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tg.stone of tears-第章

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ateful magic to my people; your hateful ways! You are evil; and I will take you; to conquer your wickedness! The great spirit has said it shall be so!’
 Prindin pulled his buckskin shirt off over his head; off his wiry frame。 He leapt full onto her; landing with a grunt。 His face was right above hers。
 They stared at each other in surprise。
 He had no idea what had happened。 She knew what had happened; but had no idea how。
 She could feel his warm blood flowing over her fist。 His pupils expanded。 He coughed; splattering little droplets of blood across her face。 With a long; slow gurgle; he went limp as his last breath left his lungs。
 Tears ran down Kahlan’s face。 She didn’t have the strength to push him off her; she could hardly breathe under his weight。
 And so she lay still; feeling his blood drain over her hand between her breasts and soak into her shirt。 The tingling of the poison had risen up her neck。
 In the tingling blackness; her lip hurt。 Something was jabbing against the cut; making it throb。 Something was in her mouth。 She thought it felt like a finger; poking into her mouth。
 Kahlan frowned in the darkness; in her sleep。
 ‘Swallow! Do you hear me? Swallow!’
 Making a sour face; she did as manded。 The finger pushed more of the dry things into her mouth。
 ‘Swallow again!’
 She swallowed; hoping the voice would leave her alone; now。 It did。 She sank back down into the tingling void。 She drifted in the nowhere place; unaware。 She had no concept of time; no idea how long she floated。
 With a gasp; her eyes opened。 She blinked around at her shelter。 The candles were burned halfway down。 Her fur mantle was covering her。
 Chandalen leaned over; peering down at her。 A broad smile spread on his lips。 He let out a long sigh of relief。
 ‘You are back;’ he said。 ‘You are safe; now。’
 ‘Chandalen?’ She tried to make sense of what she was seeing。 ‘Am I in the underworld; or are you are not dead?’
 He laughed quietly。 ‘Chandalen is hard to kill。’
 She worked her tongue; trying to wet her dry mouth。 She was awake; really awake; for the first time in as long as she could remember。 It seemed she had forgotten what it was like to be awake; how vibrant it felt。 Still; she did not move; afraid the blackness would return。
 ‘But; Prindin shot you with a ten…step arrow。 I saw it。’
 He turned a bit; looking away in chagrin。 She could see that his black hair was matted with dried blood。 He flipped his hand; as if uneasy that he had to explain。
 ‘Remember I told you that our ancestors took quassin doe before they went into battle; so that if they were shot with a ten…step arrow; the poison would not kill them?’ She nodded。 He tenderly tested his wounded scalp。 ‘Well; in honor of my ancestors; my warrior ancestors; I ate some of the quassin doe leaves before I went to fight。 The quassin doe you gave to me back at that city。’ His eyebrows lifted; as if further justification was needed。 ‘It was to honor my ancestors。’
 Kahlan smiled warmly to him as she put a hand to his arm。 ‘You have done your ancestors proud。’
 He helped her sit up。 In the dim light; she saw that Prindin lay next to her; on his back。
 The bone knife; the bone knife made from Chandalen’s grandfather’s bones; the one she had worn at her arm; jutted from Prindin’s chest。 The black feathers fanned out around the hilt end; draped like a shroud over the fatal wound。 Somehow; she had managed to put that knife between them when Prindin had leaped on her。 Somehow。
 She remembered her numb; helpless plight。 She remembered the tingling feeling of the poison; and that she couldn’t move。 She remembered her terror。 She remembered Prindin’s leap onto her。
 But she didn’t remember pulling the knife。
 Her voice trembled。 ‘I’m so sorry; Chandalen。’ Her fingers covered her mouth。 ‘I’m so sorry that I killed your friend。’
 Chandalen glared at the body。 ‘He was not my friend。 My friends do not try to kill me。’ He put a forting hand to her shoulder。 ‘He was sent by the great; dark spirit of the dead。 His heart was taken by evil。’
 Kahlan clutched his sleeve。 ‘Chandalen; that great; dark spirit of the dead is trying to escape from behind the veil。 He wants to pull us all behind the veil; into the world of the dead。’
 His brown eyes studied hers。 ‘I believe you。 We must get you to Aydindril; so you may help stop him。’
 She sagged with relief。 Thank you; Chandalen。 Thank you for understanding; and for saving me with the quassin doe。’ Kahlan clutched his arm。 The men! Prindin set a trap for them! What time is it?’
 He made a forting; hushing sound。 ‘When Captain Ryan came to Tossidin and me before the attack; I asked where you were。 I knew you would want to be with them。 He told me that you were sick。 That you could not wake。 It sounded to me like bandu。
 ‘Captain Ryan said you would not eat; and would have only tea Prindin made for you。 I knew then; what was happening。 I knew you had been poisoned; and the only thing you had was tea。
 Tossidin and I were greatly worried for you。 We checked to see if the enemy had changed position。 We saw that they were waiting for the attack where we had planned it at first。 I made the men change the attack; and e from a different place than expected。 As soon as I gave the new orders; we rushed back here。
 ‘I knew Prindin had betrayed us; but Tossidin thought there must be some other explanation。 He trusted his brother and did not want to think evil of him。 He paid for his trust; his mistake; with his life。’
 Kahlan looked away in the uneasy quiet。 She frowned back at him。 ‘What of the arrow? What of the wound on your head? We must see to your wounds。’
 Chandalen pulled the neck of his buckskin shirt to the side; revealing a bandage over his left shoulder。 ‘The men returned in the night。 They stitched my head。 It is not as bad as it looks。 They also took out the arrow。’
 He winced as he pulled the shirt back up on his shoulder。 ‘I taught Prindin well。 He used a bladed arrow。 Bladed arrows do more harm ing out than going in。 One of the men; the one who cuts and sews the wounded; cut out the arrow; and stitched me together。 The arrow hit the bone; so it did not go in too far。 My arm is stiff; and I will not be able to use it for a time。’
 Kahlan felt her leg。 There was a bandage under her pants。 ‘Did he stitch my leg; too?’
 ‘No。 It did not need sewing; just to be wrapped; I did that。 Prindin used a round point on you。 That is not like I taught him。 I don’t know why he would do that。’
 Kahlan could feel the presence of the body next to her。 ‘He wanted to be able to get it out of me; after he shot me with poison;’ she said quietly。 ‘He wanted it out of his way。 He was going to rape me before he gave me to the enemy。’
 Chandalen watched the body; not wanting to look at her; and said he was glad that had not happened。
 She touched his left hand。 ‘And I’m glad it was your shoulder; and not your throat。’
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