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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 She blinked up at him。 ‘Richard; I don’t know what happened to you before; but we’re not like that。 I want to be a Sister of the Light to help people see the Creator’s goodness。’
 Richard was dangerously close to letting the magic slip from his control。 He struggled to maintain his grip。 He had other things to do。 ‘I am not interested in your theology。 Just remember what I told you。’
 She smiled。 ‘I will。 I apologize for making you angry by calling you other than by your name。 Please forgive me。 I’ve never done this before。 I was only doing as I thought I should; following the rules; as I was trained。’
 ‘Forget the rules。 Just be yourself; and you will have less trouble in life。’
 ‘If that would help you believe that I’m only trying to help you; then that’s what I shall do。’ She pointed。 ‘Here。 Sit on the edge of the bed。’
 Though she didn’t move; he felt a gentle push。 He fell back; to sit on the edge of the bed。 ‘Don’t 。。。’
 She stepped between his legs; close to him。
 ‘Hush。 Let me do my job。 I told you before; I must let my Han e to know your Rada’Han; so I will know where you are at all times。’
 She put her hands to each side of his neck; over the collar。 She closed her eyes。 Her breasts were right in front of his face; moving with each breath。 He felt a soft tingling sensation that sank all the way to his toes and then came back up through him。 It was slightly unfortable; but not unpleasant; and in fact the longer it went on; the better it felt。
 When she took her hands away; the absence of the sensation was agony for a moment。 The world seemed to hum and spin。 He shook his head。
 ‘What did you do?’
 ‘I simply let my Han e to know your Rada’Han。’ She looked a little dazed。 She swallowed as a tear ran down her cheek。 ‘And something of your Han; your essence。’
 She turned away。 Richard stood。
 ‘Does that mean that you will always know where I am; now? By my collar?’
 She nodded weakly as she strode slowly across the room。 Her voice regained its control。 ‘What are your preferences; for food? Your special requirements?’
 ‘I don’t eat meat。’
 She stopped in her tracks。 ‘That’s one I’ve never heard before。’
 ‘And; I guess I don’t like cheese anymore; either。’
 She considered a moment; and then walked on。 ‘I will tell the cooks your special requirements。’
 A plan was forming in his head; and she wasn’t part of it。 He needed to get rid of her。
 Pasha went to a tall; pickled…pine wardrobe。 It was filled with fine clothes。 There were trousers of a smooth weave; at least a dozen shirts; mostly white; some with ruffles; and coats of every color。
 ‘These are yours;’ she said。
 ‘If everyone was surprised I was grown; why are they a size of a grown man?’
 She inspected the various items; feeling the fabric; taking some out and holding them up for a better look。 ‘Someone must have known。 Verna must have told them。’
 ‘Sister Verna。’
 She put a black coat back。 ‘I’m sorry; Richard; but it is just Verna; now。’ She pulled out a white shirt。 ‘Do you like this?’
 ‘No。 I would look foolish wearing fancy things like that。’
 She smiled coquettishly。 ‘I think you would look very handsome in it。 But if it doesn’t please you; there are coins on the table over there。 I’ll show you some shops in the city; and you may purchase whatever you like better。’
 Richard glanced to the marble…topped table。 There was a silver bowl of silver coins; and next to it; a gold bowl heaped full with gold coins。 If he worked his whole life as a guide; he would never earn even half that much gold。
 ‘It’s not mine。’
 ‘Of course it is。 You’re a guest of the palace; and the palace provides whatever our guests require。 If you use that up; it will be replaced。’ She pulled out a red coat with gold brocade on the shoulders and cuffs。 Her eyes brightened。 ‘Richard; this would look simply grand on you。’
 ‘Even if you cover a collar with precious gems; it’s still a collar。’
 This has nothing to do with your Rada’Han。 What you’re wearing is disgusting。 You look like some savage from the woods。’ She held the red coat open。 ‘Here; try this on。’
 He snatched the coat from her hands and threw it on the bed。 Gripping her by the arm; he marched her to the door in the front room。
 ‘Richard! Stop it! What are you doing!’
 He pulled the door open。 ‘I’m tired; it’s been a long day。 Good night; Pasha。’
 ‘Richard; I’m only trying to help you look better。 You look uncivilized in that outfit。 You look like some huge beast。’
 He went calm as he took in her blue dress; blue the color of Kahlan’s wedding dress。
 ‘That color does not bee you;’ he said。 ‘Does not bee you at all。’
 She stood in the hall; staring at him with big brown eyes。 He kicked the door shut。
 He waited a few minutes; and then checked the hall。 There was no sign of her。 He went to his pack; beside the fireplace; and started taking things out。 He wouldn’t need everything。 No need carrying all his extra clothes。
 As he was stretching the string to the bow; there was a soft rap at the door。 He crept across the carpets; listening。 Maybe she would go away if he didn’t answer it。 He didn’t need her hanging around; telling him what to wear。 He had important things to do。
 The soft knock came again。 Maybe it wasn’t Pasha。 Richard pulled his knife。 He yanked the door open。
 ‘Sister Verna。’
 ‘I just saw Pasha; running down the hall in tears。 I’m surprised at you; Richard。’ She lifted an eyebrow to him。 ‘I didn’t think it would take you that long。 I’ve been hiding around a corner; afraid I would be caught while I waited。’ A shawl capped her curly hair and spread down over her shoulders。 ‘Did you have to make her cry?’
 ‘She is fortunate I didn’t make her bleed。’
 She lifted the shawl from her head and settled it around her shoulders。 A small smile touched her lips。 ‘May I e in?’ He held out his arm in invitation。 And it is simply Verna;’ she said as she stepped through the threshold。 ‘I am not a Sister。’
 He slipped the knife back into its sheath。 ‘I’m sorry; but I don’t think I could bring myself to call you anything else。 To me; you are Sister Verna。’
 ‘It is not proper to address me as Sister。’ She looked around the room as’lie closed the door。 ‘How are the acmodations?’
 ‘They would not embarrass a king。 Sister Verna; I know you won’t believe me; but I’m really sorry about what happened。 I didn’t mean to bring my troubles down on you。’
 A broad grin spread on her face。 ‘You have been a constant trouble to me; Richard; but; for once; this trouble was not caused by you。 Another brought this trouble upon me。’
 ‘Sister; I know I caused you to be broken to a novice。 I didn’t intend that。 But the part about you being sent to work in the stables; that was your own doing。’
 Things are not always as they seem; Richard。’ There was a twinkle in her eye。 ‘I hate scrubbing pots。 When I 
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