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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Sister Verna seemed to have cooled; or at least put a mask over her anger。 ‘I am pleased for you; Du Chaillu; that you did not have to die this day。’
 Du Chaillu glared。 Richard knew she thought of the Sisters of the Light as witches。
 ‘I do feel sorrow; however;’ the Sister added; ‘for all those who will die in your place。’
 ‘You are not pleased for me。 You wish me dead。 You wish all the Baka Ban Mana to die。’
 ‘That is not true。 I wish no one to die。 But I know I could not convince you of that。 Think what you will。’
 Du Chaillu took the sacrificial knife from her belt and held the handle in front of Sister Verna’s eyes。 ‘They kept me on that chain for three moons。’ She looked to the green ‘handle and pointed to one of the obscene couplings carved on it。 ‘Those dogs did this to me。’ Sister Verna glanced to the knife as Du Chaillu tapped a finger to another scene。 ‘And this。 And this; too。’
 Sister Verna watched the other’s chest heaving in ire。 ‘There is no way I could convince you; Du Chaillu; how much I abhor what they did to you; and what they intended to do。 There are many things in this world that I abhor; but can do nothing about; and in some cases; must tolerate; in order to serve a greater good。’
 Du Chaillu patted her belly。 ‘I have lost my moon flow。 Those dogs have put me with child! Now I must go to the midwives and ask them for herbs to shed the child of a dog。’
 Sister Verna clasped her hands before herself。 ‘Please; Du Chaillu; don’t do that。 A child is a gift from the Creator。 Please don’t reject his gift。’
 ‘Gift! This great Creator has a wicked way of bestowing his gifts!’
 ‘Du Chaillu;’ Richard said; ‘up until now; the Majendie have killed every Baka Ban Mana they have captured。 You are the first to be freed。 They will kill no more。 Think of this child as symbol of the new life between your peoples。 For that new life; for all your children; to flourish; the killing must stop。 Let the child live? It has done no harm。’
 ‘The father has done harm!’
 Richard swallowed。 ‘Children are not necessarily evil; just because the father was。’
 ‘If the father is evil; then the child will be as he!’
 ‘That is not true;’ the Sister said。 ‘Richard’s father was an evil man who killed many people; yet Richard seeks to preserve life。 His mother knew that the guilt of crimes does not pass beyond the one who mits them。 She did not spare her love because Richard’s father raped her。 Richard was raised by good people who taught him right。 Because of that; you are alive today。 You can teach the child right。’
 Du Chaillu’s fury faltered as she looked to Richard。 ‘Is this true? Your mother was treated as I; by an evil dog?’
 Richard could only manage a nod。
 She rubbed her belly。 ‘I will consider what you say before I decide。 You have returned my life; I will weigh your words。’
 Richard squeezed her shoulder。 ‘Whatever you decide; I’m sure it will be for the best。’
 ‘If she lives long enough to decide;’ Sister Verna said。 ‘You’ve made promises and threats that you cannot fulfill。 When the Majendie plant their crops; and nothing happens; they will lose their fear of what you have told them today。 What you’ve done will count for nothing and they will once again make war on her people。 To say nothing of mine。’
 Richard pulled the leather thong with the Bird Man’s whistle off over his head。 ‘I wouldn’t exactly say nothing is going to happen; Sister。 Something is indeed going to happen。’ He hung the whistle around Du Chaillu’s neck。 This was a gift to me; and now my gift to you; so that you can stop the killing。’ He held the carved bone up。 This is a magic whistle。 It calls birds。 More birds than you’ve ever seen in one place before。 I’m counting on you to fulfill my promise。
 ‘You are to go to their planting fields。 Keep yourself hidden。 Then; at sunset; blow on this magic whistle。 You will hear no sound; but the birds will be called by the magic。 In your mind; keep picturing birds。 Think of all the birds you know as you blow on the whistle; and keep blowing until they e。’
 She touched the carved bone whistle。 ‘Magic? The birds will truly e?’
 He gave her a one…sided smile。 ‘Oh; yes; they’ll e。 There is no doubt of that。 The magic will call them。 No person will hear the sound; but the birds will。 The Majendie will not know it’s you who calls the birds。 The birds will be hungry and will devour all the seed。 Every time the Majendie plant seeds; you call the birds and take it away from them。’
 She grinned。 The Majendie will starve to death!’
 Richard put his face close to hers。 ‘No。 This is my gift to you; to stop the killing; not a gift to help you kill。 You will call the birds to steal their seed until the Majendie agree to live in peace with you。 When they have fulfilled their part of the bargain; you must fulfill your part; and agree to live in peace with them。’
 He put his first finger right in front of her nose。 ‘If you misuse my gift; I will e back and use other magic against your people。 I’ve placed my trust in you to do right。 Do not fail my trust。’
 Du Chaillu averted her eyes。 She gave a little sniff。 ‘I will do right。 I will use your gift as you say。’ She tucked the whistle into her dress。 Thank you for helping to bring peace to my people。’
 That’s my greatest hope。 Peace。’
 ‘Peace;’ Sister Verna huffed。 She directed a smoldering glare to Richard。 ‘You think it’s so simple? You think that after three thousand years you can simply decree that the killing will stop? You think all it takes is your mere presence; and the ways of people will change? You are a naive child。 Though the crimes of the father do not pass on to the son; you have a simplistic way of seeing things that brings harm just the same。’
 ‘If you think; Sister; that I would be a party to human sacrifices for any reason; you are seriously mistaken。’ He started to turn away; but then turned back。 ‘What harm have I brought? What killing have I started?’
 She leaned toward him。 ‘Well; for one thing; if we don’t help ones with the gift; like you; it will kill them; as it would kill you。 How do you propose we get those boys to the palace? We can no longer cross the Majendie’s land。’ She glanced to Du Chaillu。 ‘She has only given you permission to pass through her land。 She has not said we may bring others through。’ She straightened。 Those boys will die because of what you have done。’
 Richard thought about it a moment。 He was exhausted。 Using the sword’s magic had wearied him as it never had before。 He wanted nothing more than to sleep。 He didn’t feel like solving problems; or arguing。 At last; he looked to Du Chaillu。
 ‘When you make peace with the Majendie; before you let them plant once again; you must add another condition。 You must tell them that in honor of the killing being brought to an end; in honor of the peace; they will let the Sisters cross their land。’ She watched his eyes a moment before she finally nodded。 ‘Your people will do the same。’
 He narrowed
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