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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 Richard flopped down on the couch and plunked his feet up on a table。 He returned the hawklike glare and threatening smile in kind。 ‘Sure。 I’d love to hear all about it。 And then when you’re done; I will tell you how you are to die。’
 Nathan lifted an eyebrow。 ‘And are you a prophet?’
 ‘Enough of one to tell you how you are to die。’
 The frown turned curious。 ‘Really。 Tell me then。’
 Richard took a pear from a bowl on the table; polished it on his pant leg; and took a bite。 He spoke as he chewed。 ‘You are going to die right here; in these rooms; of old age; without ever seeing the outside world again。’
 The creases in Nathan’s face deepened as his expression sagged。 ‘Seems you are a prophet; my boy。’
 ‘Unless you help me。 Maybe if you help me; I’ll be able to e back here and help you get out; too。’
 ‘And what is it you want?’
 ‘I want this collar off。’
 A sly grin spread on Nathan’s face。 ‘Seems we share a mon interest; Richard。’
 ‘But the Sisters say I will die without it。’
 The sly grin widened。 They demand truthfulness from others; but rarely inconvenience themselves with it。 The Sisters have their own agenda; Richard。 There is more than one path through the woods。’
 ‘The Sisters say I must learn to use my Han; in order to get it off。 They don’t seem to be helping much in that。’
 ‘It would be easier to teach a stump to sing than for a mere Sister to teach you to use your Han。 You have Subtractive Magic。 They can’t help you。’
 ‘Can you help me; Nathan?’
 ‘Perhaps。’ Nathan sat down in his chair; leaning forward intently。 ‘Tell me; Richard; have you ever read The Adventures of Bonnie Day?’
 ‘Read it? It’s my favorite book。 I read it until my eyes nearly wore the words off the pages。 I’d love to meet the person who wrote it; and tell him how much I liked the book。’
 A broad; childlike grin stole onto Nathan’s face。 ‘You just have; my boy。 You just have。’
 Richard came forward from the back of the couch。 ‘You! You wrote The Adventures of Bonnie Day?’
 Nathan quoted a few passages; to prove his intimate knowledge。 ‘I gave the book to your father; to give to you when you were old enough to read。 You were just born; at the time。’
 ‘You were there with the Prelate? She didn’t tell me that。’
 ‘I doubt the truth occurred to her。 You see; Ann doesn’t have the power to get into the Wizard’s Keep in Aydindril。 I helped George get in; so he could get the Book of Counted Shadows。 They have some very interesting books of prophecy there。’
 Richard stared in astonishment。 ‘Seems we are old acquaintances; then。’
 ‘More than acquaintances; Richard Rahl。’ Nathan gave him a meaningful look。 ‘My name is Nathan Rahl。’
 Richard’s mouth dropped open。 ‘You are my 。。。 great…great…something…or…other?’
 Too many ‘greats’ to count。 I am nearly a thousand years old; my boy。’ He waggled a finger in the air。 ‘I have had an interest in you for a long time。 You are in the prophecies。
 ‘I wrote The Adventures of Bonnie Day for some of those who had potential。 It is a book of prophecy; of sorts。 A primer of prophecy; one you would be able to understand; so it would help you。 It did help you; didn’t it?’
 ‘More than once;’ Richard said; still having trouble keeping his jaw up。
 ‘Good。 I’m pleased then。 We gave the book to a few; special boys。 You are the only one still alive。 The rest died in ‘inexplicable’ accidents。’
 Richard finished the pear while he thought。 He definitely didn’t like the part about Subtractive Magic。 ‘So can you help me with using my power?’
 Think; Richard。 The Sisters have not given you pain with the collar; have they。’
 ‘No。 But they will。’
 ‘Fighting the last war; Richard。 What did Bonnie Day tell the Warwick troops guarding the moors? That the enemy would not e the same way as they had before。 That they were foolishly wasting their energy trying to fight the last war。’ Nathan lifted an eyebrow。 ‘You seem to have missed the lesson。 Just because something happened to you before; that does not mean it will happen again。 Think ahead; Richard; not behind。’
 Richard hesitated。 ‘I 。。。 had a vision in one of the towers。 A vision that Sister Verna used the collar to hurt me。’
 ‘And it brought the anger forth。’
 Richard nodded。 ‘I called the magic and killed her。’
 Nathan gave a small; disappointed shake of his head。 The vision was your own mind trying to tell you something; trying to show you that you could defend yourself if they did that; that you could defeat them。 It was your gift and your mind working together; trying to help you。 You were too busy fighting the last war to heed the message。’
 Chagrined; Richard kept his mouth shut。 He had worried about them hurting him; to the exclusion of everything else。 He had ignored the true meaning of what Kahlan had done; because he had been so afraid of the past ing to life again。 Think of the solution; not the problem; that was what Zedd had taught him。 He had been blinded to the future by the past。
 ‘I see what you mean; Nathan;’ he admitted。 ‘What did you mean about the Sisters not giving me pain with the collar?’
 ‘Ann knows you are a war wizard; I told her before you were born。 I told her near to five hundred years ago。 She would have given orders to the Sisters。 Giving pain to a war wizard is like kicking a badger on his rump。’
 ‘You mean that pain is somehow the secret to my power?’
 ‘No。 The result of pain。 Anger。’ He gestured to the sword at Richard’s hip。 ‘You use the sword in that way。 Anger calls forth the magic。 Actually; you call the magic; it brings you anger; and so the magic works。 Would you like me to show you how to touch your Han?’
 Richard scooted forward。 ‘Yes。 I never thought I would say that; but yes。 I need to be able to get out of here。’
 ‘Hold up your palm。 Good。’ He seemed to pull an aura of authority around himself。 ‘Now; lose yourself in my eyes。’
 Richard stared into the hooded; deep; dark; azure eyes。 The gaze drew him in。 Richard felt as if he were falling up into the clear; blue sky。 His breath came in ragged pulls; not of his own will。 He felt Nathan’s manding words more than heard them。
 ‘Call forth the anger; Richard。 Call forth the rage。 Call forth the hate and fury。’ Richard felt it; just as when he drew the sword; as he felt his breath being drawn for him; he felt the anger being drawn。 ‘Now; feel the heat of that rage。 Feel the flames of it。 Good。 Now focus those feelings in the palm of your hand。’
 Richard funneled the rage of the magic to his hand; directed its flow; feeling its force。 His teeth gritted with the power of it。
 ‘Look in your hand; Richard。 See it there。 See what you are feeling。’
 Richard’s eyes moved slowly to his hand。 A ball of blue and yellow fire tumbled slowly above his outstretched palm。 He could feel the energy flowing from himself; into the fire。 He increased the flow of rage; and the angry ball of flame grew。
 ‘Now; ca
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