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tg.stone of tears-第章

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hem more time with women。’
 Richard slowly rose。 ‘I can’t believe it。’
 Warren turned his face up。 ‘Richard; please forgive me for telling you。 I’m sorry I was the one to hurt you。 You’ve always been 。。。’
 Richard put a hand to Warren’s shoulder。 ‘It’s not your fault。 You didn’t do it。 You simply told me the truth。’ His voice felt as if it were ing from the bottom of a well。 Thank you for the truth; my friend。’
 All he could think; as his feet shuffled toward the door; was that his dreams were all dying。 If he couldn’t get the collar off; everything would be lost。
 Sisters Ulicia and Finella both stood in warning as he came through the doors。 They backed away; the same as the guards had; when they saw the look on his face。 A sparkling shield went up before the door。 He went through it without slowing。 The door beyond burst open for him; without him touching it; part of the frame splintering。 It somehow never occurred to him to use the knob。
 The Prelate was sitting with her hands folded on the heavy walnut table。 Her solemn eyes watched him e。 Richard pressed up against the table; towering over her。
 ‘I must admit; Richard;’ she said in a somber tone; ‘that I have not been looking forward to this visit。’
 His straining voice broke。 ‘Why didn’t Sister Verna tell me?’
 ‘I ordered her not to。’
 And why did you not tell me?’
 ‘Because I wanted you first to learn some significant things about yourself; so you would be better able to understand your importance。 The burden of a wizard; and of a Prelate; too。’
 Richard sank to his knees before her desk。 Ann;’ he whispered; ‘please; help me。 I must have the Rada’Han off。 I love Kahlan。 I need her。 I need to get back to her。 I’ve been gone a long time。 Please; Ann; help me。 Take the collar off。’
 She closed her eyes for a long moment。 When they opened; they were heavy with regret。
 ‘I spoke the truth; Richard。 We cannot get the Rada’Han off until you learn enough to help us。 That will take time。’
 ‘Please; Ann; help me。 Isn’t there any other way?’
 Slowly; her eyes staying on his; she shook her head。 ‘No; Richard。 Over time; you will e to accept it。 They all do。 It is easier for the rest; because they e here as boys; not understanding; and grasp it only over time。 We have never had to tell one grown; like you; who could understand the significance。’
 Richard couldn’t make himself think clearly。 It felt as if he were stumbling in a dark dream。 ‘But; we’ll lose so much time together。 She will be old。 Everyone I know will be old。’
 Ann smoothed her hair back as she averted her eyes。 ‘Richard; by the time you are trained and leave here; the great…great…great grandchildren of everyone you know will have died of old age and been buried in the ground for over a hundred years。’
 He blinked at her; trying to prehend the math of the generations involved; but it all turned to mush in his mind。 He suddenly remembered what Shota had warned him of … a trap in time。 This was that trap。
 He had been stripped of everything by these people。 Everything he loved was gone。 He would never see Zedd again; or Chase; or anyone he knew。 He would never hold Kahlan again。 He would never be able to tell her that he loved her; that he understood the sacrifice she had made for him。
 Richard looked up from where he sat on the floor to see Warren in the doorway。 He hadn’t heard the knock。 When he said nothing; Warren rushed over and squatted down beside him。
 ‘Listen; Richard; something you said made me think。 You said that you were going to wed the Mother Confessor。’
 Richard’s mind came out of the daze and his eyes suddenly came up。 The prophecy is about her; isn’t it。 The prophecy you said would e on winter solstice。’
 ‘I think it might be。 But I don’t know enough about her; about Confessors; to tell。 Does the Mother Confessor wear white?’
 ‘Yes。 The Confessors are born to find the truth。 She is the last one。’
 ‘Richard; I think that is good news。 I think she is to find happiness; and bring it to her people; on winter solstice。’
 Richard remembered the vision he had had in the Tower of Perdition。 He remembered the horror of what he had seen。 The words Kahlan had spoken were burned into his memory。 He quoted it to Warren。
 ‘Of all there were; but a single one born of the magic to bring forth truth will remain alive when the shadow’s threat is lifted。 Therefore es the greater darkness of the dead。 For there to be a chance at life’s bond; this one in white must be offered to her people; to bring their joy and good cheer。’
 ‘Yes! That’s it! I believe that the ‘greater darkness’ means both the Keeper; and winter solstice。 I think that means 。。。 Richard; where did you read that prophecy?’
 ‘I didn’t read it。 It was brought to me in a vision of her。’
 Warren’s eyes grew big; the way they tended to do when he was astonished。 ‘You had a vision of prophecy?’
 ‘Yes; she brought me the words; and also brought a vision of what it means。’
 ‘What does it mean?’
 Richard brushed at his pant leg。 ‘I can’t tell you。 She said that I could speak the words; but not of the vision。 I’m sorry; Warren; but I dare not violate that warning without knowing the consequences。 But I can tell you that the results of this prophecy ing true would not be joyful for her; or for me。’
 Warren considered a moment。 ‘Yes。 You are right。’ He looked over out of the corner of his eye。 ‘Richard; there is something about prophecy I think I should tell you。 Hardly anyone knows this; but the words don’t always reflect the true intent。’
 ‘What do you mean?’
 ‘Well; a few times when I have read prophecies; I’ve had a vision。 The vision turns out to be true; and so does the prophecy; but not in the way you would think from reading it。 I believe that the true way prophecy is meant to be understood is through the gift; through the visions。’
 ‘Do the Sisters know this?’
 ‘No。 I think this is what it means to be a prophet。 Richard; if you had this vision; and heard the words; and saw the meaning; maybe that means you are a prophet。’
 According to the Prelate; I have a different talent。 If she is right; then having the vision might just be part of my ability for what I truly am。’
 ‘Which is?’
 ‘The Prelate said I’m a war wizard。’
 His eyes widened again。 ‘Richard; war wizards have the gift for both Magics。 None with the gift for Subtractive; too; has been born in 。。。 in thousands of years。 Maybe the Prelate is wrong。’
 ‘I hope she is; but it would explain some things。 From what a friend of mine told me; Additive Magic is using what is; adding to it; multiplying it; altering it; the doing of things。 Subtractive Magic is the counter; the undoing of things。
 All the shields are put up by the Sisters。 They have only Additive。 Even those with the gift cannot easily go through them; or break them; because they also have only Additive。 Power against power。 But somehow I’m able to walk right 
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