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tg.stone of tears-第章

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 In a fury; without thinking; Richard came to his feet when the black lighting ceased; and ran outside。 He saw a dark form running down the path。
 Again; black lightning arced from the shadows。 The snaking void raked the courtyard。 Trees toppled over; limbs snapping and popping as the trees fell。 A stone wall collapsed when it was sliced in two。 The noise was deafening。
 When it stopped; Richard sprang to his feet again。 He was just about to start running down the path to find her; when an invisible hand snatched him; yanking him back。
 ‘Richard!’ Sister Verna’s growl was as strong as he had ever heard it。 ‘Get in here!’
 He returned to the Prelate’s room; panting when he stopped over Sister Verna。 ‘I have to go 。。。’
 She shot to her feet and grabbed his shirt in her real hand。 ‘Go what! Go get killed? What good will that do? Will that help Kahlan? Sister Ulicia is a master of powers you cannot even imagine!’
 ‘But she might get away。’
 ‘At least you will be alive when she does。 Now e help me with this table。 I think the Prelate is still alive。’
 Hope leapt to life in him。 ‘Are you sure?’
 Richard started pulling the broken pieces away; throwing them behind。 He found the body at the bottom of the debris。 Sister Verna was right。 The Prelate was alive; but looked seriously hurt。
 Sister Verna used her power to lift heavy pieces of the table and bookcases clear while Richard carefully pulled lesser chunks off the small woman。 She was wedged into the bottom bookshelf against the wall; and covered with blood。
 She groaned when Richard gently put his hands around her and drew her out。 He didn’t think she was long for this life。
 ‘We have to get help;’ he said。
 Sister Verna’s hands played over the Prelate’s body。 ‘Richard; this is very bad。 I can feel some of her injuries。 It’s more than I can help with。 I don’t know if anyone will be able to help with this。’
 Richard lifted Ann in his arms。 ‘I can’t let her die。 If anyone can help her; it’s Nathan。 e on。’
 Guards and Sisters came rushing; having heard the deafening roar of the power Sister Ulicia had unleashed。 Richard didn’t stop to explain as he made for Nathan’s pound。 He tried to hold Ann gently as he ran; but he knew by her groans that he was hurting her。
 Nathan came in from his courtyard when he heard them call。 ‘What was all that noise? What is it? What’s happened?’
 ‘It’s Ann。 She’s been hurt。’
 Nathan led him into the bedroom。 ‘I knew that stubborn woman was asking for trouble。’
 Richard laid Ann gently on the bed and stood near as Nathan experimentally glided his spread fingers over the length of her。 Sister Verna waited and watched from the doorway。
 Nathan pushed up his sleeves。 This is serious。 I don’t know if I can help her。’
 ‘Nathan; you have to try!’
 ‘Of course I do; boy。’ He made a shooing motion with his hands。 ‘You two go wait out there。 This will take a while。 At least an hour or two before I know if what I can do will help enough。 Leave me to it。 You can be of no help。’
 Sister Verna sat with her back stiff while Richard paced。
 ‘Richard; why do you care so much what happens to the Prelate? She had you taken when she shouldn’t have。’
 Richard bed his hair back with his fingers。 ‘I guess because she had the chance to take me when I was little; and she didn’t。 She let me grow up with my parents。 She let me have their love。 What else is there to life; but the chance to be nurtured by love。 She could have taken that; too; but she didn’t。’
 ‘I’m glad; then; that you are not bitter。’
 Richard paced and thought。 He didn’t pace for long。
 ‘Sister; I can’t sit here doing nothing。 I’m going to talk to the guards。 We need to know where those teachers of mine are; and what they’re doing。 The guards will find out for me。’
 ‘I suppose it couldn’t hurt。 Go talk to the guards。 It will make the time pass more quickly。’
 Richard strode down the dark; stone corridors; deep in thought。 He needed to find out where Sisters Tovi; Cecilia; Merissa; Nicci; and Armina were。 Any … or all … could be Sisters of the Dark。 Who knew what they were planning next。 They could all be looking for him。 They could all be 。。。
 Stunning pain hurled him back。 It felt as if he had been whacked across the face with a club。 He staggered to his feet; the world spinning and tipping。 He dumbly felt for blood; but there was none。
 Another blow smashed into the back of his head。 He pushed himself up on his hands; trying to decipher where he was。 His thoughts came thick and slow。 He struggled to understand what was happening。
 A dark shadow stood over him。 With an effort; and halting movements; he came to his feet again。 He groped for his sword; but couldn’t remember which hand to use。 He couldn’t make himself move fast enough。
 ‘Out for a walk; country boy?’
 Richard looked up at a smirking Jedidiah; standing tall with his hands in opposite sleeves。 Richard found the hilt of his sword。 He sluggishly worked at drawing it。 He lurched back as he battled to bring the magic forth。
 As the rage flooded into his foggy brain; Jedidiah pulled his hands out。 He had a dacra。 His arm lifted; the silver knife in his fist。 Richard wondered what he should do; and if this was real。 Maybe he would wake and find it only a dream。
 At the apex of his swing; light seemed to e from within Jedidiah’s eyes。 Slowly at first; and then with gathering speed; Jedidiah toppled forward; slamming face…first to the stone floor。
 A ripple of heart…stopping darkness swept though the corridor。
 When the torchlight returned; Sister Verna was standing behind where Jedidiah had stood。 She had a dacra in her hand。 Richard collapsed to his knees; still trying to gather his wits。
 Sister Verna rushed forward; putting her hands to the sides of his head。 Alertness jolted into his mind。 As he came to his feet; he glanced down at the body; seeing a small; round hole in the back。
 ‘I thought I had better go talk to some of the Sisters;’ she explained。 ‘I realized that the more people who know about the Sisters of the Dark; the better。’
 ‘He was the one; wasn’t he? He was the one you loved。’
 She slipped the dacra back up her sleeve。 ‘He wasn’t the Jedidiah I knew。 The Jedidiah I knew was a good man。’
 ‘I’m sorry; Sister Verna。’
 She nodded absently。 ‘You go talk to the guards。 I’ll talk to the Sisters。 Meet me back in Nathan’s room when you’re through。 I think it best if we catch a few hours’ sleep there; instead of our rooms。’
 ‘I think you’re right。 We can get our things when it’s light; and then be off。’
 When he heard Nathan e into the room; Richard sat up in the chair and rubbed his eyes。 Sister Verna rose more quickly from the couch。 Richard blinked; trying to banish the haze of sleep。
 They both had been up late。 The whole palace was in an uproar。 What had happened in the Prelate’s office was proof enough of the mythical Sisters of the Dark。 Doubters had only to ta
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