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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 means you are one who kills。 They will try to fort you。 There are others who think it means you will bring forth the dead; call the spirits。 They will want to study you。’ He leaned a little closer。 There are others who think it means you will tear the veil; and bring the Nameless One to swallow us all。 They might try to kill you。’
 ‘I know; Warren。’
 Then why would you let them know you are the one in the prophecy?’
 ‘Because I am fuer grissa ost drauka。 When the time es; I will kill any of them I must in order to get this collar off。 I had to give them fair warning first; give them the chance to live。’
 Warren touched his fingers to his lower lip。 ‘But you wouldn’t hurt Pasha。 Not Pasha。’
 ‘I hope to hurt no one; Warren。 Maybe with the information you help me with; I won’t have to hurt anyone。 I hate being fuer grissa ost drauka; but that is who I am。’
 Warren’s eyes teared。 ‘Please; you wouldn’t hurt Pasha。’
 ‘Warren; I like her。 I think she is a lovely person; inside; like you said。 I only kill to protect my life; or the lives of innocent people。 I don’t believe Pasha would ever give me cause; but you must understand that if I am right; and the veil is torn; then more is at stake than any one person’s life。 Mine; yours; or Pasha’s。’
 Warren nodded。 ‘I have read the prophecies。 I understand。 I will search for the things you need。’
 Richard tried to reassure him with a warm smile。 ‘It will be all right; Warren。 I’m the Seeker; I’ll do my best。 I don’t want to harm anyone。’
 ‘Seeker? What is the Seeker?’
 Richard slapped his hand to the metal plate。 ‘I’ll tell you about it later。’
 Warren glanced down at the plate as the door slid opened。 ‘How are you able to do that?’
 Pasha was standing calmly; waiting; her face making a good effort at not showing her anger。
 ‘And just what was that all about?’
 Richard stepped through the doorway。 ‘Boy talk。’
 Pasha stopped him with a hand to his arm。 ‘What do you mean; boy talk?’
 Richard looked into her warm brown eyes。 ‘I was twisting Warren’s arm; making him tell me about the test of pain。 You failed to mention it; so I had to ask him about it。 Or were you planning on waiting until you came to do it; before you told me?’
 Pasha rubbed her bare arms; as if to warm them。 ‘I do not do that; Richard。 I’m only a novice。 Full Sisters must do it。’
 ‘Why didn’t you tell me about it?’
 Tears welled up in her eyes。 ‘I don’t like to see people hurt。 I didn’t want to frighten you about what may not e for a long time。 Sometimes the waiting can be worse than the actual experience。 I didn’t want you to have to wait in fear。’
 ‘Oh。’ Richard let out a long breath。 ‘Well; I guess that’s a good reason。 I apologize; Pasha; for what I was thinking of you。’
 She forced a smile。 ‘Shall we go start your lessons?’
 Above ground again; they passed down halls and through several buildings until they finally reached Gillaume Hall; where his room was。 The fabric of Pasha’s dress made a swishing sound as they climbed the wide marble stairway。 The walls and columns were a matching tan; variegated marble。
 It was a beautiful place with elegant rooms; but it was not as impressive as the People’s Palace; in D’Hara。 Before he had seen that magnificent edifice; he would have been astonished by the opulence of this place。 Now; he simply noted its layout in reference to everything else。 Upstairs; as they went down another wide; carpeted hall; he saw several other young men wearing Rada’Han。 At last they reached his room。
 Richard caught her wrist as she reached for the door handle。 She looked up in puzzlement。
 There’s someone inside;’ he said。
 ‘It is my job to watch over you;’ Pasha said。
 She used her Han; breaking his hold on her wrist and throwing him aside as if with an invisible hand; and then charged through the door。 Richard rolled; finishing on his feet; drew his sword; and flew in after her。 Only the small flames from the hearth gave light to the otherwise dark room。 They both stumbled to a halt in the near darkness。
 A voice came from a chair beside the fire。 ‘Expecting a mriswith; Richard?’
 ‘Sister Verna!’ Richard slid his sword back into its scabbard。 ‘What are you doing here?’
 She rose to her feet and swept her hand in the direction of a lamp; bringing the wick to flame。 ‘I didn’t know if you heard。’ Her face was unreadable。 ‘I’m once again a Sister of the Light。’
 ‘Really?’ Richard said。 That’s great news。’
 Sister Verna clasped her hands in a relaxed manner。 ‘Since I’m a Sister; again; I wanted to e and speak privately to you for a moment。’ She glanced to Pasha。 ‘About same unfinished business Richard and I have。’
 Pasha looked from the Sister to Richard。 ‘Well; I guess this dress is; well; not the most fortable thing to give lessons in。 Why don’t I go change。’ She curtsied to Sister Verna。 ‘Good night; Sister。 I’m so happy for you; you should be a Sister。 And Richard; thank you for being such a gentleman tonight。 I will return after I change。’
 Richard stood facing the door once he had closed it behind Pasha。
 ‘Gentleman;’ Sister Verna said。 ‘I’m delighted to hear it; Richard。 I would also like to thank you; for my being returned to Sister。 Sister Maren told me what happened。’
 Richard laughed as he turned to her。 ‘You’ve been around me too long; Sister。 But you need more practice at telling lies; you’re not yet totally convincing。’
 She couldn’t keep a small smile from ing to her lips。 ‘Well; Sister Maren told me that she had prayed for guidance; and decided I would serve the Creator best if I were a Sister; in view of my experience。’ She lifted an eyebrow。 ‘Poor Sister Maren; lying seems to have bee infectious since you arrived here。’
 He shrugged。 ‘Sister Maren did what was right。 I think your Creator would be pleased with the oute。’
 ‘I heard that you killed a mriswith。 News spreads through the palace like a blaze through dry grass。’
 Richard walked to the hearth。 He leaned on the dark granite mantle and stared into the flames。 ‘Well; I had no choice。’
 Sister Verna stroked a hand tenderly down his hair。 ‘Are you all right; Richard? How are you doing?’
 ‘I’m fine。’ Richard pulled the baldric over his head and set it and the sword aside。 He tossed the red coat on a chair。 ‘I’d be better if I didn’t have to wear these silly clothes。 But I guess it’s a small price to pay for peace。 For now。 What did you want talk to me about; Sister?’
 ‘I don’t know what you did; how you got me returned to Sister; but thank you; Richard。 Does this mean you would like for us to be friends?’
 ‘Only if you will take this collar off me。’ She looked away from his eyes。 ‘Someday; Sister; you will have to make your choice。 I hope when the time es; you choose to be on my side。 After all we’ve been through; I would hate to have to kill you; but you know what I am capable of。 You knew what my answer would be; sure
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