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tg.stone of tears-第章

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must。 I will。’
 Richard stormed from the room。 Cracks ran along the walls beside him as he marched down the hall。 Chunks of plaster rained down behind as he went。 Richard only dimly noticed; but it pleased his temper。 When he went through the shield; the paint on the walls to the side charred and curled。
 Richard’s thoughts ran wildly in all directions at once。 He knew now that his vision had been of what was going to happen if he didn’t stop it。 It was going to e true if he couldn’t get away from the palace。 Maybe that was what the prophecy meant; that he would be held prisoner there; and he wouldn’t be able to help; and Kahlan would die。
 In the courtyard below; Richard saw a motion。 Guards were running from everywhere。 When he got closer; he saw one of the Baka Ban Mana blade masters。 There had to be close to a hundred worried…looking guards surrounding him in a ring; holding their distance。 The man in loose…fitting clothes; in the center of the ring; looked unconcerned。
 Richard pushed through the throng。 ‘What’s going on?’
 The man bowed to Richard。 ‘Caharin。 I am Jiaan。 Your wife; Du Chaillu; has sent me to give you a message。’
 Richard decided not to contest the wife part。 ‘What is it?’
 ‘I am to tell you that she has followed her husband’s instructions。 We have brought the Majendie to a peace with us。 We no longer make war with them; or the people here。’
 ‘That’s wonderful news; Jiaan。 Tell her I am proud of her; and her people。’
 ‘Your people;’ Jiaan corrected。 ‘She wants you to know she has decided to bear the child。 And she also sends message that we are ready to return to our homeland。 She wishes to know when you will e to take us there。’
 Richard glanced around at the people。 Not only guards were gathered; but Sisters; too。 He recognized a few of his teachers watching: Sisters Tovi; Nicci; and Armina。 Pasha stood nearby。 At the far edge of the crowd he saw Sister Verna。 On a balcony in the distance; beyond the walls; he saw the squat figure of the Prelate。
 Richard turned back to Jiaan。 Tell her to be ready; that it will be soon。’
 Jiaan bowed。 Thank you; Caharin。 We will be ready。’
 Richard spoke to the guards in a circle around them。 This man has e in peace。 He is to be left in peace。’
 Jiaan strode away; unconcerned; as if he were alone on a walk; but the ring of guards moved with him; as Richard knew they would until he was well clear of the city。 The crowd started drifting away。
 Richard’s head was pounding。 He had brought his father back from the underworld by violating the Wizard’s Second Rule a second time in the spirit house; he had tried to do the right thing and instead had brought harm。 Warren had told him that the Keeper needed an agent to escape; and Richard had provided one。
 His mind reeled。 He had just found out that Kahlan loved him and life seemed good again; only to discover that he was to be trapped here for hundreds of years; and if he couldn’t escape; Kahlan would die on winter solstice。 His thoughts went around and around in a desperate tangle。
 He had to do something。 Time was running out。 He decided to find the one person who might be able to help him。
 She heard the voices in the outer office; and hoped it was who she thought it would be。 She was not looking forward to this; but she was running out of time。 Richard would have surely found a way to see Nathan by now; and Nathan would have done his part。 Now it was time to do hers。
 She couldn’t pletely trust Nathan; but in this; he would have done what was required。 He knew the consequences of failure。 His had been a task she didn’t envy …adding the weight of that snowflake。
 With a flick of her fingers; the door swung open。 She had had to have the carpenters fix the doorframe。 Richard had shattered it with his Han; without even being aware of what he had done。 And that was before he had even gone to Nathan。
 The curt speech cut off as the door opened; and the three faces looked in; awaiting instruction。
 ‘Sister Ulicia; Finella; it’s late; why don’t you two run along to your offices and tend to your paperwork。 I will see her。 Sister Verna; please e in。’
 Ann stood as Sister Verna strode in。 She liked Verna。 She abhorred what she was going to have to do to her; but she was running out of time。 Hundreds of years to prepare; and now time and events were slipping through her fingers。
 The world was at the brink。
 Verna bowed。 ‘Prelate Annalina。’
 ‘Please; Verna; sit down。 It has been so long。’
 Verna pulled a chair close to the opposite side of the table。 She sat with her back straight and her hands folded in her lap。 ‘How good of you to take your valuable time to see me。’
 Ann almost smiled。 Almost。 Dear Creator; thank you for sending her to me testy; though it won’t make my job any less onerous; it will surely make it easier。
 ‘I have been busy。’
 ‘So have I;’ Verna snapped。 ‘For the last twenty…odd years。’
 ‘Apparently not busy enough。 We seem to be having difficulty with a boy you collected; who you should have taken to task before he even arrived。’
 Verna’s face turned scarlet。 ‘Had you not forbidden me from doing my duty; using my skills; I would have done so。’
 ‘Oh? Are you so barren of resourcefulness; Verna; that you could not function with minor restrictions? Pasha; a mere novice; seems to be having better success; and she functions under the same restrictions。’
 ‘You think so? You think he is under control?’
 ‘He has not killed anyone since Pasha took over。’
 Verna stiffened。 ‘I think I know something of Richard。 I would advise the Prelate caution in her confidence。’
 Ann looked down; moving papers about; as if devoting attention to words she was not seeing。 ‘I will take your advice under consideration。 Thank you for ing; Verna。’
 ‘I’m not finished! I haven’t yet begun!’
 Her eyes came slowly up。 ‘If you raise your voice to me again; you will be; Verna。’
 ‘Prelate Annalina; please forgive my tone; but there are matters of grave importance I simply must raise。’
 Ann sighed; feigning impatience。 ‘Yes; yes; then please do get to it。 I have much work to do。’ She folded her hands on the desk and gave Verna a blank look。 ‘Go on then。’
 ‘Richard grew up with his grandfather。 。。。’
 ‘How nice for him。’
 Verna paused in annoyance at the interruption。 ‘His grandfather is a wizard。 A wizard of the First Order。 His grandfather wanted to teach him。’
 ‘Well; we will see to his teaching。 Is that all?’
 Verna’s eyes narrowed。 ‘I do not need to remind the Prelate that it is a direct violation of the truce to take a boy from a wizard who would teach him。 I was told that there were no wizards left in the New World to teach boys。 I was lied to。 I was used。 We have been stealing boys。 You made me a part of that。’
 Ann smiled indulgently。 ‘Sister; we serve the Creator; so all may learn to live in his light。 Now; in view of our duty to the Creator; what is a truce with heathe
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