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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 She turned and ran; her violet cloak flying behind。 Richard groaned as he watched her leap from the top of one rock to another; making her way down the hill。 He scowled back at Gratch。
 ‘What’s wrong with you! Did you have to scare her! What are you doing showing your face to people!’
 Gratch’s ears wilted。 His shoulders slumped; and he began to whine。 When his wings started quivering; Richard went to him。
 ‘Well; it’s too late now to be sorry。 e on and give me a hug。’ Gratch cast his eyes to the ground。 ‘It’ll be all right。’
 He put his arms around the big; furry creature。 Gratch finally responded。 He threw his arms and wings around Richard; gurgling his happiness。 In a moment; he pulled Richard off the rock and wrestled him to the ground。 Richard tickled his ribs and wrestled until Gratch was giggling in glee。
 After they had settled down; Gratch put a claw tip in the pocket where Richard kept the lock of Kahlan’s hair。 He looked at Richard from under hooded eyebrows as big as axe handles。 Richard finally figured out what Gratch meant。
 ‘No。 No; that’s not the same woman。 It’s a different person。’
 Gratch frowned。 He didn’t understand。 Richard didn’t feel like trying to explain that the lock of hair he was always looking at was not from Pasha。 At Gratch’s urging; Richard instead wrestled with his woolly friend。
 It was twilight when Richard made it back to the palace。 He was going to have to find Pasha and explain to her that Gratch was his friend; and not a dangerous beast。 Before he had gone far; Sister Verna found him; instead。
 ‘Did you feed that baby gar back in the wilds; the one I told you to kill? Did you let that beast follow us!’
 Richard stared at her。 ‘It was helpless; Sister。 I couldn’t kill something that was no harm to me。 We’ve bee friends。’
 Muttering; she wiped a hand across her face。 ‘As absurd as it sounds; I suppose I can understand; you needed panionship; and you certainly didn’t want it from me。’
 ‘Sister Verna 。。。’
 ‘But why would you let Pasha see it!’
 ‘I didn’t。 He just popped his head up。 I didn’t know he was there。 Pasha saw him before I knew。’
 She let out an exasperated sigh。 ‘The people around here fear beasts; they kill them。 Pasha went screaming to the Sisters that there was a beast in the hills。’
 ‘I’ll explain it to them。 I’ll make them understand。 。。。’
 ‘Richard! Listen to me!’ He backed away a step and stood silently while he waited for her to go on。 ‘The palace believes that ‘pets’ are a hindrance to learning to use your Han。 They believe it diverts feelings away from them; to the creature。 I think they are being foolish; but that is beside the point。’
 ‘What is the point? You mean they will try to keep me from seeing him anymore?’
 She put an impatient hand on his arm。 ‘No; Richard。 They think it’s a vile beast that could turn on you。 They think you are in danger。 The Sisters are forming a search party as we speak。 They intend to hunt it down and kill it; for your own good。’
 Richard stared at her concerned expression for only a second; and then he was running。 He charged over the bridge and back into the city。 People gaped as he flew past。 He leapt over carts that wouldn’t move out of the way fast enough。 He knocked over a stand selling amulets。 People hollered at him; but he ran on。
 His heart thumped in his ears as he raced up the hills。 Several times he stumbled over ditches or rocks; but he rolled to his feet; gasping for air; and rushed on。 In the darkness; he leapt from rock to rock as he crossed ravines。
 At the crest of a round…topped hill near where he had been with Gratch earlier; he yelled; between panting。 His fists at his sides; he tipped his head back and screamed Gratch’s name。 His voice echoed off the surrounding hills。 Only silence answered when the echoes died out。
 Exhausted; Richard fell to his knees。 They would be ing soon。 The Sisters would use their Han to find the gar。 Gratch wouldn’t know what they intended。 Even if he kept his distance; their magic could reach out and kill him。 They could knock him from the air; or set him afire。
 ‘Graaaatch! Graaaatch!’
 A dark shape blackened a patch of stars。 The gar thumped to the ground and folded his wings。 He cocked his head and gave a purling gurgle。
 Richard grabbed Gratch’s fur in his fists。
 ‘Gratch! Listen to me。 You have to go away。 You can’t stay here any longer。 They’re ing to kill you。 You must leave。’
 Gratch let out a questioning whine that rose in pitch。 His ears perked forward。 He tried to put his arms around Richard。
 Richard pushed him away。 ‘Go! You understand me; I know you do! Go! I want you to go away! They will try to kill you! Go away and never e back!’
 Gratch’s ears wilted as he cocked his head to the other side。 Richard pounded a fist to the gar’s chest。 He pointed north。
 ‘Go away!’ He threw his arms out and pointed again。 ‘I want you to go away and never e back!’
 Gratch tried to put his arms around Richard again。 Richard pushed them away again。 Gratch’s ears lay down against his head。
 ‘Grrratch luuug Raaaach aaarg。’
 Richard wanted more than anything to hold his friend and tell him that he loved him; too。 But he couldn’t。 He had to make him go in order to save his life。
 ‘Well I don’t love you! Go away and never e back!’
 Gratch looked to the hill Pasha had run down。 He looked back at Richard。 His green eyes were filling with tears。 He reached out for Richard。
 Richard shoved him away。 Gratch stood with his arms out。 Richard remembered the first time he had held the furry beast。 He had been so little then。 He was so big now。 But as he had grown; his friendship; and his love; had grown; too。
 He was Richard’s only friend; and only Richard could save him。 If Richard really loved him; he had to do this。
 ‘Go away! I don’t want you around anymore! I don’t want you to ever e back! You’re just a big dumb bag of fur! Go away! If you really love me; then you’ll do as I ask; and go away!’
 Richard wanted to keep yelling; but the lump in his throat caught the words。 He backed away。 Gratch seemed to wither in the cool night air。 His arms came out again with a pitiful; forlorn wail。 He called with a plaintive; keening cry。
 Richard took another step back。 Gratch took a step toward him。 Richard picked up a rock and heaved it at the gar。 It bounced off his huge chest。
 ‘Go away!’ Richard cried。 He threw another rock。 ‘I don’t want you around anymore! Go away! I don’t ever want to see you again!’
 Tears ran from the glowing green eyes; over the wrinkles of his cheeks。 ‘Grrratch luuug Raaaach aaarg。’
 ‘If you really love me then you will do this! Go!’
 The gar looked again to the hill Pasha had run down; turned; and spread his wings。 With a last look over his shoulder; he bounded into the air and flew off into the night。
 When he could no longer see the dark shape against the stars; or hear the sweep of wings; Richard crumpled to the ground。 
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