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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 As Richard knew they would; the two guards began bragging about their romps。 When some of the other men found out that Richard had been willing to provide those two with the services of ladies; they pointed out to Richard that it wasn’t fair to the others that they should be excluded。 Richard conceded that he saw the logic of their argument。 He soon discovered that he didn’t have the time to handle individual requests; so he struck on an idea。
 He found a mistress of a brothel open to an inventive business arrangement。 He put the establishment on retainer; open only to his ‘friends。’ He calculated that in this manner he was actually saving the palace money; over a piecemeal arrangement。
 He wanted the men to remember to whom they owed their gratitude; so required they give the mistress the code phrase ‘a friend of Richard Cypher’ before they would be granted admittance。 There were no other restrictions。 Richard gave the mistress a healthy raise in the retainer when she plained to him that business was steadier than she had anticipated。
 Richard soothed his conscience about the morals of what he was doing by reminding himself that he couldn’t change what people chose to do; and it might save him from having to kill the guards when the time came。 In that light; it made sense。
 One day when Pasha was with him; and a man gave him a wink; she asked why。 He told her it was because he was with the most attractive woman at the palace。 She smiled for an hour。
 Richard accustomed the guards to seeing him in the black cape of the mriswith。 He kept Pasha happy when he was with her by frequently wearing the red coat she liked best。 Sometimes he wore the others: the black; the dark blue; the brown; or the green。 Pasha most liked taking him to the city; but she went for hikes in the surrounding countryside to try to be a part of his interests。
 Richard learned that the guards were soldiers in the Imperial Order; on special detachment to the palace。 The Imperial Order ruled all of the Old World; but seemed to have a nonintervention policy with the Palace of the Prophets。 They never interfered with any Sister; or any man wearing a Rada’Han。
 The guards were stationed at the palace to handle all the people who came to Halsband Island。 Every day; people poured over the bridges to e to the palace。 Sisters saw petitioners of every want。 Some requested charity; some intervention in disputes; and some wished to be guided in the Creator’s wisdom。 Others came to worship in the courtyards scattered throughout the island。 They viewed the place where Sisters of the Light lived as hallowed。
 Richard learned that the city of Tanimura; vast though it was; was merely an outpost of the Old World; at the fringe of the empire。 Apparently; the emperor of the Imperial Order had an arrangement with the palace to provide guards; but not law。 Richard suspected that the guards were the emperor’s eyes in an area of his empire where he was denied dominion。 Richard wondered what the emperor received in return for this arrangement。
 Richard also learned that in at least one of the restricted areas; the Sisters had a ‘special guest’ who never came out; but he was unable to discover any more。
 Richard began testing the guards’ loyalty to him with simple; innocuous requests。 He told Kevin that he wanted a special rose for Pasha that grew only in the Prelate’s pound。 Richard made a point of parading Pasha; wearing the yellow rose; past Kevin。 Kevin smiled with pride。
 At other restricted areas; Richard used the flower excuse; or said that he wanted to get a view of the sea from atop a particular wall。 He made sure to remain in sight at all times; to reassure the guards and dull their sense of caution。
 It wasn’t long before he had all the guards accustomed to his forays。 After a time; he was ing and going almost as he pleased。 He was their friend … a trusted and valuable friend。
 Since he was collecting so many rare flowers from the restricted areas; he used them to an advantage … he presented them to the Sisters who practiced with him。 They were puzzled as to why he would give them flowers from restricted areas。 He explained that he considered the Sisters who trained him to be special; and he therefore didn’t want them to have just any flowers; but those that were special; and artfully obtained。 Besides making them blush; this explanation also disarmed an otherwise inevitable suspicion if he frequented restricted areas。
 Though; as near as Richard could tell; there were close to two hundred Sisters; only six worked with him。
 Sisters Tovi and Cecilia were older; and as kind as doting grandmothers。 Tovi always brought cookies or some other treat to their sessions。 Cecilia insisted on bing his hair back off his forehead with her fingers and planting a kiss there before she left。 Both blushed furiously when he gave them rare flowers。 Richard had difficulty thinking of either as potential enemies。
 The first time Sister Merissa showed up at his door; Richard almost swallowed his tongue。 Her dark hair and the way she filled her red dress made him stumble over his words like a fool。 Sister Nicci; who never wore any color but black; had the same effect on him。 When Sister Nicci locked her blue eyes on his; he had trouble remembering how to breathe。
 Sisters Merissa and Nicci were older than Pasha … his age; or maybe at most a couple of years older。 They carried themselves with confidence and slow grace。 Though Merissa was dark; and Nicci blonde; they seemed to be cut from the same rare cloth。
 The power of their Han radiated from each; making them almost seem to glow。 Richard sometimes thought he could almost hear the air crackle around them。 Neither walked。 Both glided … like swans; serene and cool。 Yet he was sure either could smelt iron ore with their placid glances。
 Neither ever grinned。 They bestowed small; subdued smiles。 And only while looking him in the eye。 Richard could feel his heart thumping faster when they did。
 Once; he offered Sister Nicci one of his rare flowers from a restricted area。 His explanation of where it had e from and the story of why he was giving it to her flew right out of his head。 She took the white rose gingerly between a finger and thumb; as if it might soil her hand; and while her gaze held his; she gave him one of her subdued smiles and said in an indifferent tone; ‘Why; thank you; Richard。’ What Pasha had told him about boys bringing Sisters frogs came to his mind。 He never gave either Sister Nicci or Merissa a flower again。 Anything less than priceless jewels seemed an insult。
 Neither ever offered to sit on the floor for their sessions。 In fact; the very idea of Sisters Merissa ar Nicci sitting on the floor seemed ludicrous to him。 The older Sisters; Tovi and Cecilia; sat on the floor; the same as Pasha; and it seemed perfectly natural。 Sisters Merissa and Nicci sat in chairs; and held his hands across a small table。 It somehow seemed an erotic experience。 It made him sweat。
 They both spoke with a quiet economy of words that added an air of nobility to their bearing。 While neither ever made
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