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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Pasha reached out and touched his cheek。 ‘You’ll see that I care; Richard。 I care more than she does。 You’ll see。 It’s right if a person cares as I do。’ Her brow creased in worry。 ‘Unless you think I’m unattractive。 Is that it? You’ve seen many women; and you think that in parison; I’m ugly?’
 Richard cupped a hand to the side of her face。 ‘Pasha 。。。 you are ravishing。 It’s not that。’ He swallowed the dryness; trying to make his words sound sincere。 ‘Pasha; could you just give me some time? It’s simply too soon。 Can you understand? Could you really care for a man who would forget his feelings so easily? Could you just give me some time?’
 She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head against his chest。 ‘I knew yesterday; when you held me so tenderly; that it was another sign that the Creator had sent you to me。 I knew then that I would never want another。 Since I’ll be yours forever; I can wait。 We have almost nothing but time。 We have all the time you could possibly want。 You’ll see that I’m the one for you。 You just tell me when you are ready; and I’ll be yours。’
 Richard sighed as he closed the door behind her。 He leaned his back against the door; thinking。 He didn’t like deceiving Pasha; letting her think that with time he could e to feel differently about her; but he had had to do something。 How shallow could Pasha’s understanding of people be; for her to think that one could win love by invoking lust?
 He took out the lock of Kahlan’s hair; spinning it in his fingers as he watched it。 The things Pasha had said about Kahlan not fighting for him made him angry。 Pasha could never know the struggles he and Kahlan had been through; the hardships they had had to overe; the anguish they had suffered together; the battles they had fought together。 Pasha probably couldn’t conceive of a woman of Kahlan’s intelligence; strength; and courage。
 Kahlan had indeed fought for him。 She had more than once selflessly risked her life for him。 What could Pasha know of the terrors Kahlan had bravely faced; and conquered? Pasha wasn’t woman enough to serve Kahlan tea。
 He stuffed the lock of hair back into his pocket。 He forced his thoughts of Kahlan from his mind。 He couldn’t endure the pain。 He had other things to do。
 Going into the bedroom; he positioned the ash…framed standing mirror; and then retrieved his pack from the corner。 Richard pulled out the black mriswith cape。 He threw it around his shoulders; and stood inspecting his image in the mirror。
 It looked like a normal cape。 He thought it quite handsome; actually。 The cut and length was right; the mriswith had been about his size。 The heavy fabric was inky black; almost as black as a night stone that Adie had given him to help him across the pass; almost as black as the boxes of Orden。 Almost as black as eternal death。
 But the pleasing cut of the cape was not what intrigued him。
 Richard moved back against the light…brownish wall。 He pulled the hood up; cowling it around his face; and drew the cape closed。 As he watched his image in the mirror; he concentrated on the wall he was standing against。 In the span of a breath; his image vanished。 The cape had bee the color of the wall he stood against; to such a degree that only if he stared; focusing on the edges of the cape; could he distinguish himself standing against the wall。 If he moved; it was only slightly easier to pick out his shape against the wall。 Though his face was exposed; somehow the magic of the cape; or possibly the cape’s magic along with his own; served to mask it; too; to enfold it somehow into the concealing color。
 This explained why the mriswith appeared to be different colors。
 Richard moved objects behind himself; to discover what effect they had。 He stood in front of the wall and partly in front of a chair with his red coat draped over it。 The cape produced a blotch of red that did a good job of mimicking the color and shape behind。 Though it wasn’t as flawless as when he stood before a plain wall; it would still be easy to miss him if he stood still。
 Movement would distort the plicated images; as the cape changed to acmodate new conditions; though it still fooled the eye into missing him; but if he stood still; he virtually vanished in front of anything。 The effect; at times; could be dizzying to watch。 When he stopped concentrating;’ the cape would return to black。
 This; he thought as he looked at himself in the mirror standing in a simple black cape; was going to be useful。
 As the weeks passed; Richard was constantly busy。
 He remembered that Kahlan and Zedd had told him that there were no wizards with the gift left in the Midlands。 Small wonder; they seemed to all be at the Palace of the Prophets。 There were well over a hundred boys and young men at the palace。 From what Richard could discover; a goodly number of the older ones; at least; were from the Midlands; with some even from D’Hara。
 Killing a mriswith had earned Richard celebrity status among the younger boys。 Two of them; Kipp and Hersh; were the most persistent。 They followed him around; begging to hear stories of his adventures。 At times they exhibited the maturity; almost wisdom; of old men。 At other times they; like all boys; seemed interested in nothing more than mischief。
 The object of this mischief was usually a Sister。 The boys never seemed to tire of thinking up new tricks to pull on them。 Most of the pranks appeared to involve either water; mud; or reptiles。 The Sisters only occasionally erupted in anger when caught up in the boys’ antics; and even then; they quickly forgave them。 As far as Richard could tell; the boys never earned more than a stern lecture。
 In the beginning; the young boys thought to number Richard among their targets。 Richard had things to do; and had no time or patience for it。 When the boys learned that Richard was neither shy nor slow with discipline; they quickly moved on to other targets with their buckets of water。
 The fact that Richard set limits made Kipp and Hersh like him all the more。 They seemed starved for older male panionship。 Richard rewarded them with adventure stories; or sometimes; when he was going from one place to another; and their presence wouldn’t impede his progress; he taught them about the woods; tracking; and animals。
 They coveted staying in Richard’s gbod graces; so when he wanted or needed to be alone; and signaled with a finger or a nod; they vanished。 Richard let them be around often when he was with Pasha; since he couldn’t do more important tasks then anyway。 Frustrated; because she couldn’t seem to find time alone with him; Pasha was somewhat mollified when Richard got her excluded from the boys’ list of targets。 She appreciated not having her fine dresses drenched or having to worry about discovering a snake in her shawl。
 Richard occasionally asked Kipp and Hersh to preform little errands; just to test them。 He had plans for their talents。
 The other young men in collars wanted to show Richard the city。 Two; Perry and Isaac; who lived in Gillaume Hall with him; took hi
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