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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 even let me have a peek at you; to see how you were。’
 ‘That’s their job;’ Kahlan said。 She gave them a warm smile。 Thank you all for your concern。 Chandalen has saved me。’
 ‘Well; what happened? This place was a mess。 The dozen men I left here were slaughtered。 By a troga。 Prindin and Tossidin are dead。 And there were dead men of the Order。 We feared they killed you。’
 Kahlan realized Chandalen had told them nothing。 ‘One of the dead men; off in that direction; is General Riggs; of the Imperial Order。 Orsk here;’ she pointed down to the one…eyed man; ‘killed most of the men of the Order。 They came here to get me。 Prindin killed our guards; and his brother; and he tried to kill me。’ Whispers and gasps spread among the men。
 Captain Ryan’s eyes looked like they would pop from his head。 ‘Prindin! Not Prindin。 Dear spirits; why?’
 She waited until silence settled over the men。 She spoke in a quiet tone。 ‘Prindin was a baneling。’
 Stunned silence was all she heard for a moment; and then the worried whispers of ‘baneling’ spread back through the ranks。
 ‘You men are doing a fine job。 But now you must fight on without me。 I must get to Aydindril。’ Disappointed murmurs filled the air。 ‘I would not leave you if I did not know you were up to the task。 You have all proven your worth and your heart in battle。 You are men the equal of any。’
 The men stood a little taller。 They listened intently to her; as if hearing their general。
 ‘I am proud of each and every one of you。 You are heroes of the Midlands。 This army of the Imperial Order; threat though it is; is representative of a larger threat to the Midlands; to the world of the living。 That the Keeper would send a baneling to stop me is proof of that。
 ‘I believe the Imperial Order is aligned with the Keeper。 I must now turn my attention to this threat。 I know you will fight on; as you have sworn; and show the enemy no quarter。 I know the days of the Order are numbered。’
 Kahlan realized that her neck didn’t hurt。 She touched her fingers to the bite。 It was gone。 Suddenly she felt that perhaps she had escaped the Keeper’s grasp in more ways than one。
 With a serious demeanor; she regarded the young faces that intently watched her。 Though you will fight on without quarter; you must not let yourselves bee what you are fighting。 The enemy fights to kill; and to enslave。 You fight for life; and freedom。 Keep that always uppermost in your hearts。
 ‘Do not let yourselves bee what you hate。 I know how easy it is to do。 It almost happened to me。’
 Kahlan put a fist into the air。 ‘I promise to never forget a one of you。 Promise me that when this is finished; both the threat from the Imperial Order; and the threat from the Keeper; that you will one day all e to Aydindril; so the Midlands may honor your sacrifice。’
 The men all lifted a fist in pledge。 A cheer went up。
 ‘Captain Ryan; please tell the men at the other camps my words。 I wish I could speak to them all myself; but I must leave at once。’
 He assured her it would be done。 Kahlan lifted the sword in both hands; holding it out。
 ‘King Wyborn wielded this sword in battle to protect his land。 The Mother Confessor has wielded it in defense of the Midlands。 I now place it in capable hands。’
 Captain Ryan’s fingers carefully lifted the sword from hers。 He held it as if holding the crown of Galea itself。 A beaming grin lit his face。
 ‘I will carry it with pride; Mother Confessor。 Thank you for everything you have taught us。 When you first found us; we were boys。 Thank you for making us into men。 You have taught us not only to fight better but; more importantly; what it means to be soldiers; and to be protectors of the Midlands。’
 He took the hilt in his fist and held the sword skyward as he turned to his men。
 ‘Three cheers for the Mother Confessor!’
 As she listened to the three wild cheers; Kahlan realized that in all her life she had never heard anyone cheer the Mother Confessor before。 She had to strain to keep her surprise from showing。 She lifted a kiss on her fingers and thanked them all。
 ‘Captain Ryan; I wish to take Nick; and I will need two other horses; also。’
 Chandalen lurched forward。 ‘Now; why do you need horses!’
 She lifted an eyebrow to him。 ‘Chandalen; I have an arrow wound in my leg。 I can hardly stand; much less walk。 I need to ride; if I’m to get to Aydindril。 I hope you do not think me weak because of it。’
 His brow knotted up。 ‘Well; no。 Of course you cannot be expected to walk。’ His eyes turned angry again。 ‘But why do you want two other horses?’
 ‘If I ride; you must; too。’
 ‘Chandalen does not need to ride! I am strong!’
 She leaned close and spoke in his tongue。 ‘Chandalen; I know the Mud People do not ride horses。 I would not expect you would know how。 I will teach you。 You will do fine。 When you return to your people; you will have a new skill that none of them have。 They will be impressed。 The women will see that you are brave。’
 He grunted suspiciously as he scowled。 Then why do we need the third horse?’
 ‘We’re taking Orsk。’
 Kahlan shrugged。 ‘You can’t draw a bow until your arm recovers。 How will you protect me? Orsk can wield an axe with his one good arm; and you can throw a spear with yours。’
 He rolled his eyes。 ‘I am not going to be able to talk you out of this; am I?’
 ‘No;’ she said with a small smile。 ‘Now; we better get our things and be on our way。’
 Kahlan surveyed the men one last time。 Her men。 She gave them a salute of her fist to her heart。 They all silently returned the salute。 She had lost much with these men。 She had gained much。 Take care。 Each and every one of you。’
 ‘So; when are we going to meet your people; the ones who will guide Sister Verna and me to the palace?’
 Du Chaillu glanced back over her shoulder; pulling her mass of black hair out of the way to peer at him。 She was leading her horse。 Richard had grown tired of her plaints; and when she finally refused to ride any longer; he decided not to make an issue of it and let her walk。 Richard had decided to walk for a while himself。 Sister Verna rode behind them; watching Du Chaillu like an owl from atop her horse。
 ‘Soon。’ Her cool; distant expression disturbed him。 ‘Very soon。’
 Her attitude had slowly changed since they had left the Majendie land; as they went deeper into hers。 She was no longer chatty and open; but had grown haughty and distant。 Sister Verna rarely took her eyes from Du Chaillu; and Du Chaillu; in turn; didn’t miss a move the Sister made。 They were like two cats with their fur standing on end; silent and still; but ready to spring。 It wouldn’t have surprised him if soon he saw their teeth bared。
 Richard had the feeling the two of them were constantly testing each other; but in ways he couldn’t see。 By the Sister’s attitude; he didn’t think she was pleased about what she was discovering。 Richard could tell; from experience; when the Sister was touching her 
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