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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Things are not always as they seem; Richard。’ There was a twinkle in her eye。 ‘I hate scrubbing pots。 When I was a novice; when I was young; I hated that more than anything else。 I’m not happy in a kitchen; and less so with my hands in scalding water。
 ‘I like horses much better。 They don’t talk back; or argue with me。 I like being around horses。 More so; since you destroyed the bits and I became friends with Jessup。 Sister Maren thought she held the reins; as it were; but she was doing what I wished。’
 Richard smiled with one side of his mouth。 ‘You are a very devious woman; Sister Verna。 I’m proud of you。 But I’m still sorry you are put back to novice because of me。’
 She shrugged。 ‘I am here to serve the Creator。 It matters not how。 And this is not your doing; the Prelate’s orders are what caused me to be broken to a novice。’
 ‘You mean the orders she wrote in the book? She forbade you from using your power on me; didn’t she?’
 ‘How do you know that?’
 ‘I figured it out。 You were often angry enough to spit fire at me; but you never used your power to stop me。 I don’t think that would have happened unless you were under orders to watch but not to interfere。 After all; if the Ra…da’Han is used to control; why else would you not use that control?’
 She shook her head to herself。 ‘You are a very devious person yourself; Richard。 How long have you known?’
 ‘Since I read the book in the tower。 Why are you here; Sister?’
 ‘I wanted to see if you were all right。 Starting tomorrow; I won’t get the chance again。 At least not for a very long time … not until I’m raised to Sister of the Light again。 First…rank novices aren’t allowed to have anything to do with young wizards。 The penalty is quite severe。’
 ‘Your first day as a novice; and already you’re breaking the rules。 You shouldn’t be here。 You’ll be up to your elbows in scalding water and dirty pots if they catch you。’
 She shrugged。 ‘Some things are more important than rules。’
 Richard frowned at the distant look in her eyes。 ‘Why don’t you sit?’
 ‘I don’t have time。 I only came to keep a promise。’ She pulled something from a pocket。 And to bring you this。’
 She lifted his hand and placed something in it; then closed his fingers around it。
 ‘When Richard opened his fingers and looked; his knees almost buckled。
 ‘It was the lock of Kahlan’s hair he had thrown away。
 Sister Verna clasped her hands together。 The first night; the first night we were together; I found that。’
 Without looking up; he whispered; ‘What do you mean; you found it?’
 She leaned back and looked up at the ceiling。 After you fell asleep; after you decided not to kill me; I went for a walk; and I found it。’
 His eyes slid closed。 ‘I can’t take this;’ he managed to make himself say。 ‘I have set her free。’
 ‘Kahlan made a great sacrifice to save your life。 I promised her that I would not let you forget that she loves you。’
 Richard’s strength had vanished。 The muscles in his legs quivered。 His hand shook。
 ‘I can’t take this。 She sent me away。 I have set her free。’
 Sister Verna spoke softly。 ‘She loves you; Richard。 Please; as a favor to me; take it。 I have violated the rules to bring this to you。 I made a promise to Kahlan to make sure you know she loves you。 I was reminded again today what a rare thing real love is。’
 Richard felt as if the whole weight of the palace had fallen down on him。
 All right; Sister。 As a favor to you。 But I know she doesn’t want me。 If you love someone; you don’t ask them to put a collar around their neck; you don’t send them away。 She wishes to be free。 I love her; and so I have set her free。’
 ‘Someday; Richard; I hope you will realize how much she has sacrificed; and the truth of her love。 Love is a precious thing; and should not be forgotten。 I don’t know what your life holds in store; but someday you will find love again。
 ‘But; I think you need a friend more than anything else right now。 I’m sincere in my offer; Richard。’
 ‘Will you take this collar off me?’
 She was silent a moment。 Her voice came heavy with regret。 ‘I cannot; Richard。 It would bring you to harm。 I have a duty to preserve your life。 The collar must stay on。’
 He nodded。 ‘I have no friends。 I am in enemy territory; in enemy hands。’
 ‘That’s not true。 But I’m afraid that; as a novice; I won’t have the chance to convince you otherwise。 Pasha looks like a nice young woman。 Try to make friends with her; Richard。 You need a friend。’
 ‘I can’t make friends with someone I may have to kill。 I meant every word I said today; Sister。’
 ‘I know; Richard;’ she whispered。 ‘I know。 But Pasha is almost your age。 Sometimes; it’s easier to make friends with those your own age。 I think she would like to be your friend。
 ‘For a novice; this is as important a time as it is for a young wizard。 The relationship between a novice and the wizard she is assigned is unique。 The bond that will grow is very special; and will last the lifetime of each。
 ‘She; too; is frightened。 Her whole life; she has been a student; a novice。 Now; for the first time; she is the teacher。 Not only the boy learns; but the girl; too。 They both are entering a new life。 It is a very special thing; for both。’
 ‘Slave and master。 That is the only bond。’
 She sighed。 ‘I doubt any novice has ever faced a task like the one Pasha will have。 Try to be understanding of her; Richard。 Pasha is going to have her hands full with you。 The Creator knows the Prelate herself would have her hands full with you。’
 Richard stared off at nothing。 ‘Have you ever killed anyone you loved; Sister?’
 ‘Well; no 。。。’
 Richard lifted the Agiel in his fist。 ‘Denna held me by my magic; as do the Sisters。 She kept a collar around my neck; as do the Sisters。
 They had tortured her until she was mad enough to do the same to me。 I understood how she could do it; because I would have done anything she said; to keep from being hurt anymore。’
 He was hardly aware of the pain from the Agiel ripping through him。
 ‘I understood her; and I loved her。’ A tear ran down his face。 ‘That was the only way I was able to escape。 She controlled the rage of the sword。 Because I was able to love her; I was able to turn the blade of the Sword of Truth white。’
 ‘Dear Creator;’ Sister Verna whispered; her eyes wide; ‘you have turned the sword’s blade white?’
 Richard closed his eyes and nodded。 ‘I had to take the love of her into my heart。 Only then could I turn the blade white。 Only then could I run it through her while she looked lovingly into my eyes。 Only because I loved her; could I kill her; and escape。
 As long as I live; I will never be able to forgive myself。’
 Sister Verna embraced him protectively。 ‘Dear Creator;’ she whispered; ‘what have you done to your child?’
 Richard pushed her away。 ‘Go; Sister; before you get into trouble。’ He wiped his eyes。 ‘I’m being foolish。’
 She gripped hi
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