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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 suddenly dropped away; she fell forward on her hands and knees; tears dripping from her face; as she waited for the pain to melt away。 It went with merciful swiftness。
 Kahlan staggered to her feet。 To the Keeper with you; too; Wizard Neville Ranson!’
 There was an earsplitting crack; like a lightning strike; but instead of a flash of light; a ripple of total darkness swept across the room。 Bumps rippled up her arms。 The lamps flickered back on。
 Kahlan knew … the Keeper had indeed taken Wizard Neville Ranson。
 She heard a grunt; and turned just in time to see a guard leaping down the steps toward her。 Kahlan ducked and came up under him as he landed。 She used his momentum to loft him over the railing; into the well below。
 He snatched at her as he went over; but his fingers caught only her necklace。 It tore from her; and went down with him。 Kahlan bent over the railing; seeing him smack the stone floor; three flights down。 She saw the necklace tumble from his hand when he hit; and slide across the floor。
 ‘Curse the good spirits;’ she growled。
 Kahlan started for the stairs to retrieve her bone necklace; but skidded to a stop and looked up at the sound of boots on stone。 More guards were ing。 She hesitated for a moment; looking down; and then ran for the hallway instead。 The spirits hadn’t helped her; what good was a necklace going to do? It wasn’t worth her life。
 Kahlan caught the others as they made the outside doors。 They all sighed with relief to see her; and to hear that the wizard wouldn’t be ing after them。 Kahlan led as they ran out into the night。 The four of them raced down the expanse of steps to the relentless sound of the alarm bells behind。 She headed south … the shortest distance to the woods。
 A breathless Jebra caught her arm; dragging her to a stop。 ‘Mother Confessor 。。。!’
 ‘I am not the Mother Confessor any longer。 I am Kahlan。’
 ‘Kahlan then。 But you must listen to me。 You cannot run away。’
 Kahlan turned back to the path through the courtyard。 ‘I’m through with this place。’
 ‘Zedd needs you。’
 Kahlan spun back。 ‘Zedd? You know Zedd? Where is he?’
 Jebra gulped air。 ‘Zedd sent me to Aydindril。 The day after you left D’Hara。 He said he had to go get a woman named Adie; and then he would e to the Wizard’s Keep。 He sent me here to help you and Richard; and have you wait。 Zedd needs you。’
 Kahlan gripped Jebra’s shoulders。 ‘I need Zedd。 I need him very badly。’
 ‘Then you must let me help you。 You must not leave。 They will expect you to run; and will search the countryside。 They will not expect you to remain in Aydindril。’
 ‘Remain? Stay in Aydindril?’
 She thought a moment。 She was known in Aydindril。 No; not exactly。 Her long hair was known。 People other than councilors; ambassadors; staff; and nobility rarely saw the Mother Confessor up close; and when they did they mostly stared at her long hair。 She no longer had that hair。
 The thought of her loss made her insides knot up。 She hadn’t known how much her power; and her long hair; meant to her … until they were gone。
 ‘It might work; Jebra。 But where would we hide?’
 ‘Zedd gave me gold。 No one knows of my involvement in your escape。 I will rent rooms and hide you; all of you。’
 Kahlan considered it a moment; then smiled。 ‘We could be your servants。 A lady like you would have servants。’
 Jebra shrank back。 ‘Mother Confessor; I could not do that。 I am nothing but a servant myself。 Zedd made me pretend to be a lady。 But I could not pretend that。 You are a true lady。’
 ‘Being a servant does not make you less than me。 We all can be only who we are; no more; no less。’ Kahlan started them all off again; toward a part of Aydindril with quiet; secluded; and exclusive inns。 ‘And it is startling to learn what you can do when you have to。 We will do what we must。 But if you keep calling me Mother Confessor; you are going to get us all killed。’
 ‘I will do my best 。。。 Kahlan。 All I know is that we must wait until Zedd returns to Aydindril。’ She tugged insistently on Kahlan’s sleeve。 ‘Mother Confessor; where is Richard! It is vital!’ Her voice lowered with unease。 ‘No slight intended; and I pray none is taken; but it is Richard that is important。 Zedd needs Richard。’
 ‘That is why I need Zedd;’ Kahlan said。
 Richard grabbed an arm of each boy。 ‘Slow down;’ he said in a low voice。 ‘I told you; I have to go first。’
 Kipp and Hersh sighed impatiently。 Richard checked around the corner; peeking down the hall; and then pushed the two boys up against the wall。 Frogs kicked in their pockets。
 This is serious。 I picked you two because I know you’re the best。 Now; you do as I told you; the way we planned it。 Stay here; with your backs to this wall; and count to fifty。 You don’t so much as peep around the corner until you get to fifty。 I’m depending on you to do it right。’
 They grinned。 ‘We’re your men;’ Kipp said。 ‘We’ll get them out of there。’
 Richard squatted and put a finger close to each face in turn。 This is serious business。 This isn’t just some game。 This time you could get in real trouble。 Are you sure you want to do this?’
 Kipp put his hands in his pockets; feeling the frogs。 ‘You came to the right men。 We can do it。 We want to do it; Richard。’
 They were excited because they had never made it past the guards before。 This was uncharted territory for their specialty。 Richard knew they didn’t appreciate the danger involved; and he hated to have to use them in this manner; but it was the only thing he could think of。
 ‘All right then; start counting。’
 Richard rounded the corner and swept down the hall; his mriswith cape billowing open。 When he reached the proper door; he stood against the white marble wall opposite the double doors and drew the hood up。 He pulled the cape closed and concentrated on the marble behind him。
 He stood motionless。 The boys burst around the corner; yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs as they ran down the hall。 They stopped in front of the double doors; looking both ways。 They didn’t see him standing behind them; and he knew they were wondering where he was hiding。
 As they had been instructed; they threw the doors open and; giggling with excitement; began pulling frogs from their pockets and pitching them into the room。 The two Sisters were frozen in surprise for only an instant。 Richard watched as both came flying around their desks; one snatching up a rod。 The boys heaved their last frogs with a squeal and raced away in opposite directions; shouting taunts of ‘Can’t catch us! Can’t catch us!’
 Sisters Ulicia and Finella slid to a stop on the polished marble floor outside the doors。 They almost slid right into him; and were only inches away。 Richard held his breath。
 The Sisters saw the boys make the turns at opposite ends of the hall。 They threw their hands out。 Pictures crashed to the floor as flashes of shimmering light knocked them from the walls at the end; but they missed the boys。 Growling in
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