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tg.stone of tears-第章

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s them an aptitude for prophecy are taught by these Sisters。
 ‘There are a few young men who work and study in the vaults; but Warren is to the vaults what Jedidiah is to other forms of magic。 Every wizard has a specialty。 We will work with you to discover what your innate ability is。 Until we can learn this; it will be hard to take your training very far。’
 ‘Sister Verna told me something about that。 So; what do you think my talent is?’
 ‘Usually; we can tell by the personality of the boy。 Some like to work with their hands; and end up making things of magic。 Some like to help the sick or injured; and bee healers。 Things like that。 We can usually tell。’
 ‘So what about me?’
 She glanced briefly in his direction。 ‘None of us has ever seen anyone like you before。 We have no idea; yet。’ Pasha’s face brightened。 ‘But we will。’
 A huge; round stone door; as thick as Richard was tall; stood open in the gloom。 Beyond it were rooms carved from the bedrock that the palace sat atop。 Lamps did little to brighten the place。 There were a number of long; timeworn tables with books and papers scattered about on them; and shelves in rows that extended into the distance to each side。 Two women sat at the tables; taking notes as they read by the light of candles set close。
 One of them peered up and addressed Pasha。 ‘What are you doing down here; child?’
 Pasha curtsied。 ‘We came to see Warren; Sister。’
 ‘Warren? Why?’
 Just then; Warren came scurrying out of the darkness。 ‘It’s all right; Sister Becky。 I asked them to e。’
 ‘Well; the next time; please let someone know in advance。’
 ‘Yes; Sister; I will。’
 Warren burrowed between the two of them and took their arms; leading them into the shelves。 When he realized he was touching Pasha he jerked his hand away and turned red。
 ‘You look 。。。 dazzling; Pasha。’
 ‘Why; thank you; Mole。’ She flushed red herself。 She put a hand to his shoulder。 ‘I’m sorry; Warren 。。。 I didn’t mean anything by that。 I meant to call you Warren。’
 He smiled。 ‘It’s all right; Pasha。 I know people call me the Mole。 They think it a pejorative; but I take it as a pliment。 You see; a mole can find its way in the dark; where others are blind。 That is much like what I do; I find the way where others see nothing。’
 Pasha sighed in relief。 ‘I’m glad; Warren。 Mole; did you hear that Jedidiah fell down a flight of stairs and broke his leg?’
 ‘Really?’ He searched her eyes。 ‘Maybe the Creator was trying to teach him that when you hold your nose so high in the air; you can’t see where you are going。’
 ‘I don’t think Jedidiah paid any heed to the Creator’s lessons;’ Pasha said。 ‘I heard tell that he was so angry he burned a prized carpet to ash。’
 Warren still held her eyes。 ‘You are the one who should be angry; not Jedidiah。 He said cruel things to you。 No one should say cruel things to you。’
 ‘He is usually kind to me; but I admit; I did look a mess。’
 ‘Some of these books look a mess to people; but it is what’s inside that matters; not the dust on their covers。’
 Pasha blushed。 ‘Why; thank you; Mole 。。。 I think。’
 Warren looked to Richard。 ‘I didn’t know if you would really e。 Most people say they will; but they never do。 I’m so pleased you did。 e this way。 Pasha; I’m afraid you must wait here。’
 ‘What!’ She leaned forward; and Richard thought that maybe her breasts might spill out if she didn’t straighten up。 ‘I’m going; too。’
 Warren’s eyes widened。 ‘But I must take him into one of the back rooms。 You are a novice。 Novices are not allowed。’
 She smiled warmly as she did straighten up。 ‘Mole; if a novice is not allowed; how could a new student be allowed?’
 Warren’s eyes narrowed。 ‘He is in the prophecies。 If the prophets saw fit to write about him; they could hardly intend he not see it。’
 Warren seemed considerably more confident down here in his element than he had been up in the palace。 He stood his ground with confidence。 Pasha rubbed his shoulder。 He glanced down at the hand。
 ‘Warren; you’re the Mole; you show others the way。 I’m the one in charge of Richard; I show him the way。 I would be neglecting my duty if I allowed him to go somewhere without me this soon。 I’m sure you can make an exception for me。 Can’t you; Warren? It’s to help Richard; to help understand the prophecy and how he is to serve the Creator。 Isn’t that what’s important?’
 Warren finally took his eyes from her and told them to wait。 He went off to the two Sisters and spoke with them in hushed tones。 He finally came back wearing a smile。
 ‘Sister Becky said it would be permitted。 I told her you understand a bit of High D’Haran。 In case she asks; say you do。’
 ‘What’s High D’Haran? Warren; you want me to lie to a Sister!’
 ‘I’m sure she will not ask。’ Warren turned his face away。 ‘I told the lie for you; Pasha; so you would not have to。’
 She leaned closer to him。 ‘Warren; if you’re caught telling lies about such things; you know what they will do。’
 He gave her a small; haunted smile。 ‘I know。’
 ‘What will they do?’ Richard asked; suddenly suspicious。
 Warren waved impatiently。 ‘Never mind。 You two e along。’
 They had to hurry after him as he scurried off into the darkness。 They went past rows of shelves placed tight together; ing at last to a solid wall of rock。 Warren put his hand to a metal plate; and part of the wall moved away; revealing another chamber beyond。 Inside the small room sat a table and maybe a dozen rows of shelves。 Four lamps made it seem bright inside; by parison。
 Inside; Warren touched another plate and the section of wall slid closed; entombing them in stone and silence。 He pulled out a chair for Pasha and had Richard sit to her right。 Finally; he pulled a leatherbound book from the shelves and carefully placed it before Richard。
 ‘Please don’t touch it;’ Warren said。 ‘It’s very old and fragile。 Of late; it has been getting more use than usual。 Let me turn the pages。’
 ‘Who’s been using it?’ Richard asked。
 ‘The Prelate。’ A smile twitched across Warren’s lips。 ‘Whenever she is to e down here; her two big guards e first and make everyone leave。 They clear the vaults; so the Prelate can have the place to herself; and people won’t know what she reads。’
 ‘Her big guards?’ Pasha asked。 ‘You mean the two Sisters in her outer office?’
 ‘Yes;’ Warren said。 ‘Sister Ulicia; and Sister Finella。’
 ‘We saw them today;’ Richard said。 They didn’t look that big to me。’
 Warren lowered his voice meaningfully。 ‘If you ever cross them; you will think otherwise。 They will seem very big; indeed。’
 Richard took pause at Warren’s expression。 ‘If the place is cleared out; how do you know she has been reading this book?’
 ‘I know。’ He turned to the book on the table。 ‘I know。 She has been doing most of her reading in this room; of late。 I live with these books。 When someone touches them; I can tell。 You see this smudge in the dust? 
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