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tg.stone of tears-第章

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looked away in embarrassment as she put the mantle around her shoulders and tied it。
 She slid down; finding her legs barely up to the task of holding her。 She used the sword still in her hand as a cane。 She had to pause a moment until everything stopped spinning。 She glanced to the man lying in the snow at her feet。
 ‘Why isn’t someone helping this man? Don’t just stand there; help him!’ No one moved。 ‘I said help him!’
 Captain Ryan stepped closer to her。 He kept his eyes on the ground。 ‘I’m sorry; Mother Confessor。 He’s dead。’
 Her hand tightened into a fist。 ‘He’s not dead! I was just talking to him!’ No one moved。 She beat her free fist against his chest。 ‘He’s not dead! He’s not!’
 Everyone looked away。 No one said anything。 She finally glanced at the men around the small fires; at all the hanging heads。 Her hand fell to her side。
 ‘He killed seventeen of them;’ she said to Captain Ryan。 ‘He killed seventeen of them;’ she said louder; to the rest of them。
 Captain Ryan nodded。 ‘He did well。 We are all proud of him。’
 She watched the faces as they all finally came up。 ‘Forgive me。 All of you; please forgive me。 You have all done a good job。’ The fury had gone out of her。 ‘You have all made me proud。 You are heroes; in my eyes; and in the eyes of the Midlands。’
 The men brightened a bit。 Some went back to eating; while others started passing around tin bowls and spooned beans from pots on the fires。 Some tore off chunks of flat camp bread to dunk in the beans。
 ‘Where’s Chandalen?’ she asked as she pushed her feet into the boots Tossidin handed her。
 ‘He went with the archers。 I imagine that he’s probably shooting arrows into D’Harans right now。’ Captain Ryan leaned toward her; as the brothers moved away; and lowered his voice。 ‘I’m glad these three are on our side。 You should have seen them taking out the sentries。 Prindin; especially; is like death itself; with that troga of his。 It was eerie; the way they were first here; and then over there; and you never even saw them move。 I never heard a thing。 They just appeared with the sentries’ uniforms。’
 ‘You should see them do that out in the open。grassland; in broad daylight。’ Kahlan looked him up and down。 She managed a small smile。 ‘Quite handsome。 You wear it well。’
 He pulled at his shoulder。 ‘I don’t know how they wear this heavy mail all the time。’ He fingered a slash in the leather。 ‘But I was glad to have it on。’
 ‘How did everything go? How many men did you lose?’
 ‘We got nearly everything we went after。 In these uniforms; we didn’t have to do much fighting。 Hardly anyone noticed us; except the ones we killed。 We only lost a few men。’ He glanced back over his shoulder。 ‘Looks like you caught the worst of it。 I took a rough count as you came in。 We lost close to four hundred of the thousand swordsmen who went in。’
 She stared past him; at the men around the fires。 ‘We came close to losing them all。’ She brought her attention back to the captain。 ‘But they did themselves proud。 The drivers; too。’
 He cradled his bandaged hand。 ‘From the ones I talked to; I don’t think many took less than ten of the enemy; and many took a lot more。 We took quite a chunk out of the Order’s hide。’
 Kahlan swallowed。 ‘They took quite a chunk out of ours。’
 ‘Did the men do like I told them?’ he asked。 ‘Did they keep trouble away from you?’
 ‘They kept the enemy so far from me I couldn’t tell you what they looked like。 I’m afraid I wasn’t able to add much honor to your sword; though it was a fort to have along。 I pray you will at least be honored that I carried it in battle。’
 He frowned; leaning to the side; trying to get a better look at her face in the firelight。 ‘Your lip looks cut。’ He glanced at her warhorse as the men were taking the tack off。 That horse is covered in blood。 You’re covered in blood; too; aren’t you?’ It was an accusation; not a question。
 Kahlan stared off at a fire。 ‘Some drunk threw something at me。 It cut my lip。 That wounded soldier I was bringing in bled to death on my horse; and on me。’ Her eyes drifted among the young faces around fires。 ‘I wish I could have done half as well they。 They were magnificent。’
 He grunted suspiciously。 ‘I’m just relieved to see you。’
 ‘Is everything else in order? The archers; the cavalry? We must make the best use of our opportunity while they’re drunk and sick with the poison。 We must make the most of this weather; too。 We can’t let up for a moment。 One lightning strike after another。 No engagement。 Glancing attacks; always from a different place。’
 ‘They all know their jobs; and are waiting their turn。 The archers should be finished soon; then the cavalry; then the pikemen。 We’re ready for their sentries; when they send them out。 Our men will sleep in turns; but from now on; the Imperial Order will get no sleep。’
 ‘Good。 These men need rest。 In the morning; it will be their turn again。’ She lifted a finger to the captain。 ‘Remember the most important thing。’ She quoted her father; ‘‘The weapon that most readily conquers reason is terror and violence。’ Don’t forget that。 It’s the tool they use; and now we must turn it on them。’
 Prindin came back into the firelight。 ‘Mother Confessor。 My brother and I made you a shelter; while we waited for your return。 We have your clothes there; and hot water; so you may wash yourself if you wish。’
 She tried not to show how eager she was to wash off the reek of war。 ‘Thank you; Prindin。’
 He held his arm out; showing her the way to the small clearing。 The brothers had built a roomy shelter of balsam boughs covered over with snow。 She crawled through the low opening to find candles inside。 The snowy ground was covered with a mat of boughs; too; giving the shelter the pleasant aroma of balsam。 A steaming bucket of water had just been set next to hot rocks placed in the center。 She warmed her fingers over the rocks。
 The brothers had made her a warm and snug home for the night。 She could have wept at their thoughtfulness。
 Her pack was there; and her clothes folded in a neat pile。 Kahlan took off her necklace; the one Adie had given her; the one with the round bone。 It was …the only thing she had worn into battle。 She clutched it to her cheek a moment before she washed it。 It reminded her of the one her mother had given her。
 She dunked her whole head in the bucket; washed her hair; and then methodically washed the rest of herself。 It was only a sponge bath; but it still felt wonderful to wash off the blood; and the feel of the hands。 She had to force herself to think of other things as she washed; to keep from being sick。 She thought of Richard; thought of his boyish smile that never failed to make her grin; thought of his gray eyes that could look right into her。 When she finished washing; she lay down; drying her hair on the rocks。
 She desperately needed sleep。 She still hadn’t recovered her Confessor’s power since using it on the one…eyed man; Orsk。 She could feel the emptiness in the pit of he
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