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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 They all saluted to indicate that they did。 Inside; Kahlan threw the white mantle around her shoulders and went out onto the balcony; into the bitter cold night。 She stood with her back straight; near the railing; as she looked down on the scene in the courtyard below。
 She wanted to run; but she couldn’t。 She was the Mother Confessor。 She had to do what all the Mother Confessors before her had done … protect the Midlands。 She was alone; and had no one to help her in her duty。
 Tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched flames leap up from her bed; the bed she had promised Richard。
 The reflections of the Mother Confessor; in her white dress; rotated around the polished black columns as she marched down the gallery; the Mother Confessor’s private entrance to the council chambers。 Kahlan was an hour early。 She planned to be sitting in the First Chair as she watched all the councilors arrive。 She didn’t want them talking among themselves before she was present。
 She froze to a halt as she threw the doors open。 The room was packed。 Every council chair was occupied。 The galleries were all packed with people … not only officials; administrators; staff; and nobility; but ordinary people: farmers; shopkeepers; merchants; cooks; tradesmen; wagon drivers; and laborers。 Men and women of every sort。 Every eye was on her as she stood before the doors。
 Across the huge room; the councilors all sat in their chairs。 No one made a sound。 Someone was sitting in the First Chair。 From this distance; she couldn’t see who it was; but she knew。
 Kahlan touched her fingers to the bone necklace at her throat and prayed to the good spirits for protection and strength。 Her boots echoed off the marble as she strode through patches of sunlight。 There was something on the floor before the dais; but she couldn’t tell what it was。
 When Kahlan reached the curved desk; the man sitting in the First Chair was not the one she expected。 Stretched out on a litter before the dais lay the body of Prince Fyren。 His skin was pasty。 His arms were folded; his hands laid over the blood…soaked ruffles of his shirt。 His sword rested across his body。 Prince Fyren’s throat had been sliced open nearly to his spinal column。
 Kahlan looked up to the solemn; dark eyes watching her。 He came forward from the back of the First Chair and folded his hands together on the desk。 A quick glance revealed what she hadn’t noticed before: a ring of guards around the room。
 She glared up at the man with the dark hair and beard。 ‘Get out of my chair; or I will kill you myself。’
 The room rang with the sound of swords being drawn。 Without taking his dark eyes from her; the man gestured with a flick of his hand。 Every sword went hesitantly back into its scabbard。
 ‘You are done killing people; Mother Confessor;’ he said in a quiet voice。 ‘Prince Fyren was your last victim。’
 Kahlan frowned。 ‘Who are you?’
 ‘Neville Ranson。’ Still; his eyes did not leave her as he turned his hand up。 A ball of flame ignited above his palm。 ‘Wizard Neville Ranson。’
 Still; his eyes did not leave her as he cast the ball of flame skyward。 It rose obediently toward the peak of the dome; where it broke; with a pop; into thousands of sparkles。 Astonished gasps filled the room。
 Wizard Ranson leaned back and drew open a scroll。 ‘We have a great many charges; Mother Confessor。 Where would you like to begin?’
 Without turning her head; Kahlan’s eyes took a sweep of what she could see of the room。 There was no chance of escape。 None。 Even if the man before her were not a wizard。
 ‘Since they will all be invented; I guess it doesn’t matter。 Why don’t we just dispense with the mockery; and simply proceed to the execution。’
 The room remained dead silent。 Wizard Ranson did not smile。 His eyebrows lifted。
 ‘Oh; no mockery; Mother Confessor; but serious charges。 We are here to get to the truth of them。 Unlike the Confessors; I refuse to put an innocent person to death。 Before we are finished today; everyone here will know the truth of your treason。 I want the people to know the full extent of your vile tyranny。’
 Kahlan clasped her hands together as she stood with her back straight。 She wore her Confessor’s face。 The people all leaned forward a little。
 ‘Since it is a long list;’ Ranson said; ‘we might as well begin with the most serious charge。’ He glanced down。 ‘Treason。’
 ‘And since when is defending the people of the Midlands treason?’
 Wizard Ranson slammed his fist to the desk as he shot to his feet。 ‘Defending the people of the Midlands! I have never in my life heard such filth from the mouth of a woman!’ He smoothed his tan robes at his stomach and then sat back down。 ‘Your ‘defense’ of the people was to plunge them into war。 You would condemn thousands to die; to assuage your dread that someone other than yourself would rule。 And rule with the unanimous agreement of the council; I might add。’
 ‘It is hardly unanimous if the Mother Confessor dissents。’
 ‘Dissents for her own selfish motives。’
 ‘And who is it that you would have rule the Midlands? Kelton? Yourself?’
 The saviors of all people。 The Imperial Order。’
 A prickling sensation rose up her legs。 Kahlan felt as if the whole of the dome overhead were collapsing down on her。 Her head spun。 She thought she might be sick right there; in front of everyone。 She forced her stomach to behave。
 ‘The Imperial Order! The Imperial Order slaughtered Ebi…nissia! They crush all opposition to steal rule for themselves!’
 ‘Lies。 The Imperial Order is dedicated to benevolent rule。 They simply wish to put your murderous intents to an end。’
 ‘Benevolent! They raped and butchered the people of Ebinissia!’
 Ranson chuckled。 ‘e; e; Mother Confessor。 The Imperial Order has murdered no one。’ He turned to a man Kahlan didn’t recognize。 ‘Councilor Thurstan; has your crown city been harmed by anyone?’
 The jowly man looked surprised。 ‘I have just arrived two days ago from the beautiful city of Ebinissia; and they know nothing of their slaughter。’
 The crowd chuckled with him。 Ranson smiled petulantly at her。
 ‘Did you not expect; Mother Confessor; that we would have witnesses to expose your preposterous stories? This is simply a fiction meant to inflame people’s fears; and stir them to war。’
 Ranson snapped his fingers。 A woman in drab; worn clothes came in and stood to the side。 Ranson gently told her not to be frightened; and to tell her story。 The woman told of how her children had to go to bed hungry; because she had no money。 She said she had been forced into prostitution to feed her children。 Kahlan knew it was a lie。 There was no scarcity of charitable people and groups who would help anyone truly needing it。
 For the next hour; one witness after another was paraded in; and each told a story of hunger and want; and how the palace would not give them money to feed and clothe themselves; not caring if their children starved。 The people in the balconies listened with rapt atten
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