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tg.stone of tears-第章

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didn’t have to imagine long。
 As the battle wound its way across the clearing; both straining with all the fury they could bring forth; she leapt back; and sent a bolt of fire racing toward him。 He dodged at the last instant; and it flew past; hitting a tree。 The trunk exploded in a shower of splinters。 The top of the tree crashed down around him; some of the branches knocking him from his feet。
 Liliana slashed through branches as thick as his arms to get at him。 They splintered the way the trunk had。 Richard scrambled out from under and fought her back into the thick woods。
 As they clashed over and over again while descending a steep hill; he began to analyze her tactics。 She fought ferociously; but without grace … like a soldier in bat among the lines。 He didn’t know how he knew that; except it had to e from the spirits of his sword’s magic。
 The way she attacked; slashing and swinging; left her open for a thrusting counterattack。 Richard pressed that attack at her; but when he finally managed to thrust at her middle; the strike that should have found its mark slid to the side。 She was protected; somehow。 She had the use of magic he didn’t understand。
 Richard was exhausted; and was fighting on the pure rage and fury of the magic。 She didn’t even seem winded。 ‘You can’t win; Richard。 I will have you。’
 ‘Why! You can’t win in the end!’
 ‘I will have my reward。’
 He ducked behind a tree; just missing a swing that sent wood chips flying。 ‘If you help the Keeper escape; he will swallow all life!’
 ‘You think so? You think wrong。 He will reward those who serve him。 He will grant me things the Creator never could。’
 He stabbed at her; but the sword slid to the side。 ‘He’s lying to you!’
 Her blade whistled past his face。 Her calm; deliberate attacks were relentless。 ‘We have a bargain。 My oath seals it。’
 ‘And you believe he will keep his end?’
 ‘Join with us; Richard; and I will show you the glory that awaits those who serve him。 You can live forever。’
 Richard leapt to the top of a rock。 ‘Never!’
 She looked up with a cold detachment。 ‘I thought this would be pleasurable; but I find I am growing bored。’
 Liliana swept a hand out。 Twisting; snaking lightning came from the hand; but it was not like any lightning he had ever seen before。
 It was black lightning。
 Instead of a bolt of light and heat; it was an undulating void; as dark as the night stone; as dark as the boxes of Orden; as dark as eternal death。 The dim; moonlit scene seemed a sunny day in parison。
 Richard knew: he was seeing Subtractive Magic。
 Liliana swept the black lightning across the rock beneath his feet。 It effortlessly sliced a smooth…edged void through the rock。 The remaining part he stood atop collapsed onto the half below。 Trees behind for a good distance; severed in the same way; by the same black bolt; crashed to the ground in a roar of noise。
 Richard lost his footing and toppled backward onto the steep slope; tumbling down the hill。 He threw his arms out to stop himself when he hit the flat at the bottom; and immediately rolled over onto his back。 He looked up and gasped。
 Liliana was standing right over him; her sword held high in both hands。 By where she was looking; he knew she intended to cut off his legs。 He froze at seeing her sword mence its descent。
 What he was doing was not working。 He had to do something else; or he was going to die。
 Her blade was a blur in the moonlight。 He released himself; gave sanction to his inner self; his gift。 He would surrender to whatever was there; or he would die。 It was his only chance。 He found the calm center within; and did its bidding。
 He saw the Sword of Truth thrusting upward。 His knuckles were white with effort。 The sword was a white glow in the gloomy light。
 With all his force; he drove the hissing white blade into Liliana; under her ribs。 When the tip severed her spine; ing out her back between her shoulder blades; she went limp。 Only his sword and strength held her upright。
 Her mouth dropped open in a gasp。 Her sword fell; sticking in the ground to the side。 Her wide; pale eyes stared down at him。
 ‘I forgive you; Liliana;’ Richard whispered。
 Her arms twitched in an uncoordinated manner。 Terror rilled her eyes。 She tried to speak; but only blood frothed forth。
 There was an earsplitting crack; like a lightning strike; but instead of a flash of light; a ripple of total darkness swept through the forest。 Its touch made his heart skip a beat。 When it lifted; the moonlight seemed dazzling; and Liliana was dead。
 Richard knew … the Keeper had taken her。
 Before; he had called the sword’s white magic knowing full well what it meant。 This time; he had done as Nathan had told him; and let his instinct; his gift; call it forth。 It had been a surprise to him; both the instant calling of the white magic; and the fact that he had not consciously done it。
 Something within had known that that was what was needed to counter the Keeper’s hate that rilled Liliana。 Richard was left stunned by what had happened。 He stared down at Liliana as he withdrew his sword。 He had confided in her。 He had trusted her。
 He realized that he was still where he had started … with the collar around his neck; and no ideas of how to get it off。 Collar or no collar; he had to get through the barrier that kept him here。 He decided that he would go get his things from the palace; and then he would find a way through the invisible wall。
 As he wiped the sword clean on her clothes; he recalled how it had been in the center of the clearing; a good distance from him。 He had somehow called it to him; along with the magic。 The sword had flown through the air; and e into his hand。
 He set the sword on the ground; and experimentally called its magic。 The anger; the fury; filled him; as always。 He held his hand out and willed the blade to e to him。 It lay rock…solid on the ground。 Try as he might; it would not so much as twitch。
 Frustrated; he returned it to its scabbard。 He pulled Liliana’s sword from the ground and broke the blade over his knee。 When he threw it aside; he noticed something white nearby。
 White bones gleaming in the moonlight were mostly all that remained of the desiccated corpse。 Only the top half was there。 He assumed animals must have gotten the rest; but then he found the pelvis and legs; some distance away。 Tattered remains of a dress that matched the top half still surrounded the leg bones。
 Richard knelt; inspecting the upper body。 Animals had not touched it。 There was not a single tooth mark on any bone。 It remained now as it had fallen。
 With a frown; he saw that the bones of the lower spine were shattered。 He had never seen bones splintered in such a way。 It was as if this woman had been blown in half; while alive。
 He knelt silently; staring; wondering。 Someone had killed this woman。 Somehow; he knew: magic had killed this woman。
 ‘Who did this to you?’ he whispered down at the corpse。
 Slowly; a skeletal arm rose toward him in
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