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tg.stone of tears-第章

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to her from those who built the towers and took her people’s land。 So far; she had done her half of what was needed; she had protected him。 Now Richard had to do his part。
 On impulse; holding her hand tight in his; he lifted the sword high in the other; pointing it straight up。 He lost himself in the fury of the magic; letting it overwhelm him。 He felt the heat of it in the calm center he had always sought。 He let the rage fill the void。
 Lightning exploded from the sword; arcing up into the darkness overhead; jumping from one wall to the other; bathing them all in liquid light。 The noise was deafening。
 Fire raced through the black stone until the whole of the tower glowed; the stone turning white in the heat of the luminous discharge。
 Richard felt as if the lightning were passing through him; too。 It seared him with its power; erupting outward; and up through the sword。 Only his rage enabled him to endure the ferocity of the onrushing force ing from within。
 Flickering webs of lightning cascaded down the walls and across the black sand; until everything was alive with it。 The black sand turned white; as had the walls; and the world burned with pulsing fire and light。
 Abruptly; it ended。 The lightning cut off; the fire winked out; and the roar of noise ceased; leaving silence ringing in his ears。 The polished black stone of the tower was left a blinding white gloss。
 Du Chaillu seemed still not to notice what was around her; and Richard pulled her onward; to plete the task for which they both had been born。
 In the white tower; as he held the sword high; he expected the flash of heat and light again; but it did not e。 Instead; the counter to it; the balance to it; exploded forth。
 Concussion ripped the air; threatening to strip flesh from bone; as black lightning blasted upward; a void in the light。 Like the lightning before; Richard felt the might of the power erupting from deep within himself; as if his very soul were pouring it forth。 The snaking void in the light raked the walls; and; with a thunderous roar; pierced a void into the darkness above。
 As the black lightning twisted into the darkness overhead; shadows oozed down the white walls; making it seem as if they were melting into the depths of eternal night。 Darkness reached the ground and flowed toward them; soaking into the white sand; turning it black。
 Richard never gave thought to trying to escape the encroaching night。 When it reached them; he felt as if they were being plunged into icy water。 Du Chaillu; her eyes closed; shivered with the touch of it。 Richard noted it; but through the wrath of the sword’s magic; it was a distant sensation that only fed the anger。
 It seemed the whole world had vanished forever into inky obscurity。 Light; and vision; were beyond even memory。
 Richard felt the undulating; twisting rope of the black lightning; the void in the world of life; cut off。 Sudden silence replaced the cacophony。 He could hear himself breathing hard。 He could hear Du Chaillu doing the same。 Light and life and warmth emerged from the cold void。
 Outside; through the arches in the stone; now glossy black where it was once white; Richard could see light ing through the thinning fog。 The ground that before was baked and barren was now green and lush。 Still holding hands; he and Du Chaillu stood in the archway; watching the haze and smoke lift on a world no one had seen in thousands of years。
 Hand in hand; they walked out into the cool air; across the thick grass; and through shafts of sunlight。 The storms of spells were gone; the dark clouds they spawned evaporating as they lifted。 The air smelled fresh and clean。 The feel of life vibrated around them。
 The valley off to the pale blue line of mountains in the distance was lush and green。 Groves of trees were gathered in places along meandering streams。 Gentle rises overlaid each other in differing shades of green。
 Richard could understand why the Baka Ban Mana would want their land back。 It was a place that simply looked like home。 This was a place of light and hope that would have stayed in a people’s heart throughout all the dark centuries。 It was not a place that belonged to them … it was they that belonged to this place。
 ‘You have done it; Caharin’ Du Chaillu said。 ‘You have returned our home from beyond the mist。’
 Richard saw a few people scattered about in the distance; those who had been trapped in spells for untold years。 They wandered aimless and confused。 He had to find two he knew。
 Sister Verna and Warren galloped toward them; bringing his horse。 Before they had pletely stopped; Richard was up on Bonnie。 Du Chaillu thrust a hand up。 She wanted to go with him。 Reluctantly; he pulled her up behind。
 ‘Richard;’ Warren said; ‘that was astonishing! How did you do it?’
 ‘I haven’t the slightest idea; Warren。 I had been hoping you could explain it to me。’
 Richard galloped Bonnie off in the direction he remembered seeing Chase and Rachel when he had been through the valley the first time。 Warren and Sister Verna followed after。 It wasn’t long before he found them sitting on the bank of a brook。 Chase; with his arm around Rachel’s shoulders; and his usual look of strained tolerance nowhere in evidence; looked confused。
 Richard swung his leg over Bonnie’s neck and leapt down。 ‘Chase! Are you all right?’
 ‘Richard? What’s going on? Where are we? We were ing to get you。 You can’t go 。。。’ He looked around。 ‘You can’t go into the valley。 Zedd needs you。 The veil is torn。’
 ‘I know。’ Richard handed the reins to Sister Verna and quickly introduced everyone。 ‘My friends will explain it all to you。’ He put a knee to the ground in front of Rachel。 The dark; amber…colored Stone of Tears hung on a chain around her neck; just as he remembered it。 ‘Rachel; are you all right? How do you feel?’
 She blinked up at him。 ‘I was in a nice place; Richard。’
 This is a nice place; too。 You will be fine; now。 Rachel; did Zedd give you that stone?’
 She nodded。 ‘He said you might want it; and I was to keep it for you; until you came to get it。’
 That’s why I’m here; Rachel。 May I have it; then?’
 She smiled and pulled it over her head。 Richard unclasped the chain and pulled the Stone off。 Holding it in his hand; he could feel its warmth; and Zedd’s presence。
 The chain was too small for him。 He handed it back to Rachel; telling her it looked prettier on her than it would on him; and then strung the Stone onto a leather thong he had ready。
 He hung the Stone of Tears around his neck; along with the Agiel and the dragon’s tooth。 From the corner of his eye; he watched the distant dot growing in the sky。
 ‘Richard;’ Warren said; ‘after seeing what I just saw; with the towers; I have no doubt you can do what you say you can do; but you have no time to reach where you must go。 Tomorrow; the world is going to end if you don’t get there。 What are you going to do?’
 ‘Where is it we are going; my husband?’ Du Chaillu asked。
 ‘‘We’ are not going anywhere; Du Chaillu。 You ar
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