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tg.stone of tears-第章

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ck into this world。 He said he was here to tear the veil。’
 Warren’s eyes opened wide。 His worried gaze darted to the Sister; and then back to Richard。 ‘If Darken Rahl is an agent; as you said; and he has someone to help him; then we are only one element away from destruction … the skrin bone。 We need to know。’
 Richard pushed the mriswith cape back over his shoulder。 ‘Sister Verna; would you help me?’
 ‘What is it you would like me to do?’
 The first time you told me how to try to touch my Han; I decided to concentrate on a mental image of my sword。 But that time; the first time; I used a background to put it against。 It was something from the book of magic I told you about。 The Book of Counted Shadows。
 ‘When I tried to touch my Han; with the sword on that background; something happened。 I was somehow in D’Hara; in the People’s Palace; where the boxes are。 I saw Darken Rahl。 He saw me; too; and spoke to me。 He told me he was waiting for me。’
 Sister Verna’s eyebrows lifted。 ‘Did this ever happen again?’
 ‘No。 It frightened the wits out of me。 I never used that background again。 I think if I use that background now; I may be able to see what is happening there。’
 She folded her hands together before herself。 ‘I’ve never heard of such a thing。 But it may have something to do with the Magic of Orden。 It would not be the first thing about you that astonished me。 It could be real; or just a fear; like a dream。’
 ‘I need to try。 Would you sit with me? I’m afraid of not being able to pull back。’
 ‘Of course; Richard。’ She sat down on the ground and held up a hand。 ‘e。 I will be with you。’
 Richard pulled the mriswith cape around himself as he sat down; folding his legs。 ‘This thing hides my Han; maybe it will work to keep Darken Rahl from seeing me this time。’
 Richard relaxed himself as he held hands with Sister ‘Verna。 He concentrated on the mental image of the sword against the black square with a white border; as he had done the first time。 As he concentrated; seeking the calm center; something began to happen。
 The sword; the black square; and the white border all began to shimmer as if seen through heat waves; the same as the first time。 The solid form of the sword softened; being transparent; and then vanished。 The background dissolved。 Once again; Richard was looking into the Garden of Life; at the People’s Palace。
 He searched the filmy image; seeing white bones where before he had seen burned bodies。 He remembered them lying over the short walls; in bushes; and sprawled on the grass。 They were much as he remembered; only now they were mostly exposed bones。
 Richard saw the white; glowing figure of Darken Rahl; but he was not standing before the stone altar; before the three boxes of Orden。 He was near the circle that had held white sand。 The sand had not been there the last time he had seen this vision。
 A woman in a long; brown skirt and white blouse knelt at Darken Rahl’s feet; bent over the circle of sand。 Richard willed himself closer。 She was drawing lines in the sparkling sorcerer’s sand。 Richard remembered some of the symbols she was drawing; Darken Rahl had drawn them before when he had opened the box。
 Richard watched her hand moving slowly; carefully; as she drew the lines of spells。 Her right hand; he noticed; was missing the little finger。
 In the center of the circle; in the center of the sorcerer’s sand; sat a round object。 Richard went closer。 It was carved all over with beasts; just as the Prelate had described。
 Richard wanted to scream with rage。
 Just then; Darken Rahl lifted his face; and looked right into Richard’s eyes。 A smile slowly spread on his lips。
 Richard didn’t know if Darken Rahl was really looking at him or not; but he didn’t wait to find out。 With desperate effort; he forced the image of the sword back into his mind; like slamming a door; at the same time banishing the black…and…white background。
 With a gasp; Richard forced his eyes open。 His chest heaved。
 Sister Verna’s eyes came open; too。 ‘Richard; are you all right? You’ve been at it an hour。 I felt you trying to pull back; so I pulled with you。 What happened? What did you see?’
 ‘An hour?’ Richard was still trying to catch his breath。 ‘I saw Darken Rahl; and the skrin bone。 He had a woman there; helping him draw spells in the sorcerer’s sand。’
 Warren leaned over Richard’s shoulder。 ‘Maybe it was just a vision of a fear。 It may not have been real。’
 ‘Warren could be right;’ Sister Verna said。 She drew her lower lip through her teeth as she thought。 ‘What did the woman look like?’
 ‘Wavy; shoulder…length brown hair; maybe about your size。 She was bent over; drawing in the sand; so I couldn’t see her eyes。’ Richard pressed his fingers to his forehead as he thought。 ‘Her hand。 She was missing the little finger on her right hand。’
 Warren groaned。 Sister Verna’s eyes slid closed。
 ‘What? What’s the matter?’
 ‘Sister Odette;’ she said。 That’s Sister Odette。’
 Warren nodded confirmation。 ‘She has been gone for close to six months。 I thought she went to get a boy。’
 ‘Curse the spirits;’ Richard said under his breath。 He sprang to his feet。 ‘Warren; run and get Du Chaillu。 Tell her we must leave right now。’
 He ground his teeth in frustration。 He had thought he had all the time he needed。 Well; he still had enough time; if he hurried。
 Du Chaillu seemed in a trance as Richard pulled her forward by the hand。 With the Sword of Truth in his other hand; Richard was in a world of his own; too。 His thundering rage was a match for the angry black clouds。 The spells of magic circled them like a pack of dogs around a porcupine; angry and insistent; but holding their distance as they searched for an opening。
 Wisps of light emerged from the darkness and whirled around them; spiraling down to vanish into an aura that surrounded Du Chaillu。 She seemed to be absorbing the magic; as Sister Verna told him she had done before。 Together; they were the pleted link Warren had told him the old books said would contain the power and bring the towers down。
 Through the waves of heat and the boiling mist; Richard saw the first tower。 He pulled Du Chaillu onward; toward the glistening black wall that disappeared into the darkness overhead。 Dust and dirt lifted around them as they rushed toward the arched opening in the wall。 Spells snatched at them; but their light was sucked to Du Chaillu。
 Richard acted without thought; not knowing what drove him onward; and not trying to stop it。 If he was to succeed; if he was to save Kahlan; he had to let those things within himself guide him。 He had to hope that if he truly had the gift; it would react on instinct; as Nathan had told him; and do what was needed。
 Du Chaillu seemed not to notice the sparkling black sand they stood on in the center of the tower。 She seemed lost in a private spell of her own; in the power passed down to her from those who built the towers and took her people’s land。 So far; she had done her half of
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