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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 She touched his left hand。 ‘And I’m glad it was your shoulder; and not your throat。’
 He frowned。 ‘I taught Prindin how to shoot。 He would never miss my throat from that distance。 Why did he not shoot my throat?’
 She shrugged; feigning ignorance。 He grunted suspiciously。
 ‘Chandalen; why is his body still in here? Why didn’t you drag him out?’
 He moved his wounded arm a bit with his other; making it more fortable。 ‘Because Grandfather’s spirit knife is still in him。’ He regarded her with a serious expression。 ‘You have used the aid of Grandfather’s bones; his spirit; to protect yourself; to take another life。 Grandfather’s spirit is bonded to you now。 No other may touch his bone knife; now。 It is yours; and only you may touch it。 You must remove it。’
 Kahlan momentarily contemplated whether or not she could just leave the knife where it was; and bury it with the body。 She thought maybe the bone knife should be put to rest; too。 But she discarded the thought。 To the Mud People this was powerful spirit magic。 She would insult Chandalen if she rejected the knife。
 She thought; too; that maybe she would be insulting the spirit of Chandalen’s grandfather if she didn’t take back the knife。 She wasn’t entirely sure that it wasn’t the spirit in the bone knife that had killed Prindin to save her。 She didn’t know how the knife had gotten into her hand。
 Kahlan reached out and wrapped her fingers around the round end protruding from Prindin’s chest。 It made a sucking sound as she pulled it from the body。 She wiped it clean on the balsam boughs covering the floor。
 Kahlan brought the round end to her lips and kissed it lightly。 Thank you; spirit grandfather; for saving my life。’ Somehow; it seemed the right thing to do。
 Chandalen smiled as she slid the bone knife into the band on her arm。 ‘You are a good Mud Person。 You knew what to do without me telling you。 Grandfather’s spirit will watch over you always。’
 ‘Chandalen; we must get to Aydindril。 The veil to the underworld is torn。 We’ve done what we must to help these men。 I must do my job; now。’
 ‘When we first found these men; I did not want to stay with them。 I wanted to be away from their fight so that you would be safe。’ He stared off at nothing。 ‘Somehow; I forgot that thought; and all I wanted to do was fight and kill the enemy。’
 ‘I know;’ she whispered; ‘that happened to me; too。 I forgot all about what I was supposed to be doing。 It’s almost as if we; too; listened to the great; dark spirit。 The veil is torn。 Maybe that’s why we were distracted。’
 ‘You think that this veil is torn; and because of that we forgot what we were to do; and wanted only to kill?’
 ‘Chandalen; I don’t know the answers to these things。 I must get to Aydindril。 The wizard will know what to do。 Richard needs help。 We have taken enough time here。 We must not waste any more。 We must talk to the men; and then be on our way。 Are they out there?’ He nodded。 ‘Then let’s get going。’
 She started to rise; but he put his good hand to her arm and stopped her。 They have been waiting outside your shelter all night。 I would not let them e inside。’
 He took his hand back as he seemed to search for the right words。 ‘I feared greatly that you would die this night。 I didn’t know if I had given you the quassin doe in time。 Prindin had been giving you poison without our knowing it; for a long time。 You almost went to the spirit world。
 ‘If you had died; I would never be able to return to my people again。 But that is not why I am glad you live。 I am glad because you are a good Mud Person。 You are a protector to our people; the same as Chandalen。 We each fight in our own way。’ He lifted an eyebrow。 ‘Lately; you have been fighting too much like Chandalen fights。 You are good at it; but you should leave that to me; and fight in the way you are meant to fight。’
 Kahlan smiled。 ‘You’re right。 Thank you for sitting with me all night。 It was good to have you near。 I’m sorry you were hurt。’
 He shrugged。 ‘Someday; when I find a woman for myself; I will have scars to show her; so she may see how brave Chandalen is。’
 Kahlan laughed。 ‘I’m sure she will be impressed with your bravery when you were shot with an arrow。’
 Chandalen gave her a crooked look。 ‘It does not prove I was brave because I was shot with an arrow。 Anyone can be shot。’ He lifted his chin。 ‘I am brave because I did not cry out when the the arrow was cut from me。’
 Someday; Kahlan thought; some fortunate woman would have her hands full with this one。 ‘I’m glad the good spirits watched over you; and you are with me。’
 He narrowed his eyes as he peered at her。 ‘I do not know what happened; but I think Prindin missed my throat because you were watching over me; too。’
 She only grinned。 When she looked to the body; her grin withered。 She stroked the fur of her mantle。 ‘Poor Tossidin。 He loved his brother。 I’ll miss him。’
 Chandalen glanced to the body。 ‘I have known them since they were young boys。 They both followed me around; begging me to teach them。 Begging to be one of my men。’ He hung his head in silence。 Finally; he returned his attention to her。 ‘The men are worried greatly about you。 They are waiting。’
 Kahlan followed as he crawled out on his knees and one hand。 She dragged the sword with her。 Outside; in the light; there was a sudden rustle of sound as men rose to their feet。
 Captain Ryan rushed forward; but a big man; with one arm in a sling; thrust his good arm across the captain’s chest; stopping him cold。 He held a monstrous war axe in his fist。
 ‘Orsk? You are alive; too?’
 His eyes were red from weeping。 Kahlan remembered the way her father had wept when her mother; his mistress; was ill。
 ‘Mistress!’ Tears sprang anew to his eyes。 ‘You are well! What do you wish?’
 ‘Orsk; these men are all my friends。 None of them will hurt me。 You do not need to keep them away。 I’m safe。 It would please me if you just sat quietly for now。’
 Instantly; he flopped to the ground。 Kahlan gave a questioning frown to Chandalen。
 Chandalen shrugged。 ‘I saw him fight to protect you; and Prindin wanted to kill him; so I gave him quassin doe。 The men dug the arrow from his back。 I am not sure how badly he is hurt; he has no interest in his wound; only in you。 I was only able to keep him out of the shelter by telling him you needed to be left alone or you might not recover; but he would not leave this spot as long as you were inside。’
 Kahlan sighed as she gazed at the grisly face staring silently up at her。 She could hardly stand to look at the jagged white scar; and the one eye that was sewn shut。 She returned her attention to an impatient Captain Ryan; and the hundreds of faces behind him。
 ‘How goes the war?’
 The war! Dash the war! Are you all right? You had us scared to death!’ He cast a hot glance at Chandalen; and then at Orsk sitting in the snow。 ‘These two wouldn’t even let me have a peek at you; to see how you were。’
 ‘That’s their job;’ Kahlan said。
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