives to the Baka Ban Mana and tell them you agree to the wishes of the spirits will you be able to plant your crops。 If you do not follow the spirits’ wishes; you will all starve to death!
 ‘We are leaving now。 I will have your word that we will be granted safe leave of your land; or you will die right now。’
 ‘We must consider 。。。’
 ‘I grant you until the count of three to give me your decision! One; two; three!’ The Queen Mother gasped。 The women in black gasped。 The crowd gasped。 ‘What have you decided!’
 The Queen Mother held her free hand up; imploring he hold his arrow。 ‘You may go! You have the word of the Queen Mother that you may leave our land unharmed!’
 ‘A wise decision。’
 Her hand closed into a fist; one finger pointing toward them。 ‘But this is a violation of our agreement with the wise…women。 The accord is at an end。 You must leave our land at once。 You are banished。’
 ‘So be it;’ Richard said。 ‘But keep to your word; or you will reap the grim rewards of any imprudent action。’
 He released the tension from the bow。 Standing in his stirrups; he pulled the sacred knife from his belt and held it up high for all to see。
 ‘This woman will take this back to her people; and tell them of the words of the spirits。 As to their part; the Baka Ban Mana may no longer make war on the Majendie。 You may no longer make war on them。 You will be two peoples at peace! Neither may harm the other! Heed the words of the spirits; or bear the consequences!’
 His voice dropped to a fierce whisper; yet the wrath of the magic carried the words to the farthest corners of the square; and in the stillness; every ear could hear them。 ‘Heed my orders; or suffer what I will bring upon you。 I will lay waste to you。’
 Magic lay over the square like fog in a valley; ethereal yet real; a palpable manifestation of his outrage that touched everyone present; and all trembled at that touch。 Richard leapt off his horse。 The men shrank back a few more steps。 Sister Verna was speechless with rage。 He had never seen her in such a state。 She stood; as if paralyzed; with her fists out before her。
 Richard leveled his glare; and his wrath; on her。 ‘Get on your horse; Sister。 We’re leaving。’
 Her jaw looked ready to shatter under the pressure of how tightly it was clenched。 ‘You are mad! We will not 。。。’
 Richard thrust a finger toward her。 ‘If you wish to argue with someone; Sister; you may stay and argue with these people。 I’m sure they will oblige you。 I’m going to the palace fto get this collar off。 If you want to go with me; then get on your horse。’
 ‘There is no way! We cannot now travel the horn of the Majendie land! We are banished!’
 Richard lifted his thumb to Du Chaillu。 ‘She will guide us to the Palace of the Prophets; through the Baka Ban Mana’s land。’
 Du Chaillu folded her arms and gave the Sister a self…satisfied smile。
 Sister Verna looked from her to Richard。 ‘You truly are mad。 We cannot 。。。’
 Richard gritted his teeth with a growl; the sword’s anger still at full fury。 ‘If you wish to go with me to the palace; get on your horse! I’m leaving!’
 Du Chaillu watched as Richard stuck the green…handled knife behind her buckskin belt。 ‘I have charged you with a responsibility。 You will live up to it。 Now; get up on that horse。’
 Du Chaillu unfolded her arms in sudden worry; looking to the horse and back to him。 She folded her arms again and put her nose in the air。 ‘I will not ride on that beast。 It stinks。’
 ‘So do you!’ Richard roared。 ‘Now get up on that horse!’
 She flinched back。 Eyes wide in fright at his glare; she swallowed; gulping air。 ‘Now I know what a Seeker is。’
 She scrambled awkwardly up onto Geraldine。 The sister was already atop Jessup。 Richard vaulted up onto Bonnie。
 With a last; warning look at the men gathered; he squeezed his horse’s ribs and she sprang into a gallop。 The other two horses took out after him。 The men swept back out of the way。
 The magic hungered for blood; raged for it。 Richard wished someone would try to stop him。 No one did。
 ‘Please;’ Du Chaillu said; ‘it is almost dark。 May we please stop; or at least allow me to walk。 This beast is hurting me。’
 She was holding on for dear life; bouncing in the saddle as Geraldine trotted along。 The little strips of colored cloth on her dress were all aflutter。 He could hear Sister Verna’s horse trotting along behind; but he didn’t look back at her。
 Richard glanced up at the sun setting beyond the thick tangle of branches。 His rage was finally withering with the light。 For a time; it had seemed as if he would never be able to put it down。
 Du Chaillu pointed past him with her chin; to his right; afraid to lift a hand。 There is a small pond there; through the reeds; and a grassy place before it。’
 ‘Are you sure we are in Baka Ban Mana land?’
 She nodded。 ‘For the last few hours。 This is our land。 I know this place。’
 ‘All right。 We will stop for the night。’
 He held her horse for her as she slid off。 With a groan; she rubbed the flats of her hands on her bottom。 ‘If you make me ride that beast again tomorrow; I will bite you!’
 For the first time since they had left the Majendie; he was able to smile。 As Richard went about unsaddling the horses; he sent Du Chaillu to get water in a canvas bucket。 While she went off through the reeds and rushes to the pond; Sister Verna gathered wood and used her magic to set it afire。 When he was finished caring for the horses; he put them on long tethers so they could graze on the grass。
 ‘I guess introductions are in order;’ Richard said when Du Chaillu returned。 ‘Sister Verna; this is Du Chaillu。 Du Chaillu; this is Sister Verna。’
 Sister Verna seemed to have cooled; or at least put a mask over her anger。 ‘I am pleased for you; Du Chaillu; that you did not
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